Rumors Swirling: BF is done.

In my opinion they need to do it effective immediately. It isn't going to be a good dynamic with a dead man walking in charge of half the show. Believe it or not but things can still go south farther than what they already are, and keeping a lame duck around just to smooth things out with Daddy Warbucks isn't going to be good.

What you're doing is telling the team that you care about future recruits (I'm hearing from some people I know personally in the donor world that recruiting is becoming impossible with BF in the seat) but eff the current players and their season right now.

It's very rare that postponing firing someone for sucking at their job turns out well. Even if they get someone temporarily it'll at least help for now.

LeVar needs to be the guy and I've also heard his name thrown around by people way more connected than any of us (with the exception of Rob).
Sounds like he won’t be back next year. Likely getting ahead of it for recruiting and portal, which is smart if KF is not done coaching. I think it’s clear he’s not if this is announced
In addition, might give BF a start to land next season with an NFL team if he chooses that route.
Letting him coach would be irresponsible if this is the case. If he plans on stepping down, it should have been kept quiet.
Letting him coach would be irresponsible if this is the case. If he plans on stepping down, it should have been kept quiet.
I agree that it's irresponsible to let him keep coaching, but I don't think staying quiet is the right move.

What I think the perfect move would be is to cut him loose, let LeVar take over interim as a fill-in guy (which gives him a test drive), and then sign him as replacement next year.
Letting him coach would be irresponsible if this is the case. If he plans on stepping down, it should have been kept quiet.

I don't think they could have afforded to keep it quiet any longer. Reason for recruiting as mentioned.

College football is an arms race and getting ahead of the off field game is a part of it.
In my opinion they need to do it effective immediately. It isn't going to be a good dynamic with a dead man walking in charge of half the show. Believe it or not but things can still go south farther than what they already are, and keeping a lame duck around just to smooth things out with Daddy Warbucks isn't going to be good.

What you're doing is telling the team that you care about future recruits (I'm hearing from some people I know personally in the donor world that recruiting is becoming impossible with BF in the seat) but eff the current players and their season right now.

It's very rare that postponing firing someone for sucking at their job turns out well. Even if they get someone temporarily it'll at least help for now.

LeVar needs to be the guy and I've also heard his name thrown around by people way more connected than any of us (with the exception of Rob).
This is right, but not the KF way. At his core, what KF craves most is consistency. Removing a coach who calls the offense midseason is a major change. I think he just let's him muddle through. He probably also is worried about his son having nothing to do for the next few months.

I could see the wisdom in BF stepping down as OC, naming Woods the new OC, but BF staying in the building as a consultant to smooth the transition. I know that is a weird solution, but by all accounts the coaches all get along. I would think they could massage the egos.

However it happens, we just need a new vision for leading this offense.
Clearly, KF is not ready to hang up his cleats. Otherwise, this move makes little sense.

Hopefully, we get a revamped offensive staff with some talent next year. The only one of the group that should be retained is Betts.
In my opinion they need to do it effective immediately. It isn't going to be a good dynamic with a dead man walking in charge of half the show. Believe it or not but things can still go south farther than what they already are, and keeping a lame duck around just to smooth things out with Daddy Warbucks isn't going to be good.

What you're doing is telling the team that you care about future recruits (I'm hearing from some people I know personally in the donor world that recruiting is becoming impossible with BF in the seat) but eff the current players and their season right now.

It's very rare that postponing firing someone for sucking at their job turns out well. Even if they get someone temporarily it'll at least help for now.

LeVar needs to be the guy and I've also heard his name thrown around by people way more connected than any of us (with the exception of Rob).

Oh....I totally get it.
But, I have a short memory.
Hopefully the players do too.
If Woods has a good relationship with current players.....
I'm not toooooo worried.

Also, maybe McNamara's announcement came only after confirmation that there would be a different OC?
And when he got that.....any number of parties involved got that info as well and that's hard to keep a lid on. I have it on fairly decent authority that some of the players on the team were aware of this 'news' earlier this morning. Who knows how it's spreading. Whether word of mouth or a semi-to-outright-official confirmation from some element of the team.

Maybe Kirk, Brian, AD department were dumb enough to think this could be kept behind the curtain? Or maybe they were working on how to frame it? Either way, I would suspect they will say something today. Hopefully with a framework of how it plays out. Silence won't fly. They're smart enough to know that. They waited a day too long apparently before being ahead of this one.
This is right, but not the KF way. At his core, what KF craves most is consistency. Removing a coach who calls the offense midseason is a major change. I think he just let's him muddle through. He probably also is worried about his son having nothing to do for the next few months.

