Social Issue/Political Discussion Relating to Iowa Football

I'm about fifteen years away from reasonable retirement age and my wife and I just recently had our annual meeting with our financial person. He told (begged) us to go as agressive as we felt was comfortable. I as well see the DOW skyrocketing when we get past this dreck.

I am looking at five years.
I don't necessarily disagree that less and less people are going to be interested in sport down the line. But can you tell me why the value of these franchises continue to go through the roof? After all, the amounts that these owners are paying is based on a future profit stream. These people aren't fools either.

The revenues have been increasing for a long time, but they are not trading on any sort of actual discounted cash flow or multiple of earnings metric. They are way out of line for those metrics. The biggest driver of value right now is the sheer number of super rich guys who want to be seen as cool like Mark Cuban. You gotta remember, a lot of these guys are kind of nerds and they'd pay anything to get to hang out with Tom Brady or LeBron or whoever. It's an attempt to buy a seat at the cool kids table. Sports franchises now trade more like famous paintings or prime real estate. Your hope when you buy is that a bigger sucker will come along in 20 years and buy the franchise from you for way more than you paid for it. It's a pure vanity play, and that is in high supply right now.
I know you're not religious, but I hope to God that they have someone like PerMar running security and arresting people if they dare to give high fives after big plays or TDs.
Funny you said that. I worked for Per Mar at Iowa games my first year of college. So unfortunately I was present for Hayden losing to ISU for the first time in 15 years.
The good news is, the feds are floating some ideas around that should they hit the right combination, should yield an economic explosion possibly only rivaled by the industrial revolution.
Can you tell us specifically what ideas you're talking about and how that'd happen? Some links would be great. I'm interested.
Glad to hear you did so well.

It ain't a gain until you sell. I'm old enough to remember 2009 very vividly. I bought Apple at $70 and it has split 7:1 bince then. I bought thousands of dollars of Ford exchange traded bonds for 22 cents on the dollar and got a 25% yield and almost a 5x return when they got called. Hell, I bought LVS for next to nothing based on a tip from HN. I got my ass burned on Lehman paper and AIG and C stock and I learned from my mistake. I don't touch financials now. I hate to break it to you guys, but the banking sector is completely insolvent right now. Those guys are sitting on a monstrous amount of commercial real estate and no matter what shape you think the recovery is going to be, commercial real estate is TOAST. Every company that is working remote right now is going to change their business model and slash real estate costs. Everything is going to be like a consulting firm where the "office" is just a bunch of unassigned cubicles and a few offices for certain ranks and conference rooms for meetings. Commercial real estate demand will drop by 1/2 to 2/3rds. The banks that hold the mortgages on those buildings in Manhattan, Chicago, San Fran, they are sitting on a massive pile of dog shit right now. There is a lag between this realization and the market going totally tits up. Look back at the 2008 chart. Bear went under in March or so. The market actually went up shortly thereafter. A bunch of retail schmucks got FOMO, bought the top (including me), and got their asses waxed when the banks had to disclose they were sitting on absolute dogshit paper.

The Fed has cleared the liquidity crisis and is playing a nice game of extend and pretend, but they cannot solve the looming insolvency crisis.

Current positions: Tons of long paper I bought in 2008, Cash, SPY, Short 50 $3 CAR puts, Short 5 $135 GD puts; Short 20 $30 XLE puts, long some random crap that I bought on the last dip, like BUD, VLO, XOM

The short Avis puts will yield me 33% if the stock ain't under $3 by January 17, 2021, and if it is, I am forced to buy at an effective price of $2 per share. I ain't touching a cruise line, car rental company or airline unless we see the liquidation level pricing we saw in 2009.
I thought that was USC that had that operation going on. Let's be clear about the message from those indictments. The message wasn't that it is wrong to buy your kids' way into an elite private school, the message was that if you are going to do it, $250k ain't the price and you gotta use the front door, not the back door.

The bigger question is whether Northwestern will have anyone to compete against in fencing.

Fencing??? That's the least of my worries...who else offers squash?
Fencing??? That's the least of my worries...who else offers squash?
I'd watch the shit out of collegiate Jai Alai but the ties to gambling are way to high for it to be a sport.

Those guys who play it are regular Joes who get that ball moving 180 mph, can you imagine what a brick shit house college athlete could do?
I'd watch the shit out of collegiate Jai Alai but the ties to gambling are way to high for it to be a sport.

Those guys who play it are regular Joes who get that ball moving 180 mph, can you imagine what a brick shit house college athlete could do?

