Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

The fbomb exchange took place after the On the Side ended. People were packing up and heading out to interview players.

Jon (or Tork, anyone else who was there), I'm not clear on something: did Ferentz apologize later to the AP reporter for dropping the F-bomb, or did Meredith apologize for asking the question? In the video, Ferentz comes across as condescending to the reporter (the "sitting here every week" comment) and I did not hear an apology. Doesn't really matter, other than I do not think the AP reporter had anything to apologize for and I agree with you that Ferentz could have handled this better.
Not trying to be a butthead or anything Jon, but can you elaborate a little more on why you "wouldn't have shared it," in regards to the video, but DID share it in terms of saying things got heated and directing to other tweets "reporting" the f-bomb?

I guess it got more heated after the OTS session was over..Morehouse tweeted that KF dropped an F bomb

Why would it be OK to share it in this manner, but not the video?

You "reported" it, in text, through your medium, a message board.
Morehouse reported it through twitter and in the newspaper, which is his medium, Gazette item linked here

Hassel reports it in his medium, which is video, but he is wrong, the first two are not?
If Hassel had simply recited was Ferentz said, with no audio and video, would that have been OK?

Just trying to see what the difference is, or should Morehouse not have written the linked item as well, since neither Morehouse nor Hassel were directly involved with the situation.
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The more important question is this. If this was Paul Rhoads doing the exact same thing would it have made the news segment? I mean, lets not fool ourselves here. The DM media has their collective heads buried so far up Rhoads' *** I doubt a Rhoads blow up would have seen the light of day. Face it, the media is tired of King Ferentz and the way that he treated the media. Now that he is showing weakness, the media is going to take a little revenge.

A tale of two programs. Rhoads is a nice guy, accessible to the media, and also 100 miles closer. In contrast, Kirk is holed up in Fort Kinnick and makes little to no effort to reach out to the media outside of the mandated press conferences, doesn't offer much when he does answer questions, and is in the middle of Eastern Iowa which anybody that lives in Central Iowa knows, they don't even recognize Eastern Iowa exists.
Not trying to be a butthead or anything Jon, but can you elaborate a little more on why you "wouldn't have shared it," in regards to the video, but DID share it in terms of saying things got heated and directing to other tweets "reporting" the f-bomb?

Why would it be OK to share it in this manner, but not the video?

You "reported" it, in text, through your medium, a message board.
Morehouse reported it through twitter and in the newspaper, which is his medium, linked here

Hassel reports it in his medium, which is video, but he is wrong, the first two are not?
If Hassel had simply recited was Ferentz said, with no audio and video, would that have been OK?

Just trying to see what the difference is, or should Morehouse not have written the linked item as well?

It's Hawkeye related, that's why it's on here and Morehouse discussed it since he's the hawkeye beat writer for the Gazette. The difference here is that WHOTV made it the second story of the night behind a house fire that killed four people. This is a sports/Hawkeye issue, not a news issue. The media is trying to make a bigger deal out of it than what it is.
The more important question is this. If this was Paul Rhoads doing the exact same thing would it have made the news segment? I mean, lets not fool ourselves here. The DM media has their collective heads buried so far up Rhoads' *** I doubt a Rhoads blow up would have seen the light of day. Face it, the media is tired of King Ferentz and the way that he treated the media. Now that he is showing weakness, the media is going to take a little revenge.

I would say there would be a 100% probability that if the situation would have been reversed the same thing would have happened. I'm basing this off of the fact that Central Iowa news is so dispicable in their quest for ratings that any type of public F-Bomb is lead story worthy for both channels 8 and 13. They aren't going to let that kind of thing slide no matter who it is.
what are you talking about? the question was asked after the presser aired, the reporters who participate in "on the side" were all still in the room. everyone that saw luke meredith ask the question also saw kf approach him afterwards.

The fbomb exchange took place after the On the Side ended. People were packing up and heading out to interview players.

