Texas @ Iowa State on ESPN 7:00

Sports don't work that way. Iowa also nearly beat Penn St. who is better than USC. Yes, Iowa would beat Texas because they are awful. ISU played their Super Bowl, we see it year after year after year. They play us tough as nails, and they shit themselves vs everyone else.

I didnt really ask if Texas is better than Iowa. I asked if people thought they could go out to LA and hang with USC. I also think it's a bit humorous that fans here are making fun of two teams:

Iowa St -- who had Iowa on the ropes and physically & athletically dominated Iowa's D

Texas -- who lost to a team with 2 athletic QBs because their defense couldn't keep up (sound familiar?) and @USC in OT and who despite playing poorly beat ISU on the road

My point is that Texas, Iowa, & ISU are probably all evenly matched teams that each have an advantage over the other teams but would be disadvantaged as well.
Interesting to read 6 page thread from Iowa fans about how bad Texas is when they only gave up 7 points and didn't need OT to win at ISU. The same Texas team that took USC to OT in LA a few weeks back. Could Iowa have done that?

Agree..........we couldn't stop Montgomery or their passing game. Give credit to a good Texas D. They seem to get ample pressure with 3 down linemen in addition to blitzing LB's frequently. Park was too comfortable too often against Iowa. ISU also does themselves no favor with an offense that oftentimes eats up little clock and keeps their D on the field much longer than the opponent over the course of some games........Texas and Iowa games being examples.
I didnt really ask if Texas is better than Iowa. I asked if people thought they could go out to LA and hang with USC. I also think it's a bit humorous that fans here are making fun of two teams:

Iowa St -- who had Iowa on the ropes and physically & athletically dominated Iowa's D

Texas -- who lost to a team with 2 athletic QBs because their defense couldn't keep up (sound familiar?) and @USC in OT and who despite playing poorly beat ISU on the road

My point is that Texas, Iowa, & ISU are probably all evenly matched teams that each have an advantage over the other teams but would be disadvantaged as well.

Let me counter with a few points:

1) Iowa State had a home Saturday non conference game at 11am. The game sold out, tickets were going for $150+ on stubhub, the crowd was loud as they've ever been, the team was as jacked up as they could possibly be, the coach wouldn't call the opponent by name and put a countdown clock in the football building.

2) Iowa State had a thursday night CONFERENCE game on national television vs a blue blood school in prime time. There were thousands of seats remaining, the crowd was never into the game, the team wasn't into the game, the coach shoulder checked his QB and let 7 minutes run off the game in the 4th quarter with 2 timeouts remaining. nobody cared

Iowa State and their fans try to pretend like the Iowa game isn't their Super Bowl, but last night proved it. The argument over and done with. Their fans care more about the Iowa game, their players care more about the Iowa game, their coach with the "team out east" and countdown clock cares more about Iowa game.
I didnt really ask if Texas is better than Iowa. I asked if people thought they could go out to LA and hang with USC. I also think it's a bit humorous that fans here are making fun of two teams:

Iowa St -- who had Iowa on the ropes and physically & athletically dominated Iowa's D

Texas -- who lost to a team with 2 athletic QBs because their defense couldn't keep up (sound familiar?) and @USC in OT and who despite playing poorly beat ISU on the road

My point is that Texas, Iowa, & ISU are probably all evenly matched teams that each have an advantage over the other teams but would be disadvantaged as well.
I would love for the Hawks to play Texas or USC. Does the clowns really want to take on PSU?
Texas is a very bad football team, that ISU and it's coaches let dictate the type of game they wanted. Iowa was actually forced to play ISU's game and was good enough to win.

All valid points, but they were still winning by double digits in the 4th. If you blow that lead you probably suck. Now it continues.
Interesting to read 6 page thread from Iowa fans about how bad Texas is when they only gave up 7 points and didn't need OT to win at ISU. The same Texas team that took USC to OT in LA a few weeks back. Could Iowa have done that?
Agree. Not just this thread. Any thread. Either people don't what words mean or everything is a hyperbole or exaggeration (see what I did there?). Comparing scoreboards is useless. Games are not played on a static field.
I didnt really ask if Texas is better than Iowa. I asked if people thought they could go out to LA and hang with USC. I also think it's a bit humorous that fans here are making fun of two teams:

Iowa St -- who had Iowa on the ropes and physically & athletically dominated Iowa's D

Texas -- who lost to a team with 2 athletic QBs because their defense couldn't keep up (sound familiar?) and @USC in OT and who despite playing poorly beat ISU on the road

My point is that Texas, Iowa, & ISU are probably all evenly matched teams that each have an advantage over the other teams but would be disadvantaged as well.

