So McCall can Redshirt?

I haven't got to post here yet but I'd like to say that i just read through it and this is disappointing compared to the Coker thread. There's only been some slight dickish behavior, with no common hatable poster. After eight pages you're still asking if McCall can it's been eight pages of "no he can't", "yes he can", "no he can't", "yes he can". Not much for any good snarky or smart a$$ comments. I could have missed it but no posts from Shane stating he's "here for the gang bang". It needs a whole bunch of left turns and a whole bunch of right turns if this is going to be epic.

Please look up the "can Coker redshirt" thread to how the pros did it. Carry on.

As far as McCall redshirting you'll probably have to wait for the bowl game to find out.

So have I. And just because you roll your ankle doesn't mean you're going straight to the MRI/Xray table.

Either way, that's not what we're talking about here. I'm just letting you know that McCall, if he doesn't play in the last two games, will be granted a redshirt. And that's speaking directly from someone who got one for a very similar situation.

ok that is your opinion and Im not going to get upset anymore at people who think that.

The reason I think he will not be able to get one is that Kirk said he has been medically cleared and been on record saying he will play since minn.

that would be the 7th game on Iowas schedule he was cleared for. that being said he "was cleared to play" (I say that because that is what kirk said and obviously I do not know that 100%, but I take KFs word for it) so he could have played vs. Minny, Mich, MSU, Purdue, Neb, and the Bowl game...that is 6 games out of 13

In your case you said you missed the past 2 weeks of the season and in indoor track im going to guess that is only 1 or 2 meets, out of how many total meets?

Im guessing that when your cleared to play for nearly half the season like McCalls case, and the coach has said you are "ready to go" for nearly 50 percent of the season, that is a little different than your case where you were out the last meet or maybe last 2.

thats where im coming from hawkize.
ok that is your opinion and Im not going to get upset anymore at people who think that.

The reason I think he will not be able to get one is that Kirk said he has been medically cleared and been on record saying he will play since minn.

that would be the 7th game on Iowas schedule he was cleared for. that being said he "was cleared to play" (I say that because that is what kirk said and obviously I do not know that 100%, but I take KFs word for it) so he could have played vs. Minny, Mich, MSU, Purdue, Neb, and the Bowl game...that is 6 games out of 13

In your case you said you missed the past 2 weeks of the season and in indoor track im going to guess that is only 1 or 2 meets, out of how many total meets?

Im guessing that when your cleared to play for nearly half the season like McCalls case, and the coach has said you are "ready to go" for nearly 50 percent of the season, that is a little different than your case where you were out the last meet or maybe last 2.

thats where im coming from hawkize.

I think you misread my post. I compete in the first two meets and didn't compete again that season. Indoor season lasts anywhere from 8-10 weeks, maybe longer depending on how you define it. Usually from the first week of January to the second week of March.

My situation isn't the benchmark for how things are handled, but I think it's a good indicator - regardless of it if you're physically able to get out there later in the year, the injury is what set you back and you didn't - and because of that, I think he'll get a redshirt. Well, I'd almost go as far to say I know he will (if he doesnt take five snaps Saturday like we all know will happen.)
I saw this on the ESPN ticker last night regarding Arkansas RB Knile Davis. He broke his ankle in a scrimmage prior to the season. He had surgery. He has been medically cleared and is back practicing. His coaches are debating whether to play him or have him be medically redshirted. Same exact situation as McCall other than McCall had a few carries in one game. Perhaps the Arkansas coaching staff is uninformed just like the Iowa staff? I don't think these situations are ever black n white. I have to think that KF knows what he is doing and a medical redshirt is available if they choose that route. Maybe McCall was cleared to play and there has been a setback in practice or he is not able to go full speed. McCall was cleared earlier in the season compared to Davis, but who knows what has happened since then?

Davis practicing again with Razorbacks | The Slophouse
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boy this gets stranger and stranger with the longer this goes on the HC just said they will try to get a red shirt for McCall,
now if KF thinks he can redshirt there is no reason for this debate to go on, as i feel the HC is in a better position to know what can and will be done
at this point, you clearly want nothing more than to continue to argue
the coaching and medical staff are the only ones that know the true nature of how his recovery is going
personally i find it amazing to think he can compete just 6 weeks after breaking a bone, i don't care how good of shape anyone is in, BONES just don't repair themselves that fast and it takes time to get the soreness and stiffness out of the joints and muscles after a few weeks of inactivety
I saw this on the ESPN ticker last night regarding Arkansas RB Knile Davis. He broke his ankle in a scrimmage prior to the season. He had surgery. He has been medically cleared and is back practicing. His coaches are debating whether to play him or have him be medically redshirted. Same exact situation as McCall other than McCall had a few carries in one game. Perhaps the Arkansas coaching staff is uninformed just like the Iowa staff? I don't think these situations are ever black n white. I have to think that KF knows what he is doing and a medical redshirt is available if they choose that route. Maybe McCall was cleared to play and there has been a setback in practice or he is not able to go full speed. McCall was cleared earlier in the season compared to Davis, but who knows what has happened since then?

Davis practicing again with Razorbacks | The Slophouse

Good stuff. It appears the author of the article is unsure if they will "redshirt" him. The only I read of the coaches in regards to going for the medical hardship waiver was that the OCORD said he doesn't make those decisions.

Gotta love it! :)
Coker was quoted a week or two ago already as saying he's back to the old McCall as if he never were hurt. I doubt that's gotten any worse. I don't want him sitting if he can help us have a better chance to beat Purdue and Nebraska. Beating Nebraska in Lincoln would be worth it alone and if we won both games we'd be 8-4. Finish successfully and we're more likely to get guys like Smith and Garmon. The question isn't can he redshirt but why redshirt him if he can help us win now?
Ive played a D1 sport at 2 different schools, and Ive never heard of any athlete getting a bad ankle sprain and not getting an x-ray or MRI. Im not calling you a liar, I just find it strange. I dropped a weight on my finger in the weight room once and they took an x-ray of my hand just to make sure it wasnt broken.

In your screen name, does the "fin" refer to, like, the fin of a porpoise or walleye or something?

KF said on Radio Show lastnight that McCall will play this weekend against Purdue. Says Iowa is looking for wins and McCall can help with that. Aslo stated that McCall would benefit from playing these last 2 weeks. Guess the good ole captain Kirk got more details on the what it will take to get a Hardship waiver approved.

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