Does that make sense to you 9YRPLAN? I figured you act like you're intelligent so you should have been able to figure out what I was saying.
The more important question is this. If this was Paul Rhoads doing the exact same thing would it have made the news segment? I mean, lets not fool ourselves here. The DM media has their collective heads buried so far up Rhoads' *** I doubt a Rhoads blow up would have seen the light of day. Face it, the media is tired of King Ferentz and the way that he treated the media. Now that he is showing weakness, the media is going to take a little revenge.

Yep. two factors in play here.

1. the DMRag is down with the "resent success" cuture. And who better to target than KFz.

2. Since they threw away their "The Newspaper that Iowa depends on" image and approach...and went local, they've become clone-lovers.
It's Hawkeye related, that's why it's on here and Morehouse discussed it since he's the hawkeye beat writer for the Gazette. The difference here is that WHOTV made it the second story of the night behind a house fire that killed four people. This is a sports/Hawkeye issue, not a news issue. The media is trying to make a bigger deal out of it than what it is.

So it would have been okay to have it in the sportscast, your issue is just with placement within the newscast, not actually reporting on it?

Because, technically, Hassel would be the Iowa beat reporter for WHO.

I do happen to agree with the placement being off.
Yep. two factors in play here.

1. the DMRag is down with the "resent success" cuture. And who better to target than KFz.

2. Since they threw away their "The Newspaper that Iowa depends on" image and approach...and went local, they've become clone-lovers.

This is more of the "DM is an ISU town" poppycock. I was born and rasied in DM and a quick way for the Register to go out of business would be to alienate Hawk fans, who probably make up 65%+ of the market.

I don't know why this myth continues to circulate. Its like that email about Bill Gates fortune.
Because news, more and more has become about a gotcha moment or entrapment. It is news if it is in the sports section of the newscast. It is not appropriate for the middle of the newscast, nor is the sportscasters editorializing appropriate.

But what do you expect from a newscaster in the 90th biggest market in the United States?
That's all these guys do anymore.... they some how have come to believe we care about their snarky opinions during the 6:00 news! Geesh... they all want to be the next Olberman.
Why is it pertinent to ask Ferentz this in the first place? Kirk probably didn't have anything to do with re-hiring him in the first place as it's not in his realm to do so. This was just an attempt to try and stir stuff up and get a reaction to have something to put on the news based on the fact that Kirk's team is really struggling and he might already be in a lousy mood. On that account, mission accomplished.

Had Penn State not occurred, I might be more inclined to see your point. But Jerry Sandusky did happen, and even though that case (so far) seems much more egregious than anything that happened here, Gray occurred against that backdrop. There are legitimate questions that have not been answered about why the guy left employment under a cloud the first time, why he was re-hired, what happened to lead to his recent resignation and whether --and why -- Ferentz (according to a radio report) told his players to stay away from an academic adviser for the athletics department. Likely Ferentz could not answer. But the reporter had every right to ask.

Gray appears to be a still-developing story. Hopefully it does not get worse. But reporters should be probing, asking questions, looking to shed light on something that the university appears to want to be kept in the dark. It's part of the news process.
The more important question is this. If this was Paul Rhoads doing the exact same thing would it have made the news segment? I mean, lets not fool ourselves here. The DM media has their collective heads buried so far up Rhoads' *** I doubt a Rhoads blow up would have seen the light of day. Face it, the media is tired of King Ferentz and the way that he treated the media. Now that he is showing weakness, the media is going to take a little revenge.

Disagree, Rhoads show's his emotions on a regular basis(similar to Fran) and getting reved up is not out of the ordinary for them. I'm glad to see Kirk show some emotion. Most of you have been asking for it. I didn't see the clip, did he finally spit the gum out and start getting after it. This is such a non-event it's only news in Hicksville, Iowa. I love the fire, and I hope it was true he chewed some A$$ at halftime.
That's all these guys do anymore.... they some how have come to believe we care about their snarky opinions during the 6:00 news! Geesh... they all want to be the next Olberman.

Laker, why would anyone hope to be the next big failure.;)
Why is it pertinent to ask Ferentz this in the first place? Kirk probably didn't have anything to do with re-hiring him in the first place as it's not in his realm to do so. This was just an attempt to try and stir stuff up and get a reaction to have something to put on the news based on the fact that Kirk's team is really struggling and he might already be in a lousy mood. On that account, mission accomplished.

