Sash Suspended

Stop me if you've heard this one before. Giant's safety is suspended for PED's, which he claims was just adderall...

After serving his four-game suspension for violating the performance-enhancing drug policy and sitting out Sunday's win over the Cleveland Browns, safety Tyler Sash returned to the Giants' 53-man roster on Monday. Normally the Giants would have had to make a roster move, but in a stroke of irony, safety Will Hill received a four-game suspension of his own.

Like Sash, Hill is being suspended for violating the league's policy on PEDs; and, like Sash, Hill claims that the suspension is the result of failing to report a prescription for Adderall, a drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Giants safety swap: Tyler Sash returns; Will Hill suspended -

Totes realz brahcoli.

Something fishy is going about in Giants land. I will investigate it later, but I can't focus on it now because my adderall wore LOOK A SQUIRREL!!
Totes realz brahcoli.

Something fishy is going about in Giants land. I will investigate it later, but I can't focus on it now because my adderall wore LOOK A SQUIRREL!!


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