Some things that have come out now that the Uthoff things is over

3. Iowa State was added to the restricted list when Bo was given information that ISU may be contacting Uthoff before the transfer release was granted. Bo couldn't find this out because Uthoff wouldn't talk to him.

If that is the case, why wouldn't Wisconsin just come out and say that they have reason to believe ISU was tampering, as has been done 100x before? A lot of this just seems like an after-the-fact attempt to save face.
If that is the case, why wouldn't Wisconsin just come out and say that they have reason to believe ISU was tampering, as has been done 100x before? A lot of this just seems like an after-the-fact attempt to save face.
because you can't say they were tampering if you don't have evidence. You may have a good reason to believe, but no proof....therefore you can't come out and say tampering. If you did, the NCAA would be involved and you'd need some sort of proof beyond rumors.
The lesson in all this is that a good tamperer leaves no evidence. Without evidence is there tampering? If a tree falls and nobody hears it did it make a sound?

I don't buy the tampering angle for a second. Wisconsin is just trying to scrape egg off of their face...unless they have evidence.
The lesson in all this is that a good tamperer leaves no evidence. Without evidence is there tampering? If a tree falls and nobody hears it did it make a sound?

I don't buy the tampering angle for a second. Wisconsin is just trying to scrape egg off of their face...unless they have evidence.

That's the whole point, they didn't have any direct evidence because Uthoff wouldn't talk to them. All they had were rumors and if you are a head coach trying to protect your program, you'd err on the side of restricting a school you thought MIGHT be tampering until you had a chance to sit down with the kid and talk to him. Which is exactly what Wisky did.
That's the whole point, they didn't have any direct evidence because Uthoff wouldn't talk to them. All they had were rumors and if you are a head coach trying to protect your program, you'd err on the side of restricting a school you thought MIGHT be tampering until you had a chance to sit down with the kid and talk to him. Which is exactly what Wisky did.

Just a crazy thought, but if there was any truth to the fact that Uthoff refused to communicate with anyone and that was so important to Bo and the University couldn't he have simply said "I'll approve your transfer after we have a face to face meeting"?? Not a media person in the world would have likely had an issue with that. Also why didn't they deny all of the schools on the list? Why at first was the reason because that's what all coaches do and then it suddenly changed to it's because I wanted to force him to explain his reason?

I think you are making a lot of assumptions based on Bo's interview and the Wisconsin press release. The way he did it came off as vindictive and now the PR folks have stepped in and they're simply trying to save face (yes now I'm making assumptions).
That's the whole point, they didn't have any direct evidence because Uthoff wouldn't talk to them. All they had were rumors and if you are a head coach trying to protect your program, you'd err on the side of restricting a school you thought MIGHT be tampering until you had a chance to sit down with the kid and talk to him. Which is exactly what Wisky did.

Besides here and cyfan, I haven't heard anyone say Bo heard Iowa State was tampering. Did anybody report that Bo suspected this or are you just drawing your own conclusions?
Besides here and cyfan, I haven't heard anyone say Bo heard Iowa State was tampering. Did anybody report that Bo suspected this or are you just drawing your own conclusions?

A radio guy out of Milwaukee and a personal friend of Bo's was on 1700 yesterday and specifically said that Bo put the ISU restriction on based on what he was hearing at the time. He certainly could have been blowing smoke, but that's what he said.
A radio guy out of Milwaukee and a personal friend of Bo's was on 1700 yesterday and specifically said that Bo put the ISU restriction on based on what he was hearing at the time. He certainly could have been blowing smoke, but that's what he said.

I think he was blowing smoke, but thanks for the info. Might have to listen to the podcast if they've got it.
1. Bo apparently couldn't get Uthoff to talk to him after the phone call on his vacation so Bo could ascertain the reason Uthoff was leaving.

2. Uthoff didn't deliver his transfer request letter himself. He had a friend take it to the athletic's office for him.

3. Iowa State was added to the restricted list when Bo was given information that ISU may be contacting Uthoff before the transfer release was granted. Bo couldn't find this out because Uthoff wouldn't talk to him.

4. The restricted list was made purposefully long to force Uthoff through the appeals process to get him to admit why he was leaving since he wasn't communicating with anyone.

Perception certainly is reality and Bo and Wisky made our public relations dept look downright genius, but there was certainly culpability all the way around. But the bottom line is that the "adults" in this situation certainly didn't do themselves in favors by how they handled it and Uthoff certainly could have given more courtesy in how he handled it as well.

It would not be a shock to learn that Hoiberg's fingerprints are all over this. Not saying that they are. But it would not be a surprise if that's later found to be true.
The lesson in all this is that a good tamperer leaves no evidence. Without evidence is there tampering? If a tree falls and nobody hears it did it make a sound?

I don't buy the tampering angle for a second. Wisconsin is just trying to scrape egg off of their face...unless they have evidence.
I agree that I don't think there was obvious tampering, but NO WAY does Bo restrict Iowa St without some sort of information that would lead him to believe they were pursuing him to some extent.
I think in this case perception and reality are the same. The perception is that Bo ryan is a complete selfish hypocrite. That is the reality is well. Did you hear his ESPN interview? What a disaster
Blocking the Big10, OK. ACC, OK, you have a 1 out of 4 chance of playing against him. But ISU?? Does Bo Ryan have no balls. Where is his manhood. 110% of blocking ISU was pure vindictiveness, nothing else, pure and simple. Of course to cover up the real Bo, he is going to waffle and lie about. He should run for city dog catcher when he gets tired of the coaching gig.
I agree that I don't think there was obvious tampering, but NO WAY does Bo restrict Iowa St without some sort of information that would lead him to believe they were pursuing him to some extent.

Uhhhh...unless he knows that it would be an obvious place for Uthoff to land (which it obviously would be) and he wants to be an petty *******, which it looks like is the case here.
I think Bo is a piece of garbage and fran is about to show the way basketball should be played.

I don't get the man-love the BTN and ESPN announcers give Ryan every time they do a Wisky game. The guy poaches commits, tries to make it hard on players wanting to transfer out, has enough success to make the tourney but that's about it, and is a complete loud-mouthed fool on the sideline during games.

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