Southeastern/Indian Hills

There was a editorial in the Burlington Hawkeye today from a eyewittness, BlackHawk fan I understand. But he says he saw the IH play throw the first sucker punch and the IH players run to the Burlington locker room after they left the Gym. Can anyone comfirm this ? If its true this is pretty much on them.
There was a editorial in the Burlington Hawkeye today from a eyewittness, BlackHawk fan I understand. But he says he saw the IH play throw the first sucker punch and the IH players run to the Burlington locker room after they left the Gym. Can anyone comfirm this ? If its true this is pretty much on them.

I was at the game and the fight broke out infront of my section. That said, it happened so quickly that I didn't see the first punch. Based on where the melee began (near the entrance to the Hills locker room) I was initially under the impression that a Blackhawk may have actually started it, but honestly cannot be sure. That night I attempted to watch the ending on the IHCC podcast, but at the moment the buzzer sounded, it zoomed in on the scoreboard where it remained the remainder of the podcast. The last thing I saw was the Blackhawk player, who was initially involved at the start of the fight approaching the half line, so I have no idea how he ended up turned around and involved in the altercation on the southeast corner of the gym (scc bench and locker room are northeast corner, IHCC bench is north west corner, and entrance to Ihcc locker room is southeast corner of gym).

It appeared the majority of the brawl occured around the freethrow lane under the east basket. Both teams had been seperated and were in their respective locker rooms or atleast the hallways at the time I left. I assumed everything was over as the primary way to get from my seats to the exit is to walk through that corner of the gym toward the exits located on the west end of the gym, I had my wife and two year old child so wasn't going to chance leaving before it had been broken up. We managed to get across the gym and to the exit without another incident. After I got to my car and closer to home (live 5 minutes away) I saw the amulance approaching and then as I was turning toward the street I live on I saw a squad car headed that direction.

While in the building I saw Billy Carroll get punched in the face, but did not see the older woman get injured. From everything I've been told (second hand) by people at the game, who sit near me, was that the Indian Hills players left their locker room area for "round 2", and I'm assuming this was in the main hallway on the west side of the gym, because that would primarily be where the elderly fan was exiting. Anything that happened after the players were seperated the first time is strictly hearsay, as I had already left.
I just finished reading the editorial and the only thing that I question was him saying that the first punch was the one that struck coach Carroll's son. IMO, as time slows down dramatically during something like that, that probably occured at least a minute after everything had been going on, so that part can be a bit misleading. While I'm not saying that IHCC is solely to blame or that SCC was completely innocent, I think the suspensions originally handed out for the brawl were legitimate, IMO the biggest problem that contributed to the chaos was the fans getting involved trying to break it up. These are college athletes that are much bigger and stronger than the fans and while I understand what Billy Carroll was doing, there was in my opinion no reason or excuse for him to enter the court to seperate the individuals. There also should have been security in place in the event something did happen. Two permar security guards were there, but lets not kid ourselves, it should have been off duty (or on duty) officers who are better trained for something like this.
So you would leave a player behind?

If the IHCC fanbase was anything like the SCC fanbase, which I know they are, there would have been a number of boosters or host families at that game that would have been willing to bail the player out. Whether their president knew that bylaw or not, the fact is that there is no way that the player would have been left behind with no way to get him back to Ottumwa. Furthermore, the individual broke the law and was anything but a victim, so maybe he deserved to be in jail for awhile and shouldn't have been bailed out immediately after. The president of IHCC can put the blame on himself not knowing the rules all he wants, but the fact is the player should be held accountable for what happened and the blame for the post season ban and probation being put entirely on the president of the school.
Also in response to the editorial, maybe some of the players did work there way out into the main hallway while the brawl was going on which could have been when the woman was injured, but I can't understand why they would leave their teammates (and the rest of the fight) to go out into the hallway at the complete other end of the gym when both entrances to the locker room were essentially located immediately on both sides of where the fight occured. I didn't see anything in the main hallway that indicated that anything happened there prior to me leaving once both teams had been seperated.

Not calling the individual who wrote the letter to the editor but I find it hard to believe that he witnessed Billy Carroll get punched (east side of gym) and the older lady knocked out (west hallway). could have happened, but I think there's a lot of speculation and second hand info involved. There was way to much going on at the east end of the gym for me to pay attention to anything going on at the west end or the main hallway.
Hello President bail out his player his student just because he doesnt wanna leave behind to go home? What a dumb excuse! Burlington is not far from Ottumwa.We're right on 34 maybe 45 minutes apart.

About an hour and a half. But, yeah, I would leave him Burlington.
Thanks Kicker, I have been to a number of games there so your discription of event makes sense. Didnt the editorial also say the IH coach got head butted ?
Thanks Kicker, I have been to a number of games there so your discription of event makes sense. Didnt the editorial also say the IH coach got head butted ?

It did. I hd heard that he required stitches as well, but can't confirm/deny if he was actually headbutted. From reports I read from the Ottumwa Courier on Sunday or Monday it indicated that he'd missed the majority of Saturday nights game due to concussion like symptoms and was taken to the ER that night from the game. So it sounds like whether fist or headbutt, he took quite a shot.
IMO the problem Juco's face is that when your team could be completely different each season with players coming and going and the late signing of these players, it really puts the staff in a tough situation as they don't have the extended time to recruit players as a DI program would. This leads to more programs taking gambles, because you simply may not have the time to really get to know who a player truly is or weigh the risks.

Not saying any of these kids are thugs, but generally at the juco level more chances are taken on these kids because they're only going to be there for a year or two at most and could mean a chance at a national championship. Both SCC and Indian Hills are elite juco programs and fortunately the events that have happened the past two seasons that have tainted the reputations of these programs are rare isolated incidents on otherwise very respectable programs.

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