I won't give you crap about the peanut allergies comment since since a couple people already have

so I'll comment about the ADHD. My youngest daughter was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder in 5th grade. She gets Concerta,a 12 hour acting med. One morning, after being up until 2 am, I was getting her ready for school and took her med by mistake instead of something that I was taking at the time. I was worried about it initially...had no idea what it would do. I didn't have to go to work that day but I had a lot to get done and I was absolutely exhausted. My head was in a fog. About 45 minutes later, I started feeling it. It wasn't like I had some sudden rush of energy but the fog lifted from my head and I felt completely refreshed. My thoughts were clearer and I wished I did have to work that day cause I felt like I could get a lot done. It did wear off before the 12 hours.
I can easily see why people would take this stuff. Everyone has so many demands in their day and it would be great to be able to come home from work and be able to do the stuff on "my list" instead of being brain dead from making decisions all day and just saying "**** it" and waiting until the weekend. Long term stimulant use isn't good for your brain.
Did anyone see the movie Limitless? If there was a drug like that and everyone took it, just think of how much productivity you would have instead of the people that kill their brains and ambition on other drugs. I would take that drug in a heartbeat...well...the one at the end...that didn't have the bad side affects.