Starting to hear some ugly rumors coming out of the Barnstormers AAU program

We always hear on the news when talking about an individual reported to be on the sexual registry, that they are a low risk, medium risk or high risk to re-offend. Do you have anything to add or touch on the vetting that goes on to determine the risk level for these individuals? Is it all by interviewing the individual, well along with history for some?

When I was in my mid 20s I got busted for peeing outside a bar in an alley at 2 in the morning. If I ever get busted again, I guarantee I'll be low risk to ever sexually assault a little kid, even tho I will be on the same list as them. What a joke to put someone on a list like that that has no business being on it. That list should be reserved for terrible people. Sorry for the rant but that bugs me. My wife sent me a picture of a map of sexual offenders that live in my neighborhood just the other day. I seriously responded "we don't know if they assaulted a kid or peed in public". That question shouldn't have to be asked.
When I was in my mid 20s I got busted for peeing outside a bar in an alley at 2 in the morning. If I ever get busted again, I guarantee I'll be low risk to ever sexually assault a little kid, even tho I will be on the same list as them. What a joke to put someone on a list like that that has no business being on it. That list should be reserved for terrible people. Sorry for the rant but that bugs me. My wife sent me a picture of a map of sexual offenders that live in my neighborhood just the other day. I seriously responded "we don't know if they assaulted a kid or peed in public". That question shouldn't have to be asked.

I've seen the map and it's disturbing, well, until one gets desensitized to it. Many state what the perp did. Many state "laviscious acts with .......".
I clearly remember as a young boy trying to be enticed or picked up in my small hometown in NE Iowa by some middle aged (50-60) man that I don't believe lived in our town. I can still vividly picture the intersection where I was and his green car he was driving. I never told anybody. I got the hell out of there and just went along with my day.

It's scary being a parent today no doubt. My wife back in her teen years had someone try and abduct her into a car. Her sister came around the corner and screamed and the guy left.

That said, 90 percent of abuse is done by someone well known the the child.
It's scary being a parent today no doubt. My wife back in her teen years had someone try and abduct her into a car. Her sister came around the corner and screamed and the guy left.

That said, 90 percent of abuse is done by someone well known the the child.

Unfortunately the Johnny Gosch and Eugene Martins of the world were the sacrificial lambs for many kids growing up the the 1970's and 1980's with the heightened awareness. I will never forget their names, and every kid was scared to death after those abductions.
We always hear on the news when talking about an individual reported to be on the sexual registry, that they are a low risk, medium risk or high risk to re-offend. Do you have anything to add or touch on the vetting that goes on to determine the risk level for these individuals? Is it all by interviewing the individual, well along with history for some?

I'm not nearly as aware as back then ... This was 30 years ago, when sexual abuse began to expand beyond the obvious "criminal" acts -- peeping Toms, molestations and rapes -- to include those "dirty little secrets" of ongoing, ritualistic sexual abuse of children, often times over most of their pre-teen and adolescent years. It was when the term, "Survivor" was coined. The perps I worked with were not incarcerated, just court ordered to stay away from / have zero contact with their family (especially their children, whom they had victimized) and complete outpatient treatment.

Since then there have been many studies - some that show general recidivism to be similar to other violent crimes, some that show it being much higher in terms of repeating the same act compared to simply re-offending with a different crime.

All I remember, the longer the perp had gotten away with it, as well as the degree and length of time they had experienced their own abuse, the more difficult it was to get them to sincerely recognize their actions to be a harmful crime and take empathetic accountability for it. (Again, there's that "hard-wired defect" that is REALLY difficult to "rewire".) That recognition and accountability are still very fundamental to not only benefiting from treatment but also being judged "safe" to rejoin society.
Unfortunately the Johnny Gosch and Eugene Martins of the world were the sacrificial lambs for many kids growing up the the 1970's and 1980's with the heightened awareness. I will never forget their names, and every kid was scared to death after those abductions.

Growing up then, we were the original latch key kids. One of the reasons why we've sacrificed a lot so my kids always had a parent around. Those abductions were terrible.

One of the biggest ways we managed a large family that was was cutting on vehicle expenses. I routinely run cars well into the 200 000 plus range on mileage. Our retirement sacrificed quite a bit too.

But still, it is very hard to protect kids.
So, what happens if this guy isn't ever actually charged?

Are you thinking charges won't be filed? It sounds like there is already sufficient evidence to bring charges, but as the prosecution you only get 1 chance with the charges. You can't trump them up later. They need to take their time and build a stronger case and make sure the charges are big enough to keep the sicko behind bars.
Are you thinking charges won't be filed? It sounds like there is already sufficient evidence to bring charges, but as the prosecution you only get 1 chance with the charges. You can't trump them up later. They need to take their time and build a stronger case and make sure the charges are big enough to keep the sicko behind bars.