Why is it pertinent to ask Kirk Ferentz if Kirk Ferentz told his player to cut ties with Gray? That's a tough one.

Meredith never suggested Ferentz had ANYTHING to do with the hiring/resigning/rehiring/re-resigning of Gray, or that Ferentz had knowledge of inappropriate behavior.

Meredith wasn't asking WHY Kirk gave the order for his players to cut ties. All he wanted was to confirm that the order was given or prove otherwise.

If Kirk just answers it and says "Yes, I did," and then the follow up is "Why did you do that," he can say "No comment," and that's the end of it.

If he simply says "No, I didn't," that's the end of it.

If he says "I don't think I can comment on that situation," again, that's the end of it.

All Meredith wanted was confirmation one way or the other. Would people prefer that he check the facts and get it from Kirk, or just run with it because KCJJ reported it (and apparently got it wrong)?
I think that Kirk should know better than to have handled it this way. That was a room full of reporters, microphones and cameras. If you want to talk to someone about it, if you still have an issue with it, ask them to talk about it behind closed doors. That way, it doesn't become a spectacle like it did. Kirk is a smart guy and this is one of the few times I can recall where he let his guard down.

I know he was prepared for the Peter Gray question, so it's not like that part of it is what bugged was the 'its out there' aspect to it.

Were it me, I wouldnt have aired or shared the video. If that happened in an interview setting, I would have shared it. Since it didn't, I wouldn't have. Maybe I am just a bit old school and think about fairness, but some could make a case for the other side of it.

The way that this was presented, having Chris give his opinions on the matter, that is the part that made me most uncomfortable, because just 48 hours prior, they had him doing this skit on Soundoff (shared below)....then two days later, he is sent over to Iowa City as a news reporter. It just seems a bit at odds with itself.

Chis is enormously talented. I have always felt that way. I think he could do character skits on an SNL...but to have him be the funny man on Sunday nights, then toss to him in the A block on a news story like this for his commentary, I am waiting for him to break out into character. That's not a good position to be in from a local news aspect, and quite frankly I don't blame Chris. He's lower man on the totem pole over there and does what he is assigned to do.

HAZZLE DAZZLE: 11/11/12 |

Exactly JD.... I have always had the same problem with CH over this type of thing. Way too much editorializing in his reporting, as well as Murph and Andy. Hard to accept them as objective journalists in any of their programming efforts.
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Were it me, I wouldnt have aired or shared the video. If that happened in an interview setting, I would have shared it. Since it didn't, I wouldn't have. Maybe I am just a bit old school and think about fairness, but some could make a case for the other side of it.

Be honest Jon, is the reason you wouldn't have shared it because you would put yourself at risk of losing your closeness and ties to the program, and not wanting to upset King Hawkeye?

It amazes me how many people now believe that if the media actually goes and looks for more information on a story, they are "creating the news", instead of just towing the company line and believing whatever is thrown out to them. No wonder nobody takes journalists serious anymore, I am so glad I got out of that as my field of study early enough to get into a nice, respected industry like mortgage underwriting:eek:!
Had Penn State not occurred, I might be more inclined to see your point. But Jerry Sandusky did happen, and even though that case (so far) seems much more egregious than anything that happened here, Gray occurred against that backdrop. There are legitimate questions that have not been answered about why the guy left employment under a cloud the first time, why he was re-hired, what happened to lead to his recent resignation and whether --and why -- Ferentz (according to a radio report) told his players to stay away from an academic adviser for the athletics department. Likely Ferentz could not answer. But the reporter had every right to ask.

Gray appears to be a still-developing story. Hopefully it does not get worse. But reporters should be probing, asking questions, looking to shed light on something that the university appears to want to be kept in the dark. It's part of the news process.

Well said.

The question was fair, and Ferentz' response was terrible (even allowing for annoyance over 'out there').

The video was fair game to air, and frankly favors Ferentz, as it's not the "blow-up" implied in some articles. To air it in the news A-block, however, along with the overheated commentary, was pure Mayberry R.F.D.

Look at Scorp's Les Miles link to see the right way to handle a tough or awkward question.