So McCall can Redshirt?

fb, but this rule is for all sports, last year Payne redshirted, but towards the end of the season could have played but did not to preserve the redshirt, this medical hardship redshirt is ussually reserved for getting a 6th year of eligibilty, Dace Richardson with all his injuries could have applied for a hardship waiver to get a 6th year but chose not to

So could have Lee Gray and yet he was denied.
The NCAA is very inconsistent with medical hardships and you should never expect to get one.
So could have Lee Gray and yet he was denied.
The NCAA is very inconsistent with medical hardships and you should never expect to get one.

Exactly which then begs the question why is he not playing? If he is cleared to play the staff should be giving him much needed experience.
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it does not matter if he wants to believe or not, as he knows everything, don't believe me just ask him he will tell you,
but even though Jon Beutjer was never hurt got a 6th year, if KF still has a call-in show maybe somebody can call in and ask, if McCall is or can red shirt
He may get a medical redshift, but he will have to apply for that after his eligibility is up. Regardless, next year he will be a sophomore.
This is really the bottom line. As long as he doesn't play again this year, he could get it. He will be a sophomore next year and it will be up to him if he applies for this later on down the road.
it doesn't matter, if Iowa lands Garmon or Smith they will be the new flavor of the month, especially Garmon as he is a 4* recruit as was Coker, i find it hilarious as to how quickly the fans turned their back on Coker, And to think they base this change of heart on a kid that got a few carries against a very bad Division II school, I gues it is very fickle fan base we have, and the quote the comes to mind is "the 2nd teamer no matter what the position is always the better player"
He could apply for the hardship once his senior year is over (2014), at which poin it would be declined because he was medically cleared to play during the season.

The fact that there are people too stupid to understand this is quite frankly frightening.

Yeah, wow. Reading is fundamental. :rolleyes:

The most recent NCAA manual I could find with a quick search says this.

This is from the NCAA manual:
Operating Bylaws
Administrative Bylaws
Effective August 1, 2009

Bylaw 14.2.4 (B) The injury or illness occurs prior to the first competition of the second half of the playing season that concludes with the NCAA championship in that sport (see Bylaw and results in incapacity to compete for the remainder of that playing season.

They've already said that that he is cleared to play. Simply not playing him has NO affect on this at all. Whether Ferentz plays him or not makes absolutely NO difference!

The only way they could have done that would be big time SEC style cheating. First, the coaches would have wanted to keep their mouths shut about him being healthy again because now everyone knows he's not eligible.

On the hardship application form it states again that the doctor must provide documentation "that the injury resulted in the SA’s incapacity to compete the remainder of the season." Not only would Ferentz have to find a crooked doctor to put his entire career on the line to lie, but would also have to have the signatures of athletics director, head trainer and compliance coordinator all lying on this document.

Here's an example of a hardship application..
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Yeah, wow. Reading is fundamental. :rolleyes:

The most recent NCAA manual I could find with a quick search says this.

This is from the NCAA manual:
Operating Bylaws
Administrative Bylaws
Effective August 1, 2009

Bylaw 14.2.4 (B) The injury or illness occurs prior to the first competition of the second half of the playing season that concludes with the NCAA championship in that sport (see Bylaw and results in incapacity to compete for the remainder of that playing season.

They've already said that that he is cleared to play. Simply not playing him has NO affect on this at all. Whether Ferentz plays him or not makes absolutely NO difference!

The only way they could have done that would be big time SEC style cheating. First, the coaches would have wanted to keep their mouths shut about him being healthy again because now everyone knows he's not eligible.

On the hardship application form it states again that the doctor must provide documentation that "that the injury resulted in the SA’s incapacity to compete the remainder of the season." Not only would Ferentz have to find a crooked doctor to put his entire career on the line to lie, but would also have to have the signatures of athletics director, head trainer and compliance coordinator all lying on this document.

Here's an example of a hardship application..

The coaching staff has to know this. KF said after Michigan game someone needed to give him a push, nobody did so McCall not playing is on the HC. Prior to MSU I believe it was reported that KF said McCall would see the field. He didn't. Jon says Iowa must be RS him. Clearly that doesn't appear to be in the cards.

So now the million dollar question- why isn't McCall playing?:D
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I hate this iPad when I am typing auto correct messes up so much I try to write. "I think solidifies everything" lol
If we had beaten MSU, and especially both Minney and MSU, I'd be 100% in favor of bringing him back for the stretch run.

Now it would be silly. Keep the shirt on I say.
If we had beaten MSU, and especially both Minney and MSU, I'd be 100% in favor of bringing him back for the stretch run.

Now it would be silly. Keep the shirt on I say.

Oh, Dear God...I hope you're joking... :)
He could apply for the hardship once his senior year is over (2014), at which poin it would be declined because he was medically cleared to play during the season.

The fact that there are people too stupid to understand this is quite frankly frightening.

dude you are simply wrong. name me ONE CASE IN THE HISTORY OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL where this has happened.

hell, the NCAA gave Case Keenum a SIXTH year this year because houston RETROACTIVELY argued that he was still injured from high school during his first year on campus, despite no one ever mentioning this injury while he was sitting out as a redshirt like many freshmen do.

plus, whether mccall is actually medically cleared is not public information, despite what KF may be saying to the media and public. KF says a bunch of stuff publicly that never comes to fruition.
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dude you are simply wrong. name me ONE CASE IN THE HISTORY OF COLLEGE FOOTBALL where this has happened.

hell, the NCAA gave Case Keenum a SIXTH year this year because houston RETROACTIVELY argued that he was still injured from high school during his first year on campus, despite no one ever mentioning this injury while he was sitting out as a redshirt like many freshmen do.

plus, whether mccall is actually medically cleared is not public information, despite what KF may be saying to the media and public. KF says a bunch of stuff publicly that never comes to fruition.

But Keenum didnt play his freshman year!!! McCall has played!!!

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