No doubt it'd be fun to watch. I saw a documentary style clip on a sport called Calcio Storico (I think that was the name) played in Italy the other day. It's essentially a primitive football/rugby hybrid in which anything, and I mean anything, goes. Its basically street fighting with balls and scoring thrown into the mix. Definitely entertaining and would love to see what some of these college athletes could do in something like that.
No doubt it'd be fun to watch. I saw a documentary style clip on a sport called Calcio Storico (I think that was the name) played in Italy the other day. It's essentially a primitive football/rugby hybrid in which anything, and I mean anything, goes. Its basically street fighting with balls and scoring thrown into the mix. Definitely entertaining and would love to see what some of these college athletes could do in something like that.
It wouldn't be good. A lot of football players are soft as fighters. I lived in Japan when a young Bob Sapp thought he could roll through MMA over there. He beat some of the guys when he was 100 pounds heavier, but some bad ass Croatian guy literally broke his face in a fight. It was epic. There are dudes in rough parts of Europe and Asia who live to fight and with zero tolerance and out of control lawyers in America, the country is just getting soft as hell, so our football players would have nothing on the dudes they bring in to play that game.
Anyone know if Wadley is on a milk carton or is he twitter boxing?

Did you happen to listen to a link that Rob put up (last week I think) about the guy that suppose to be representing the players? The guy basically chased his tail in a circle for an hour and a half. The Local announcers asked several questions including issues about Wadley’s end game and other players end games............. basically what do the players want and they couldn’t get a straight answer from him. “Is this about a lawsuit?” “Do they want KF to quit?” The player’s representative just kept saying they just want to get their story out there. The announcers said any player come on their radio show and express themselves at anytime. The representative kept saying Kirk’s the one who needs to come out answer for what was going on with Wadley and the other players. For an hour and a half I kept waiting for the guy to say what the end game was. It was also brought up about statements Wadley had made praising the coaching staff and the university at the end of his playing time at Iowa. Again the player rep did t want to talk about that.

it’s just sad to see a running back that played such a key role at his position come out and attack a school and coaching staff that he once praised.
It ain't a gain until you sell. I'm old enough to remember 2009 very vividly. I bought Apple at $70 and it has split 7:1 bince then. I bought thousands of dollars of Ford exchange traded bonds for 22 cents on the dollar and got a 25% yield and almost a 5x return when they got called. Hell, I bought LVS for next to nothing based on a tip from HN. I got my ass burned on Lehman paper and AIG and C stock and I learned from my mistake. I don't touch financials now. I hate to break it to you guys, but the banking sector is completely insolvent right now. Those guys are sitting on a monstrous amount of commercial real estate and no matter what shape you think the recovery is going to be, commercial real estate is TOAST. Every company that is working remote right now is going to change their business model and slash real estate costs. Everything is going to be like a consulting firm where the "office" is just a bunch of unassigned cubicles and a few offices for certain ranks and conference rooms for meetings. Commercial real estate demand will drop by 1/2 to 2/3rds. The banks that hold the mortgages on those buildings in Manhattan, Chicago, San Fran, they are sitting on a massive pile of dog shit right now. There is a lag between this realization and the market going totally tits up. Look back at the 2008 chart. Bear went under in March or so. The market actually went up shortly thereafter. A bunch of retail schmucks got FOMO, bought the top (including me), and got their asses waxed when the banks had to disclose they were sitting on absolute dogshit paper.

The Fed has cleared the liquidity crisis and is playing a nice game of extend and pretend, but they cannot solve the looming insolvency crisis.

Current positions: Tons of long paper I bought in 2008, Cash, SPY, Short 50 $3 CAR puts, Short 5 $135 GD puts; Short 20 $30 XLE puts, long some random crap that I bought on the last dip, like BUD, VLO, XOM

The short Avis puts will yield me 33% if the stock ain't under $3 by January 17, 2021, and if it is, I am forced to buy at an effective price of $2 per share. I ain't touching a cruise line, car rental company or airline unless we see the liquidation level pricing we saw in 2009.

Options. Cool
It wouldn't be good. A lot of football players are soft as fighters. I lived in Japan when a young Bob Sapp thought he could roll through MMA over there. He beat some of the guys when he was 100 pounds heavier, but some bad ass Croatian guy literally broke his face in a fight. It was epic. There are dudes in rough parts of Europe and Asia who live to fight and with zero tolerance and out of control lawyers in America, the country is just getting soft as hell, so our football players would have nothing on the dudes they bring in to play that game.
Huge MMA fan, that was Mirko Filipović. Cro Cop.

