Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

I'm wondering why it took a 4 win season to get mad rather than 5 and 6 losses...... with all that NFL talent.
Further, in the context of what has transpired over the past year at Penn State and in view of the contemporaneous press reports involving an academic adviser in the athletics department, Ferentz should have been prepared for questions about it, even if just to say he couldn't comment. Shame on him, his staff and the sports information office for not anticipating it. The reporter was simply doing his job.

Why is this news? Who cares?

Agreed. And WHO is about to learn a very important lesson in the world of hick-town college athletics which is to self-censor what you report because if you don't, access goes bye bye. Illinois has been run like this for at least 20 years. Some national media company needs to hire kids like Tork for 1 year un/low paid internships and send them into various college towns to be the a-holes because the kids will rotate out every year. A grown man needs to exercise better judgment, but if you send the Torks of the world around to do stuff like this as post-grad experience, it would be fine.
Why is this news? Who cares?

Because news, more and more has become about a gotcha moment or entrapment. It is news if it is in the sports section of the newscast. It is not appropriate for the middle of the newscast, nor is the sportscasters editorializing appropriate.

But what do you expect from a newscaster in the 90th biggest market in the United States?
Agreed. And WHO is about to learn a very important lesson in the world of hick-town college athletics which is to self-censor what you report because if you don't, access goes bye bye. Illinois has been run like this for at least 20 years. Some national media company needs to hire kids like Tork for 1 year un/low paid internships and send them into various college towns to be the a-holes because the kids will rotate out every year. A grown man needs to exercise better judgment, but if you send the Torks of the world around to do stuff like this as post-grad experience, it would be fine.

Agree, and the On The Side stuff will end at some point of it continues(not like he tells anybody anything anyway). It will start looking like a White House press conference.
Ferentz's comments were totally fair game.

But why does it even matter? The coach was ****** at a question. He let a reporter have it. Not the first time it has ever happened and certainly won't be the last.

Did you guys watch the footage? I wished my dad swore at me that calmly when I was younger. That was no "dressing down". Time to move on.
Do I care that Kirk got mad and dropped a few bombs? No. Kirk is human and that stuff is going to happen. I know I have said many things in my life that I have regretted. That being said, the answer to this is very simple. The answer is that WHO and every other media outlet had the right to show this. This was a press conference, attended my media with who have recorders and cameras. Everything said in a press conference is fair game.

If this was an off the record interview, then that is different, but it was not.
Because news, more and more has become about a gotcha moment or entrapment. It is news if it is in the sports section of the newscast. It is not appropriate for the middle of the newscast, nor is the sportscasters editorializing appropriate.

But what do you expect from a newscaster in the 90th biggest market in the United States?

Oh man, that last line has me chuckling. The editorializing is ridiculous. It is a complete offshoot of ESPN having 24 hours of space to fill across at least 3 networks with only 6-8 hours of live actual sports coverage content to air daily. So you get 16 hours of editorializing crap every day and it has flowed over into all sports coverage because every clown out there thinks he is Michael Wilbon. The Trib used to have a decent sports section but now the freaking thing is half filled up with columns of Teddy Greenstein hyping a marginal Northwestern team or giving a reach around to Notre Dame.
is this entire debacle about Kirk yelling at a reporter, or Kirk showing emotion for the first time in his career?
My opinion...

Lately Hassel seems to have an agenda when discussing Kirk. I know he grew up a Hawk fan and maybe he's just pizzed because of the lackluster play the last few seasons but if you listen to him when he fills in on Murph and Andy or on the sportscast he likes to take a lot of potshots at Kirk. This is no exception. I'm sure Chris was glad Kirk gave him a reason to put that up on the news. Furthermore, they didn't even wait until sports to show it, they did it in the middle of the news segment.

Norwalk you've got it absolutely correct. Hassel is po'd Hawk fan who's ready for Ferentz to be out the door. And his jabs at Ferentz are incessant when he is on the air (TV or radio). I'm not saying I don't empathize with him or perhaps agree with him, but he's supposed to be an impartial journalist. That said, it was fantastic journalistic instinct to keep that camera rolling and get that footage.
Oh man, that last line has me chuckling. The editorializing is ridiculous. It is a complete offshoot of ESPN having 24 hours of space to fill across at least 3 networks with only 6-8 hours of live actual sports coverage content to air daily. So you get 16 hours of editorializing crap every day and it has flowed over into all sports coverage because every clown out there thinks he is Michael Wilbon. The Trib used to have a decent sports section but now the freaking thing is half filled up with columns of Teddy Greenstein hyping a marginal Northwestern team or giving a reach around to Notre Dame.

And what's better is that this asshat probably thinks he is going to end up in Bristol, and doesn't see the difference between an hour long spots program that's broadcast internationally and his job, covering the I-Cubs, Hawkeyes and Cyclones for 4 minutes a night in a market that's nicely nestled between Wichita, KS and Madison, WI.
completely fair game to air the video

however, i noticed that keith murphy was rightfully called out on twitter by someone that had an issue with the context in which it was used. Hassel writes a story about KF being frustrated with the season, but he leads the story with the video of KF swearing. however, the outburst had NOTHING to do with the results of the football season. The Hawks could be undefeated right now, and KF still would reacted the same way at the line of questioning that set him off...and rightfully so.
The video that was aired showing Ferentz swearing.

The pressers were over and Kirk chose to talk to the reporter who asked the question he had an issue with

Do you feel like that is still fair game territory?

I have some opinions but will let others weigh in before sharing mine

I'm torn. Technically the presser was over, but your still in the "media" room. Not knowing the exact protocol with Iowa media events I would compare it to the White House Press room. Everything that happens in that room is on record and should have the expectation of being "fair game".

If you want to have a discussion off the record, it should be done somewhere else.

In all honesty, the video diminished the event for me. Based on the written descriptions I thought it was more of a "blow-up". If the written accounts been the only documentation of the event, I think people would have imagined it it was a bigger confrontation than it really turned out to be.
Who cares whether Hassel has wood for Ferentz? Seems to me that's all part of the business: take shots at the popular, stir rage and controversy, produce ratings. Of anyone on this message board, JonDMiller probably understands that the best, even if he doesn't always subscribe to it.
Jeez. I just fell asleep there for a minute. Why would anyone be surprised at what a bush league media guy reports? Gene pool needs adjustment.
Who cares whether Hassel has wood for Ferentz? Seems to me that's all part of the business: take shots at the popular, stir rage and controversy, produce ratings. Of anyone on this message board, JonDMiller probably understands that the best, even if he doesn't always subscribe to it.

Why is it pertinent to ask Ferentz this in the first place? Kirk probably didn't have anything to do with re-hiring him in the first place as it's not in his realm to do so. This was just an attempt to try and stir stuff up and get a reaction to have something to put on the news based on the fact that Kirk's team is really struggling and he might already be in a lousy mood. On that account, mission accomplished.
Why is it pertinent to ask Ferentz this in the first place? Kirk probably didn't have anything to do with re-hiring him in the first place as it's not in his realm to do so. This was just an attempt to try and stir stuff up and get a reaction to have something to put on the news based on the fact that Kirk's team is really struggling and he might already be in a lousy mood. On that account, mission accomplished.

i think it was a fair question, but not at that time or place, and not in the middle of a football discussion. meredith was clearly trying to collect info for a different story. plus he knows and KF knows that he isnt supposed to answer questions about it.

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