PC said, "...I heard somewhere recently that the biggest issue with the left is they block out any info they don't agree with..."
I try to be open to new info, but if the info isn't logical or backed by evidence, or if the source of the info is a pathological liar or Fox (but I repeat myself), I tend not so much to block further info from that source as to look very skeptically at the new info.
PC said, "The left does a pretty damn good job of putting out their narrative so its easy to buy into it. I think they overplayed their hand with covid and now a lot of people see whats going on."
This second statement is amorphous. What does it mean? If you are referring to enforced masking and school closures, much that was done by the left at local, state and national levels was overdone, but I believe that the judgement of overdone-ness could only be made in retrospect. With this new, potentially fatal disease for which we were largely unprepared, I can understand how the authorities would err on the side of over-caution. Science needed time to understand and then develop treatments for the disease, so, in the meantime, it recommended precautions (masking) for a potentially airborne disease. It seemed to be most devastating for older people, while younger people seemed to be largely unaffected while at the same time being able to transmit the disease. Older people worked in the schools, and many kids lived with or around older people, so the schools were closed so as to reduce the potential for transmission from kid to kid to older people. In the meantime, hospitals were filled to the brim with Covid patients. The authorities basically were flying blind, throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping some would stick. So I have to ask you, if you were a person responsible for protecting the people from severe illness or death, and you had limited information about a new virulent disease, what would you have done?