No one had better kicks at his peak.

The MMA world is just a different breed of human. Funniest story ever is when Bas Rutten accidentally stepped on Brian Urlacher’s toes at a charity event and Urlacher tried to get tough. Luckily for Brian (who was three times Rutten’s size), Bas was feeling generous and didn’t put him in the hospital.

We think of football players as indestructible human beings but a professional fighter of any size would absolutely murder any NFLer out there. Demetrius Johnson is the size of an 8th grader and he would have ended Urlacher’s career in about ten seconds.

Before becoming a UFC champion, Bas Rutten was a multiple time, multiple organization Pancrase title holder. Pancrase doesn’t allow closed fist strikes, Rutten was literally knocking professional fighters out with open palm strikes and liver shots.

Oh so your the guy that j
Funny you said that. I worked for Per Mar at Iowa games my first year of college. So unfortunately I was present for Hayden losing to ISU for the first time in 15 years.

So your the guy that jinxed us. :p
Can you tell us specifically what ideas you're talking about and how that'd happen? Some links would be great. I'm interested.

Hello? Waiting on this.

Need some ideas on what the “Feds” are “floating around” to cause this economic explosion. I’m genuinely interested. Surely you wouldn’t be bullshitting us, right? I mean, that wouldn’t be like you at all.
GDP is exploding all over the place
Huge MMA fan, that was Mirko Filipović. Cro Cop.

No one had better kicks at his peak.

The MMA world is just a different breed of human. Funniest story ever is when Bas Rutten accidentally stepped on Brian Urlacher’s toes at a charity event and Urlacher tried to get tough. Luckily for Brian (who was three times Rutten’s size), Bas was feeling generous and didn’t put him in the hospital.

We think of football players as indestructible human beings but a professional fighter of any size would absolutely murder any NFLer out there. Demetrius Johnson is the size of an 8th grader and he would have ended Urlacher’s career in about ten seconds.

Before becoming a UFC champion, Bas Rutten was a multiple time, multiple organization Pancrase title holder. Pancrase doesn’t allow closed fist strikes, Rutten was literally knocking professional fighters out with open palm strikes and liver shots.

Yeah, Cro Cop, that was the guy. I had a student at a huge bank who ran with the dude who started K1 when he was in college. He said the dude was some bad ass Yakuza dude who like had his pinky cut off and shit and would walk into traffic and just big time the shit out of everyone. Anyway, this dude came over to our house and hung with me and my brother in law and some other dudes for that Bob Sapp fight. This wasn't too long after 9/11 and I was wearing my American flag shirt and pulling for Bob and everyone else was like "Cro Cop will kill the American." Man, when he got his fucking eye broken I was devastated.

Dude got fired from the bank and was setting up a combination oxygen bar/brothel with his severance. He invited me to check the place out but I declined. I hope he's doing okay. I think the procurement of talent at those places can be dangerous.
Can you tell us specifically what ideas you're talking about and how that'd happen? Some links would be great. I'm interested.

Just watch the news, (I can't watch, I only read, so I can choose the content) Trump wants the final draft of the next stimulus on his desk at the end of the month.
What they argue about on how to spend it will tell you all you need to know for the next couple of months.
I also believe we are going to know by the end of the month what is going on with football. I am with you on it not happening.
I can't see how you go to a spring schedule either, so when the season is over, spring practice starts again? Tv money? Nobody is going to watch football in the spring. How do you get it flipped back to fall?? The NFL is delusional as well. 14,000 at a game?? I think when they put pen to paper and realize the bottom line, they won't play either. They will lose money trying.
In the end things are very volatile. I'm not saying go totally safe, just be careful. Before all this happened, last fall, we decided to diversify into Gold and silver and get a safe deposit box. It wasn't a the sky is falling move because it was before all this. It was an investment when we thought the price looked good. Then it dipped a couple months ago and we leveraged in some more at almost the exact price we paid last fall. Just in case they don't get the stimulus right. Just in case....
Looking today, maybe we should sell, but selling gold and silver in a volatile stock market is never a good idea.
Plus we figured it as a long term investment. Maybe even just to leave it to the kids.
So you see? That's why I have an old wash machine that I had to fix, instead of just going and buying a new one. A new washer and dryer, or another oz of gold?? Well I can certainly fix that son of a gun and make her run another year. Lol
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