Sash Suspended

meh dont care. when you become a professional i dont really care what you do to get or stay on top. if you arent.doing everything possible you aint trying hard enough.
Man your trolls have been very lame lately

Its not a troll. I really dont give a ****. I watch professional sports to see outstsnding feats and performances, what do I care if they are chemically aided. Besides everyone is taking something to help boost performance. Whats the difference between creatine and HGH? Both are designed to help an athlete gain muscle mass and improve strength. Whats the difference between greenies and 5 hour energy drink? Both are designed to improve energy. If its legal to use why should I care?

Of course sheople like you dont see it that way because forming that opinion would require actual thought which means work on your part. You are more comfortable having you opinions given to you by what you read in the paper or what ESPN says.
Its not a troll. I really dont give a ****. I watch professional sports to see outstsnding feats and performances, what do I care if they are chemically aided. Besides everyone is taking something to help boost performance. Whats the difference between creatine and HGH? Both are designed to help an athlete gain muscle mass and improve strength. Whats the difference between greenies and 5 hour energy drink? Both are designed to improve energy. If its legal to use why should I care?

Of course sheople like you dont see it that way because forming that opinion would require actual thought which means work on your part. You are more comfortable having you opinions given to you by what you read in the paper or what ESPN says.

Still not working.
Its not a troll. I really dont give a ****. I watch professional sports to see outstsnding feats and performances, what do I care if they are chemically aided. Besides everyone is taking something to help boost performance. Whats the difference between creatine and HGH? Both are designed to help an athlete gain muscle mass and improve strength. Whats the difference between greenies and 5 hour energy drink? Both are designed to improve energy. If its legal to use why should I care? Of course sheople like you dont see it that way because forming that opinion would require actual thought which means work on your part. You are more comfortable having you opinions given to you by what you read in the paper or what ESPN says.
Still not working.

Im sorry to that. Ive heard they make a pill for that now.
so if i have adhd or anxiety and i am prescribed aderrall by a REAL doctor, i am not allowed to play in the NFL? i know there is non-amphetamine based medicine out there, but addys effect everybody differently, and the non-amphetamine ones only work for certain people. kind of like hanging with the local ditchweed farmer instead of hanging out with greg garmon. my point is that the nfl is discriminating against sash's inability to be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd by suspending him. yes it is a PE, but they make that medicine to make people "normal" and it was MARCH. total poop to say the least.
Was I being a jerk, or it's weak? ;)
We can all still be jerks in OT right?

I don't know, honestly. I hope it's just a matter of him being in a foul mood for a day, but JD has been deleting posts and threatening posters and acting all "bad cop" today.
I guess we should all be on our best behavior. Which is totally un-fun, but whatevs.
so if i have adhd or anxiety and i am prescribed aderrall by a REAL doctor, i am not allowed to play in the NFL? i know there is non-amphetamine based medicine out there, but addys effect everybody differently, and the non-amphetamine ones only work for certain people. kind of like hanging with the local ditchweed farmer instead of hanging out with greg garmon. my point is that the nfl is discriminating against sash's inability to be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd by suspending him. yes it is a PE, but they make that medicine to make people "normal" and it was MARCH. total poop to say the least.

I believe the NFL will allow it, but the player has to get special permission beforehand which Sash did not do.
I believe the NFL will allow it, but the player has to get special permission beforehand which Sash did not do.


In all honesty I can't believe that somebody coming from a team that's never been associated with drug related arrests gets caught for PEDs...

...oh wait.
so if i have adhd or anxiety and i am prescribed aderrall by a REAL doctor, i am not allowed to play in the NFL? i know there is non-amphetamine based medicine out there, but addys effect everybody differently, and the non-amphetamine ones only work for certain people. kind of like hanging with the local ditchweed farmer instead of hanging out with greg garmon. my point is that the nfl is discriminating against sash's inability to be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd by suspending him. yes it is a PE, but they make that medicine to make people "normal" and it was MARCH. total poop to say the least.
I believe the NFL will allow it, but the player has to get special permission beforehand which Sash did not do.
maybe he needed the aderrall so that he could focus enough to be able to read the banned substance list. when will this vicious cycle STOP!?!? ps... modern medicine will be the downfall of our species. it eliminates natural selection and has reversed evolution. (drive to ames, the proof is in the pudding)
maybe he needed the aderrall so that he could focus enough to be able to read the banned substance list. when will this vicious cycle STOP!?!? ps... modern medicine will be the downfall of our species. it eliminates natural selection and has reversed evolution. (drive to ames, the proof is in the pudding)

Sounds like you need a sedative, Thor. ;) :D

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