Scenario Where Kirk Fires Brian?

Brian benches Stanley in favor of Petras, wins 77-0, but scores too quickly and loses time of possession 42-18. He gone.

That's funny chit there. Nicely played. I can hear Ferentz, "Yes Brian, you scored 77 and won, BUT that is not the way the game of football is played." "On that front, your fired." "Mary, you're our new offensive coordinator.".
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What would make the most sense is switching Brian back to coaching the offensive line and letting Polasek call the plays. Ya know, where both of them previously have experience. That makes too much sense though, therefore it will not happen.

That doesn't fit the Brian to Head Coach roadmap.
That doesn't fit the Brian to Head Coach roadmap.


I should only be blaming myself for getting my hopes up this season. It hasn't been 6-7 years since we had our last magical season where the ball bounces our way every time. Until then, we're 8-5/7-6.
The only possibility is if BF exposed his dad's coaching flaws/faults for all to see. In other words, betrayed his dad's loyalty, which is verboten in KF's little paper notebook of rules/transgressions.

KF would never fire BF for incompetence or failure to perform, that would be hypocritical on his part to expect something from Brian that he does not demand of himself.