Southeastern/Indian Hills

Was at this game last night down in Burlington. Lots of athletes on both teams. Intense game that went double OT after Southeastern led by 28 at one point in the first half, and 23 at half time. Indian Hills ended up winning the game, and then inciting a brawl between the two teams that led to two people ending up in the hospital, one being an 80 year old woman who was pushed to the ground by Indian Hills players who were trying to get back in to the gym after they had been escorted out. The other person hospitalized was the son of Southeastern HC Terry Carroll, who was blindsided while trying to separate the teams by a player who had interest from Xavier and Cincinnati out of high school. Indian Hills had some notable players who were involved in the brawl. Most notably were 4* Jameel McKay (Marquette), 6'9" Richard Amardi (Iowa State), former McDonalds All-American/5 star/Memphis signee who transferred to Ole Miss before ever playing for Memphis, Jelan Kendrick (UNLV), 6'5" wing Dustin Hogue (ISU), and 6'5" Trinson White (UW-Milwaukee).
Was at this game last night down in Burlington. Lots of athletes on both teams. Intense game that went double OT after Southeastern led by 28 at one point in the first half, and 23 at half time. Indian Hills ended up winning the game, and then inciting a brawl between the two teams that led to two people ending up in the hospital, one being an 80 year old woman who was pushed to the ground by Indian Hills players who were trying to get back in to the gym after they had been escorted out. The other person hospitalized was the son of Southeastern HC Terry Carroll, who was blindsided while trying to separate the teams by a player who had interest from Xavier and Cincinnati out of high school. Indian Hills had some notable players who were involved in the brawl. Most notably were 4* Jameel McKay (Marquette), 6'9" Richard Amardi (Iowa State), former McDonalds All-American/5 star/Memphis signee who transferred to Ole Miss before ever playing for Memphis, Jelan Kendrick (UNLV), 6'5" wing Dustin Hogue (ISU), and 6'5" Trinson White (UW-Milwaukee).

Doesn't surprise me, those two teams have never gotten along. Don't know which is worse. At least SCC is still playing this year after cancelling the season before becauuse most to all players involved is criminal activity.
I'm a SCC season ticket holder and was at the game as well. I sit 6 rows up and the fight broke out in front of our section and wasn't pretty by any means. Anxious to hear how the suspensions are distrubuted because based on what I saw I'd be amazed if either team had enough fire power left to get through the first round of the playoffs.

One of the worst second halves I've ever seen the blackhawks play, but have to hand it to hills for never throwing in the towel. In my opinion the bad blood was there from the opening tip and the refs did absolutely nothing to keep the tempers in check. I was honestly suprised that the brawl didn't break out earlier at midcourt while a technical was being shot and the remaining 9 players were in eachothers faces running mouths. Amazed it didn't get the attention of the refs, but at the same time it wouldn't have mattered. I think both teams were equally responsible for their involvement in the brawl, however the officials were just as responsible.

The amazing thing is that the rivalry was that intense after they had a year off from playing eachother. Good to see coaches that hate eachother, definitely not lacking any passion.
On a side note, the two Hills players were bonded out of the Des Moines County jail on Friday night.

Anyone know if they've announced the suspensions yet? Since the Hawkeye is no longer available to non-subscribers I didn't have a chance read the article today.
Doesn't surprise me, those two teams have never gotten along. Don't know which is worse. At least SCC is still playing this year after cancelling the season before becauuse most to all players involved is criminal activity.

Not an issue at all at this point as nobody on last years team returned. Not sticking up for the players, but the coaching staff IMO did the right thing and cleaned house. Terry's a great coach and a good guy, it's unfortunate what happened last year, but he's moved on and in my opinion did a great job of putting things behind them.
Was at this game last night down in Burlington. Lots of athletes on both teams. Intense game that went double OT after Southeastern led by 28 at one point in the first half, and 23 at half time. Indian Hills ended up winning the game, and then inciting a brawl between the two teams that led to two people ending up in the hospital, one being an 80 year old woman who was pushed to the ground by Indian Hills players who were trying to get back in to the gym after they had been escorted out. The other person hospitalized was the son of Southeastern HC Terry Carroll, who was blindsided while trying to separate the teams by a player who had interest from Xavier and Cincinnati out of high school. Indian Hills had some notable players who were involved in the brawl. Most notably were 4* Jameel McKay (Marquette), 6'9" Richard Amardi (Iowa State), former McDonalds All-American/5 star/Memphis signee who transferred to Ole Miss before ever playing for Memphis, Jelan Kendrick (UNLV), 6'5" wing Dustin Hogue (ISU), and 6'5" Trinson White (UW-Milwaukee).

Looks like "the mayor" has a couple more fine citizens scheduled to join his program.
Not an issue at all at this point as nobody on last years team returned. Not sticking up for the players, but the coaching staff IMO did the right thing and cleaned house. Terry's a great coach and a good guy, it's unfortunate what happened last year, but he's moved on and in my opinion did a great job of putting things behind them.
TC is a great guy, he was my coach many moons ago. He's a beer snob, strictly Busch Light.
Never heard a good word about the man...knew a guy that played for him at IHCC

Ironic you say that as I have heard very little negative things about him. Considering the fact that he was a former Hills coach taking over the SCC program I'd of figured if that was the case we'd of heard more about it. Not saying your info is inaccurate, just saying he was the enemy coming into the program and seemed to have won the fan base over.
The whole thing should have been avoided. That officiating crew had no business doing that game.
Ironic you say that as I have heard very little negative things about him. Considering the fact that he was a former Hills coach taking over the SCC program I'd of figured if that was the case we'd of heard more about it. Not saying your info is inaccurate, just saying he was the enemy coming into the program and seemed to have won the fan base over.

Could have just been personal as well...guy I know not the most upstanding citizen.

Just some stuff that went on was bad, but probably goes on everywhere as well.
Could have just been personal as well...guy I know not the most upstanding citizen.

Just some stuff that went on was bad, but probably goes on everywhere as well.

Agreed, as a fan you always think your team runs a clean program, but I'm sure stuff goes on everywhere.
Never heard a good word about the man...knew a guy that played for him at IHCC

Well then let me the first. You couldn't find a more jovial happy guy. Not a mean bone in his body. He knows a lot of basketball, was a very good player himself, and the only weakness I saw as a coach was probably being to nice of a guy and should have been a little tougher at times.
Well then let me the first. You couldn't find a more jovial happy guy. Not a mean bone in his body. He knows a lot of basketball, was a very good player himself, and the only weakness I saw as a coach was probably being to nice of a guy and should have been a little tougher at times.

Couldn't agree more. That's the Terry I know as well.

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