Do they travel out of state? I'm guessing yes and therefore the FBI.
I'm not nearly as aware as back then ... This was 30 years ago, when sexual abuse began to expand beyond the obvious "criminal" acts -- peeping Toms, molestations and rapes -- to include those "dirty little secrets" of ongoing, ritualistic sexual abuse of children, often times over most of their pre-teen and adolescent years. It was when the term, "Survivor" was coined. The perps I worked with were not incarcerated, just court ordered to stay away from / have zero contact with their family (especially their children, whom they had victimized) and complete outpatient treatment.

Since then there have been many studies - some that show general recidivism to be similar to other violent crimes, some that show it being much higher in terms of repeating the same act compared to simply re-offending with a different crime.

All I remember, the longer the perp had gotten away with it, as well as the degree and length of time they had experienced their own abuse, the more difficult it was to get them to sincerely recognize their actions to be a harmful crime and take empathetic accountability for it. (Again, there's that "hard-wired defect" that is REALLY difficult to "rewire".) That recognition and accountability are still very fundamental to not only benefiting from treatment but also being judged "safe" to rejoin society.

I'm more concerned about victims and how the brain gets rewired.
Kids abused from an early age don't have a normal to get back to and that is a huge problem.
I'm not nearly as aware as back then ... This was 30 years ago, when sexual abuse began to expand beyond the obvious "criminal" acts -- peeping Toms, molestations and rapes -- to include those "dirty little secrets" of ongoing, ritualistic sexual abuse of children, often times over most of their pre-teen and adolescent years. It was when the term, "Survivor" was coined. The perps I worked with were not incarcerated, just court ordered to stay away from / have zero contact with their family (especially their children, whom they had victimized) and complete outpatient treatment.

Since then there have been many studies - some that show general recidivism to be similar to other violent crimes, some that show it being much higher in terms of repeating the same act compared to simply re-offending with a different crime.

All I remember, the longer the perp had gotten away with it, as well as the degree and length of time they had experienced their own abuse, the more difficult it was to get them to sincerely recognize their actions to be a harmful crime and take empathetic accountability for it. (Again, there's that "hard-wired defect" that is REALLY difficult to "rewire".) That recognition and accountability are still very fundamental to not only benefiting from treatment but also being judged "safe" to rejoin society.

30 years ago the Psychological Association said they couldn't find any harm from incest. Crazy.
There's that angle on it too. The fact parents are willing to put their kids out there to be acces
[QUOTE="revkev73, post: 1700269, member: 81504"]Pastor...wants to take boys from his youth group to a national youth rally...insists on saving money by having the boys "sleep" in his room...uuuuh, no..."well, then I won't take the boys." That's really weird bro... Resignation...

It takes a system of "support" to keep such people "in business"...PSU, Barnstormers, thousands of others... It takes a network of enablers..groomed...talented...sick...

Players who don't know any better...parents who "need" to have their kids become college and NBA guys who love to spend unlimited hours around "athletic boys"...perfect storm

This story will not have a happy ending...and the puke won't be far from the University of Iowa
Churches are the worst... There's a local church about 10 miles from me that had a convicted child molester some how become the head day care person.... He was in that spot for years before it came to light.
Think about it all of these people we are talking about Pastors, teachers, coaches, friends etc are still strangers to us all aren't they. How well can anybody know them. We don't hardly know our next door neighbors yet we think blindly trusting temporary custody of minor children off to these people is a good thing. I'd rather not risk that crap happening. childhoods won't be ruined because they didn't go on an overnight trip with a pastor or play AAU basketball away from home for weeks at a time. This idea that kids need to stay overnight with one another with limited supervision from strangers is ridiculous. Think about it we can't even leave our kids alone with doctors (MSU) That's where our world has gotten to.[/QUOTE]

The church has a horrible history. Missionary kids, Sunday School. However, most abusers are family members or very close friends so church not the worst.

Bet there are people on here that would slap the back of teen boys who "score" with a female teacher. Information is coming out that those are actually the most problematic with problems including suicidal tendencies.
Do they travel out of state? I'm guessing yes and therefore the FBI.
I would bet they do. It's a safe guess the FBI is involved now. There seems to be a lot to sort through with this. I'm sure they have their eyes on him so he don't try jumping the border. Charges are coming they just want to have as many of their ducks in a row as they can before allowing his slimy lawyer to try getting him off on bail.
There's an OK documentary on Nextflix called Where's Johnny. Ends up centered around Omaha and child porn/trafficking. I had no idea about this and i live in WDM
I don't buy into the Jeff Gannon theory, but there are some very interesting pics out there that seem rather convincing. I probably should just stop, but there's a lot of sick crap going on out there. :(