Schwartz: Dolphin, the Hawkeyes, and Being PC

you have nailed the issue. that is what this country has turned into. "agree with me or you're wrong." the concern is that this is practiced at levels of authority and is used as a fear cudgel to control.
Forgive and forget seems to no longer exist in this world.
Isn't the "intent" behind the words or action what is most important? I understand that King Kong might be a "flashpoint" for some. When I hear a King Kong reference I think of strength. But if there is no malicious intent, a year long suspension for a borderline word?

I also understand that in the current state of affairs, if the broadcast company/University don't come down hard, even beyond fairness towards the "offender", there are groups of people (many from outside the university) that will try to destroy and take down the whole thing, like the University of Missouri and others. It is easier to get rid of the "offender" than to end up having your own position at risk which would happen if you approach this with a sense of repentance/confession/forgiveness, and teaching/learning for all.
Has anyone spoke to Dolph to filter his “ intent” ? Has Dolph clarified his intent ?
Should the people described as "Hulk" by Dolph (or anyone else) be offended because the "Hulk" is a creature of rage? What about "warrior?" A warrior has a connotation of violence and death. Isn't that offensive?
Agree with me or not, but I don't think Dolph's choice of words made a difference. If it didn't happen at the end of the Maryland game, they were going to find a way to spin something he said to get rid of him. I have no concrete proof that I'm right on this, but this is what I'll believe until I have proof to the contrary. Until people start taking questions about this...
Agree with the first four points in Dave's list, but, somewhat disagree with a few others. For what it is worth, my thoughts. . .
#5 Don't really agree with the mountain range comment. The man made a mistake for which he apologized. The University and Learfield appear to have made it a much bigger issue. Molehill, mountain, somewhere in between. I think the point that needs to be made is that people need to be a bit more measured and thoughtful about their words. Not dismissive, nor exaggerated.
#6 Generally agree, however, the same could be said for the over-the-top always offended victim crowd (of any color). See point above about thoughtful and measured. If someone wants to talk to me or discuss a difference or grievance, no problem. Attack me and you will get a different response.
#8 Wow, really? Is that really where you want to go with this? " . . . a long-overdue method of stripping unearned cultural power from Earth’s Mightiest Victims, straight white men. . . " I get that you want to swipe back at the anti-PC crowd you referenced in #6, but, to use such broad generalizations undermines your position. People have the right to demand respect, period.
#9-10 You are correct that it matters, and, was an opportunity to educate some people. For example, your point about, "... For centuries white people depicted black people as less than human. . ." That is a good point to make, especially to a lot of people that just thought of the comparison of King Kong swatting airplanes and the player swatting away basketballs. If you are not black, you might not have thought much more about why it may be perceived as offensive. Missed opportunity to educate people.
Funny how white, male, straight, mean, powerful, racist whites are labeled as the cause of slavery and racism, but Muslims, who were the biggest of slave traders for centuries (and still are), raiding African villages, supplying the "goods" are let off the hook, by the PC crowd who have the deft gift of looking the other way when doling out blame. Selective blame and forgiveness is their m/o.
So who is wrong, Jon or Dave?
Dave's right about #10. The problem is that Dave's answer to his own question in #10 is obviously that Barta is an old "white" guy, which is wrong. The correct answer is that Barta is a bumbling incompetent fool, but Dave always thinks in terms of race because he's a jerkoff.

10. Instead, they bungled it, again, just like the Dolphin-Maishe Dailey thing, just like the Jane Meyer thing, just like rhabdo, all of which leads to the ultimate question: Why are they so bad at this?
There are situations where free-wheeling "free speech" cannot be tolerated. For example, you can't have school teachers going off on racist screeds; nor can you tolerate a hostile neonazi-emboldening workplace environment. Those situations have real and lasting negative impacts on people because of the power dynamics.
Agree with me or not, but I don't think Dolph's choice of words made a difference. If it didn't happen at the end of the Maryland game, they were going to find a way to spin something he said to get rid of him. I have no concrete proof that I'm right on this, but this is what I'll believe until I have proof to the contrary. Until people start taking questions about this...

that politically correct speech exists as a tool to silence is the crux of the situation. if not for this, then that...
So who is wrong, Jon or Dave?

