Rushing the field


The only ones I saw rushing the field were students. The ones that were still inside the stadium. On Halloween. On national tv. What does anyone expect from students.

And from what I saw on TV, they weren't in a big "rush." They were slowly walking down to the field. What else is there to do? You sure aren't going to get out of the parking lot for awhile.
Not going to take the time to read all the responses, but I'll just give my knee jerk reaction while I watched it: "Why are they rushing the field? . . . Oh, it's more like they're slowly moving out to get on the field. . . . Oh, looks like they're just wanting to celebrate with players/get on the field . . . no big deal . . . I'd probably wander out there too."

This repeatedly comes up. Do you really care how we look? If someone came up to me and said, "You Iowans are so lame, you always rush the field, even for lame games". I'd respond with, "We love our football . . . get some".
Iowa is NOT a "big time program." Iowa is a culture, way of life, family, whatever. When the team wins at home they know the home field advantage had something to do with it. Accordingly, the fans are allowed to celebrate with the team. Iowa doesn't "big time" their fans.

What do you want next, only paint the locker room pink for "Big Games?"

Get over it son. The board has spoken. You have lost. Only a fool thinks saying the same thing over and over is a way to win an argument.
"I can't believe the person in front of me jumped out of his seat on every touchdown and stood up for the kickoffs, what a jerk!" Alright, I was just making a point of some of the odd stuff some fans complain about!

Traditions are many in college football. Most are started unintentionally. Rushing the field is usually done because you are shocked your team won. This obviously isn't the case at Iowa. At Iowa the fans rush the field because they are proud to be a part of it all. To be with the players, to step on the field.
You could complain about Wisconsin fans "Jumping Around" OR Ohio State always "dotting the I", Penn State fans singing gay songs all day, or Illinois fans sitting on hands looking dumb, but no... you have to complain about an Iowa team who had some fans congratulate the players after beating the 5th ranked team in the nation.
Did you notice there was no "overrated" chant that Wisconsin fans did to Ohio State? That alone should tell you that going onto the field after the game wasn't intended to be rude or insulting. It was just the chance to be a part of something great. I have rushed the field before, and I look forward to doing it again.
If you don't like it, it is probably because you showed up in the visiting teams colors and spent all day talking garbage and lost! Don't add insult to injury... just go home.
We have this same fricking conversation EVERY SINGLE TIME it happens!!! Rush the field or don't rush the field - its up to you wheather or not you do it. Hey and UGK or YUCK or whatever - were you in the stadium watching this atrocity or did you watch it on TV?

I've been there and rushed the field with my son (it was pretty cool for the record and one of my finest memories in Kinnick with him) and I've been there and haven't rushed the field. If you want to do it - if not shut the HELL up about it!!!!

GIVE IT UP!!!! People are going to rush the field wheather you like it or not - its as much an Iowa tradition as playing "In Heaven There is no Beer."

Sorry for the rant - just quit your bitchin' and GO HAWKS!!! (and rush the field every week if you want to!!)
Players play...they belong on the field. Coaches coach...they belong on the field. Officials officiate...they belong on the field. Photographers take photos...they belong on the field.

Fans cheer...they belong in the stands.
Players play...they belong on the field. Coaches coach...they belong on the field. Officials officiate...they belong on the field. Photographers take photos...they belong on the field.

Fans cheer...they belong in the stands.

Bankers bank and they jail? Man was that profound banker! That pretty much clears it up for me. Fans belong in the stands. HE has spoken!!! Thread closed.
Players play...they belong on the field. Coaches coach...they belong on the field. Officials officiate...they belong on the field. Photographers take photos...they belong on the field.

Fans cheer...they belong in the stands.

When there's time on the clock, absolutely. After it's all over, I don't see the issue. You're entitled to your opinion. But really, every time it happens, people like you come around and denounce it. Guess what? None of us are going to change any minds around here, so why bring it up? Just so that everyone knows what your beliefs are on the subject? Guess what (x2)? NOBODY CARES.
Players play...they belong on the field. Coaches coach...they belong on the field. Officials officiate...they belong on the field. Photographers take photos...they belong on the field.

Fans cheer...they belong in the stands.

You are entitled to an opinion, but yours is "corny". Are you the guy who was telling us to sit down on every TD, KO and Defensive play? Something like "bleachers are for sitting in"...

That was a BIG win, the students went down to the field, the fans did not "rush" the field from all sides. Be a real fan of football people and understand the differences. [Students on field, partial coverage=exuberance and respect of peers, full field covered from all sides=big time W].

Oh, and FWIW, I'll stand when I feel like standing. I'll be concerning to the people behind me and if it is a slow part of game, but I will not sit if I cannot see due to others standing in front of me, or if it is a big situation.
Players play...they belong on the field. Coaches coach...they belong on the field. Officials officiate...they belong on the field. Photographers take photos...they belong on the field.

Fans cheer...they belong in the stands.

Bankers bank and they jail? Man was that profound banker! That pretty much clears it up for me. Fans belong in the stands. HE has spoken!!! Thread closed.

Hahahaha! Well played, tb.
That is one grouchy old banker. Sheesh. Hey banker, stop sucking on lemons and ease up a little. Your truculence could cause you to stroke out.
I'm not grouchy, it just my opinion. You all have the right to yours, and I have the right to mine.

As for standing, I was on my feet the entire game, and was yelling my lungs out.
I'm not grouchy, it just my opinion. You all have the right to yours, and I have the right to mine.

As for standing, I was on my feet the entire game, and was yelling my lungs out.

Yes, you're entitled to it. But there's no need to state it EVERY TIME it happens. Either some of those who are "rushing" the field post here, read your opinion, and just don't care (my original point that you aren't changing anybody's minds here); or they don't read this stuff, and don't see your opinion at all, thereby making it pointless to state it so much. Either way, it's pretty futile to denounce the "rushes". If you don't like it, don't do it. But obviously people are going to do it whether you like it or not. Give it a rest.
Actually, they were ranked fifth. Period. Why can't you give credit to them for winning all of their games? Not too many schools have done that. It means they are two games better than us because they took care of business and we didn't.

Very classy on your part to not give another team any credit. They have also done that with a lot of issues surrounding their head coach and one of their players having off field issues. You act like they had accomplished nothing going into the game.

Like I said, really classy on your part,ugk.
I love that one of the biggest complaints from yesterday is that people rushed the field. If that is the highlight of criticism on a weekly basis, I'll take it.
Yes, you're entitled to it. But there's no need to state it EVERY TIME it happens. Either some of those who are "rushing" the field post here, read your opinion, and just don't care (my original point that you aren't changing anybody's minds here); or they don't read this stuff, and don't see your opinion at all, thereby making it pointless to state it so much. Either way, it's pretty futile to denounce the "rushes". If you don't like it, don't do it. But obviously people are going to do it whether you like it or not. Give it a rest.

I didn't start the thread, but rather I just jumped in with my opinion, as did many others here. There's no crime in that.

By your logic, there's also no need for those defending rushing the field to do so every time it happens either, right?

At the end of the day, it's a message board, which means that all opinions are allowed.
It was my first game at Kinnick yesterday. And well I had no intentions of rushing the field. Once I saw people going on the field, I just had to get on the field. I didn't know when I would be back there. And I just wanted to stand on the field that I have dreamed of seeing in person for as long as I can remember. Do I regret it? NO WAY. GO HAWKS

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