Bad teams can wins games, it doesn't mean they aren't bad teams. Texas almost beat USC, they are a bad team. Doesn't mean they can't play a good game. Texas won't even make a bowl game this year. I don't think ISU will either. Just because ISU played well vs Iowa doesn't make them a good team.

So yeah, I will continue to make fun of bad teams.
All valid points, but they were still winning by double digits in the 4th. If you blow that lead you probably suck. Now it continues.

And Iowa blew a double digit lead in the 3rd quarter. Penn St. blew a lead vs Iowa, then Iowa blew the lead vs Penn St.

A game is 60 minutes long. This whole "we blew the game stuff" is kinda crap. Play 60 minutes and the team with the lead at the end (or end of OT) wins. It isn't like the first 50 minutes count more than the last 10.
The pregame show had compared their running back Montgomery to Saquon Barkley, and then he gets a handful of carries in the game. While Park throws air mail packages early and often and the turnovers come later in the game.

I think they stated at the end of the game that they ended up with 10 total yds of rushing. Think about that, that is hard to do! They had some good runs to the outside earlier in the game. They went away from it and just chucked it on every down.
Let me counter with a few points:

1) Iowa State had a home Saturday non conference game at 11am. The game sold out, tickets were going for $150+ on stubhub, the crowd was loud as they've ever been, the team was as jacked up as they could possibly be, the coach wouldn't call the opponent by name and put a countdown clock in the football building.

2) Iowa State had a thursday night CONFERENCE game on national television vs a blue blood school in prime time. There were thousands of seats remaining, the crowd was never into the game, the team wasn't into the game, the coach shoulder checked his QB and let 7 minutes run off the game in the 4th quarter with 2 timeouts remaining. nobody cared

Iowa State and their fans try to pretend like the Iowa game isn't their Super Bowl, but last night proved it. The argument over and done with. Their fans care more about the Iowa game, their players care more about the Iowa game, their coach with the "team out east" and countdown clock cares more about Iowa game.

Yea, I noticed the upper part of that stadium was pretty empty. This for a night game when basically one of a few game being played in primetime on a Thursday against Texas, which was the first conference game of the season. There were seats to be filled.
Weekday games suck. That's all. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the lowest attended game all season.
This all of course coming off a bye weekend for ISU. Looking at that offense it was like what in the heck did they do during the bye week?!??!??!? And the play calls and punting inside opponents 40 when your defense is playing relatively well until that last drive where Texas just ate it up.
And that helmet decal is atrocious! Looks like some comic or something a minor league baseball team comes up with for a logo. Either a bugel snack chip or a poop emoji.
Watching the rest of the Big 12 play over the past few weeks...I think ISU beats Kansas at home, and that's their only remaining win on the schedule. Except for that game, they're going to be underdogs the rest of the way. Looking at a 3-9 season
#1 Thursday night games are JV.
#2 clone uniforms keep getting worse and worse. They still have no established brand. Unless your brand is Bugles.
#3 UT was in a 3 man front most of the game, yet isu threw the ball 48 times and ran it nine. 9 times with Montgomery as your RB?? That is a crime.
Those helmets were horrendous. Combined with the grey pants...yikes. Looks like more of an arena football team or something.

Uniforms were a close 2nd to the Texas offense. Felt like I was watching the 2016 Iowa offense. How can the Texas O line and backs be so terrible?!? Their back, granted there weren't many holes, kept just running direcyinto the backs of his lineman. Zero vision or speed. So odd to see from a Texas team.
LOL at ISU for only attempting to run the ball 15 times including QB sacks while having a 1980's movie villain throw 48 times, most of them sailing high.

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