Arvada beat me to the punch in some sense but you nailed it, Rob. It's rarely an "either/or","right/wrong" question (and few things are). But people are more than willing to allow themselves to be split into simplistic binary camps. Beats the hell out of actually thinking for yourself. I'm blown away by how quickly and automatically people jump to one political side or the other...with no apparent thought or analysis of what's going on.

I think much of it is a direct reflection of education...critical thought has been nudged aside far too often for indoctrination. Teaching "what" to think, instead of "how". We have a generation or two of folks, many of which are so damn sure they're right about everything, but couldn't construct a reasoned argument to support their view if their life depended on it.

You may not like this angle Rob. The media is a huge culprit in this phenomenon. Splitting people into camps, using cliche's and extremes to create a manufactured binary battle and create buzz...rather than encouraging thought and discussion has become the norm. (obviously we're not talking about a guy like you on a Hawkeye sports site...but I'm sure you got that right away). BIG media...shall we say. Then they have the unmitigated gall to lament how divided society it.
There are situations where free-wheeling "free speech" cannot be tolerated. For example, you can't have school teachers going off on racist screeds; nor can you tolerate a hostile neonazi-emboldening workplace environment. Those situations have real and lasting negative impacts on people because of the power dynamics.

Have you seen and heard some of the crap teachers get away with...specifically BECAUSE it's "politically correct"?
Wonder if Bruno was offended by the comparison/compliment

I am going to go out on a limb and say


Wonder if Jordan would be offended if I called him

The Great White Shark

Probably not
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Arvada beat me to the punch in some sense but you nailed it, Rob. It's rarely an "either/or","right/wrong" question (and few things are). But people are more than willing to allow themselves to be split into simplistic binary camps. Beats the hell out of actually thinking for yourself. I'm blown away by how quickly and automatically people jump to one political side or the other...with no apparent thought or analysis of what's going on.

I think much of it is a direct reflection of education...critical thought has been nudged aside far too often for indoctrination. Teaching "what" to think, instead of "how". We have a generation or two of folks, many of which are so damn sure they're right about everything, but couldn't construct a reasoned argument to support their view if their life depended on it.

You may not like this angle Rob. The media is a huge culprit in this phenomenon. Splitting people into camps, using cliche's and extremes to create a manufactured binary battle and create buzz...rather than encouraging thought and discussion has become the norm. (obviously we're not talking about a guy like you on a Hawkeye sports site...but I'm sure you got that right away). BIG media...shall we say. Then they have the unmitigated gall to lament how divided society it.

excellent post. i agree with everything you said. well put.
You may not like this angle Rob. The media is a huge culprit in this phenomenon. Splitting people into camps, using cliche's and extremes to create a manufactured binary battle and create buzz...rather than encouraging thought and discussion has become the norm. (obviously we're not talking about a guy like you on a Hawkeye sports site...but I'm sure you got that right away). BIG media...shall we say. Then they have the unmitigated gall to lament how divided society it.

I sure hope nobody disagrees with this angle.
Is this even up for debate anymore?
Man, this thread should be turned over to a Sociology student for a thesis. With all the discussion about political correctness and it's vilification...all the old white men posting need to chill out. It's not even remotely about what they think and they have no say in it. It's about how the affected class of people feel about it, not you. There are a litany of public comments similar to what Dolph said (comparing Michelle Obama to an "ape in heels" for example), that would tell you, regardless of what Dolph's intention was, it's offensive to the targeted group...and justifiably so.

The University (Barta & Fran) using it to their benefit, well, that's a completely different discussion. What Dolph said was just ignorant period...and a poor choice of words for an experienced broadcaster. You just don't go there.
This isn't about right or wrong. It's about douchey and not douchey. The world would be a lot better if people thought closer to how Jon thinks. Those people on Dave's side like to see people lose their jobs. It's like the people who raise a fit because their waiter screws up. How could you sleep at night if you were responsible for ruining someone's life? That's these people's goals isn't it? Ruin the life of everyone who says anything that could be connected in any way to race?

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