I could see the wisdom in BF stepping down as OC, naming Woods the new OC, but BF staying in the building as a consultant to smooth the transition. I know that is a weird solution, but by all accounts the coaches all get along. I would think they could massage the egos.

However it happens, we just need a new vision for leading this offense.

This would be absolutely ideal. I would be more than fine with it. If I were his career advisor.....this is the way I reccomend it.
Oh....I totally get it.
But, I have a short memory.
Hopefully the players do too.
If Woods has a good relationship with current players.....
I'm not toooooo worried.

Also, maybe McNamara's announcement came only after confirmation that there would be a different OC?
And when he got that.....any number of parties involved got that info as well and that's hard to keep a lid on. I have it on fairly decent authority that some of the players on the team were aware of this 'news' earlier this morning. Who knows how it's spreading. Whether word of mouth or a semi-to-outright-official confirmation from some element of the team.

Maybe Kirk, Brian, AD department were dumb enough to think this could be kept behind the curtain? Or maybe they were working on how to frame it? Either way, I would suspect they will say something today. Hopefully with a framework of how it plays out. Silence won't fly. They're smart enough to know that. They waited a day too long apparently before being ahead of this one.
I could see it leaking out from a team meeting. I've heard that yesterday afternoon was when the rumors started.
LeVar needs to be the guy and I've also heard his name thrown around by people way more connected than any of us (with the exception of Rob).
Fry, your affinity for Woods is well-documented. And, I don't pretend to know the man, but by all accounts he is a very good man and excellent coach. He has seemed to get the most of his players in every role he has played at Iowa.

That said, other than a two-year stint as TE coach 5 years ago, his entire career as a player and coach has been on the defensive or STs side of the field. Is it really sensible to believe that he should be promoted to OC and play-caller given his resume? There is scant reason to believe that would be successful, other than that he has been a good coach. But, OC at Iowa is challenging from the get go, but I see this suggested course as setting him and Iowa up for failure.

By this logic, why not move Phil Parker to OC? He has an even better track record as a defensive coach.

I get wanting to keep Woods. But, if I were to throw my pixy dust on the situation, I would hire a new and outside offensive staff to come in and install a new offense, not tinker with the existing stinky offense. I would leave the defense and special teams as is. It aint broke, don't fix it. And, name Woods the HC in waiting.
Fry, your affinity for Woods is well-documented. And, I don't pretend to know the man, but by all accounts he is a very good man and excellent coach. He has seemed to get the most of his players in every role he has played at Iowa.

That said, other than a two-year stint as TE coach 5 years ago, his entire career as a player and coach has been on the defensive or STs side of the field. Is it really sensible to believe that he should be promoted to OC and play-caller given his resume? There is scant reason to believe that would be successful, other than that he has been a good coach. But, OC at Iowa is challenging from the get go, but I see this suggested course as setting him and Iowa up for failure.

By this logic, why not move Phil Parker to OC? He has an even better track record as a defensive coach.

I get wanting to keep Woods. But, if I were to throw my pixy dust on the situation, I would hire a new and outside offensive staff to come in and install a new offense, not tinker with the existing stinky offense. I would leave the defense and special teams as is. It aint broke, don't fix it. And, name Woods the HC in waiting.
This. Absolutely this. Completely sold on Woods being part of the Iowa football puzzle after Kirk walks away. I’m not a fan of anointing him as next head coach like fry is, but certainly assistant head and to be groomed as such down the road. But following up a former center with a former linebacker to run the offense doesn’t make sense on any level to me
Letting him coach would be irresponsible if this is the case. If he plans on stepping down, it should have been kept quiet.
That's the fine line of it all they are trying to walk. All I can say is that with how Ft Kinnick operates you can be sure that it was leaked out on purpose. That coulda been kept between just KF and BF and not even the rest of the staff if they wanted it to. But they let it leak out. Probably because of recruiting reasons. They may have kids currently committed wavering and new kids they want to recruit that won't take their calls. That's just how that would go.

Now they can say look we are making this drastic action and going to 'fix' the O. Come be apart of it and there's your sales pitch in a really small nutshell.

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