Social Issue/Political Discussion Relating to Iowa Football

The "cost" of a scholarship is almost $0. The salaries will get slashed. The schools will raise a litany of contract defenses and no one making a few million bucks a year is going to have the audacity to sue a school. That would be career suicide.

But make no mistake, the Non P5 and FCS programs will be thrown into dire straits by this. Some of them won't make it. Hell, some of the schools are going to collapse. There is no way in hell we get to the other side of The Germ and still have 4 directional schools in Illinois or all of those state funded MAC schools in Ohio and Michigan. Absolutely no way. There are what, a few dozen religiously founded schools dotting the Iowa landscape? Places like Wartburg, Cornell, Graceland, Luther, etc. -- there is no way in hell that all of those schools get through this. Just no way. The problem is it is really hard to consolidate the remote colleges because you can't really recognize any cost savings unless you close one of the campuses.

It will be interesting to see how all of those college professors who claim they are taking "below market" wages do when they get thrown into the real world. It is going to be U-G-L-Y.

Ha...the one area Kirk Ferentz's agent did not prepare for in his contract.....pandemic clause.
I heard the governor of NY wouldn't let NASCAR in to run at Watkins Glen. If he wouldn't let NASCAR in, which has run for 2 months without a single transmission of The Germ, then there is no way in hell he is going to let 'Cuse play and all of that travel to occur. Notre Dame could pick up 'Cuse's schedule and keep their game with Clemson.

From a legal standpoint, unless the numbers concerning cases, deaths ECT drastically change, how is he going to allow the NFL if he didn't allow Nascar?
He is so out of touch and relaying the company line.
Yes, I’m looking forward to the CDC and acting-President Fauci to show the scientific evidence that conference distancing is the way to stop the Wuhan virus.
The "cost" of a scholarship is almost $0.
Cannot stress this enough. People have this notion in their heads that a scholarship costs a school $100,000 or whatever amount tuition is.

That’s horse pucky.

None of those kids would be paying their respective schools tuition money if they weren’t athletes, and there are no students creating opportunity costs by being excluded due to an athlete’s scholarship. In other words, whether that player/student is there or not will have zero net effect to the GL, and there aren’t lost tuition monies from other students because athletes aren’t in elite fields of study with limited enrollment.

People need to understand that an accounting transaction does not always equal a “cost.”
Cannot stress this enough. People have this notion in their heads that a scholarship costs a school $100,000 or whatever amount tuition is.

That’s horse pucky.

None of those kids would be paying their respective schools tuition money if they weren’t athletes, and there are no students creating opportunity costs by being excluded due to an athlete’s scholarship. In other words, whether that player/student is there or not will have zero net effect to the GL, and there aren’t lost tuition monies from other students because athletes aren’t in elite fields of study with limited enrollment.

People need to understand that an accounting transaction does not always equal a “cost.”
It's called a paper tiger. MBA's live and die on those things.
Yes, I’m looking forward to the CDC and acting-President Fauci to show the scientific evidence that conference distancing is the way to stop the Wuhan virus.
COVID-19 has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War, Gulf War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War combined. It will have no problem feasting on our players and coaches as well.
Attention Iowa State assclowns reading this. I am going to switch my metric to something like "ISU hasn't beaten Iowa in 6 years" or whatever it is. ISU probably has the best team in its history this year. Purdy is the best QB to ever go through the program (and there have been some really good ones) and ISU was set up for an absolutely magical season. It ain't gonna happen. This is the best thing ever. My God, I think ISU would have beaten Iowa by 35 this year, but now we don't get to play. LOL and you now have cemented a 6 year winless streak against Iowa! I don't even care if we miss out on basketball and getting another year of Garza, the fact that Purdy will leave ISU without a win against Iowa tops the loss of a potential magical basketball season for Iowa.

I'd take that "one guy" over Purdy any day.
Covid or not, the way things are headed I almost hope they cancel the season simply to avoid a shit show. Assuming all conferences go without a non-conference schedule how do you regulate the amount of regular season games played when it seems there is a range from 8-10 game conference schedules. And then what do you do with programs that have no conference affiliation? Talk about an argument for an asterisk in the record books this season,if played could be disastrous in more than one way.

And throw on top of that teams like OSU who may have no choice but to move back the start of their preseason getting thrown directly into conference play. Can't wait to see who they'll be fortunately to draw week 1. I definitely expect a non-bias schedule in terms of who's playing who the first week or two (heavy sarcasm).

I am not sure they financially can though, at this point. These schools are hemorrhaging $$$$$ and there will be a trickle down effect on the economy.
I heard the governor of NY wouldn't let NASCAR in to run at Watkins Glen. If he wouldn't let NASCAR in, which has run for 2 months without a single transmission of The Germ, then there is no way in hell he is going to let 'Cuse play and all of that travel to occur. Notre Dame could pick up 'Cuse's schedule and keep their game with Clemson.

NASCAR doesn't need to be turning right anyway. Those races suck!
I am not sure they financially can though, at this point. These schools are hemorrhaging $$$$$ and there will be a trickle down effect on the economy.

I wholeheartedly agree that this is about finances and not athletics. With that said though, from an athletic perspective it's going to be an absolute shit show if the season is somehow salvageable. Collectively it won't be as bad as the fallout for a number of schools financially if the season is axed and there's no athletic revenue, but its going to be ugly.
None of those kids would be paying their respective schools tuition money if they weren’t athletes, and there are no students creating opportunity costs by being excluded due to an athlete’s scholarship.

For most schools I agree, but the more elite schools like Northwestern, Stanford, Duke, Vandy, Michigan, and ND could easily resell those seats at full rack rate. Iowa and Northern Iowa? Not a chance in hell, particularly at the out of state tuition rates and certainly not at the out of state tuition rates for all the women who get in for things like rowing or field hockey under Title IX. However, sports programs have another angle, which is to add diversity, so even if a place like Vandy could resell the seats at full price, in all likelihood they would need to give a fair number of them away via diversity scholarships to try to meet targets. So that probably puts us back at square 1 of saying that the marginal cost is actually 0 for a lot of those scholarships.
The "cost" of a scholarship is almost $0. The salaries will get slashed. The schools will raise a litany of contract defenses and no one making a few million bucks a year is going to have the audacity to sue a school. That would be career suicide.

But make no mistake, the Non P5 and FCS programs will be thrown into dire straits by this. Some of them won't make it. Hell, some of the schools are going to collapse. There is no way in hell we get to the other side of The Germ and still have 4 directional schools in Illinois or all of those state funded MAC schools in Ohio and Michigan. Absolutely no way. There are what, a few dozen religiously founded schools dotting the Iowa landscape? Places like Wartburg, Cornell, Graceland, Luther, etc. -- there is no way in hell that all of those schools get through this. Just no way. The problem is it is really hard to consolidate the remote colleges because you can't really recognize any cost savings unless you close one of the campuses.

It will be interesting to see how all of those college professors who claim they are taking "below market" wages do when they get thrown into the real world. It is going to be U-G-L-Y.

The cost of scholarships is much broader than that though. The overhead is a good sum.
Owning a rental house that you have to mow, move snow, keep maintained, keep the electricity on and heat on, pay taxes on, all while it's not rented and bringing in any $ is going to hurt.
Now imagine having a staff of 30 and a stadium and facilities like a college does.
I've been in much smaller facilities budget meetings and you would be surprised at what it takes.

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