Southeastern/Indian Hills

We're you actually there? I can only imagine. I saw one after a football game by fans at a Waterloo east vs west game and it was filthy.
We're you actually there? I can only imagine. I saw one after a football game by fans at a Waterloo east vs west game and it was filthy.

Yeah, I've been a SCC season ticket holder for 20 years and rarely miss a home game. My seats are 6 rows up and in the same corner the fight broke out. I chose to stay up in the bleachers with my wife and 2 year old son rather than going on to the court and trying to break things up. I'm a big guy, but in my opinion I'm not going to stand between multiple college athletes that are more toned then I ever was and try to break them up. Not my thing. The unfortunate part is that I texted a friend (who happens to work at the same jail that Ross was bonded out of) at halftime and made the comment that if the refs continued to let them play this physically/dirty that I'd be amazed if no one got ejected for fighting. I never imagined it would have been as bad as it was.
People blaming the officials because grown men decided to act like thugs and animals are idiots. The players, their families, and coaches are the reason that they are apparently unable to function in civilized society. To blame 3 people not associated with either team for this makes you look like a MORON.
Pretty dad display and here you are with your kid there. You should def send a letter to athletic director and president. School president, not oblacka
The ironic part is my two and a half year old was yelling "no fighting" during the melee, but wasn't upset by the brawl (probably because mom wasn't tall enough for him to get a good look). When we got back to the car he said "that was an awesome game...they was fighting". I'm so proud that he got to witness it (Sarcasm)
IMO, and from day one I believed neither team should be playing post season, but the part I find ironic is that they're put on probation and banned for post season play, not because they were responsible for two fans needing medical attention, but because the president posted a players bond. Unbelievable.

As a Blackhawk fan who was there and witnessed it first hand, the fact their president bailing him out was the thing that the NJCAA found the most troubling I find laughable. however, IMO I don't see a difference between him posting his bond or directly giving him cash. I wonder how this will affect his future eligibility and whether this will follow the player throughout his college career.
IMO, and from day one I believed neither team should be playing post season, but the part I find ironic is that they're put on probation and banned for post season play, not because they were responsible for two fans needing medical attention, but because the president posted a players bond. Unbelievable.

As a Blackhawk fan who was there and witnessed it first hand, the fact their president bailing him out was the thing that the NJCAA found the most troubling I find laughable. however, IMO I don't see a difference between him posting his bond or directly giving him cash. I wonder how this will affect his future eligibility and whether this will follow the player throughout his college career.

SCC and IHCC are taking turns at quitting their seasons early because of criminal activity. Wonder who will be next?
Hello President bail out his player his student just because he doesnt wanna leave behind to go home? What a dumb excuse! Burlington is not far from Ottumwa.We're right on 34 maybe 45 minutes apart.

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