Agree with the first four points in Dave's list, but, somewhat disagree with a few others. For what it is worth, my thoughts. . .
#5 Don't really agree with the mountain range comment. The man made a mistake for which he apologized. The University and Learfield appear to have made it a much bigger issue. Molehill, mountain, somewhere in between. I think the point that needs to be made is that people need to be a bit more measured and thoughtful about their words. Not dismissive, nor exaggerated.
#6 Generally agree, however, the same could be said for the over-the-top always offended victim crowd (of any color). See point above about thoughtful and measured. If someone wants to talk to me or discuss a difference or grievance, no problem. Attack me and you will get a different response.
#8 Wow, really? Is that really where you want to go with this? " . . . a long-overdue method of stripping unearned cultural power from Earth’s Mightiest Victims, straight white men. . . " I get that you want to swipe back at the anti-PC crowd you referenced in #6, but, to use such broad generalizations undermines your position. People have the right to demand respect, period.
#9-10 You are correct that it matters, and, was an opportunity to educate some people. For example, your point about, "... For centuries white people depicted black people as less than human. . ." That is a good point to make, especially to a lot of people that just thought of the comparison of King Kong swatting airplanes and the player swatting away basketballs. If you are not black, you might not have thought much more about why it may be perceived as offensive. Missed opportunity to educate people.