Round of 32 Thread

It’s easy to pull for Belien

I know the family, but not the coach. His uncle/mentor was a hall of fame coach. His mentor was a ww2 hero and was a part of the family which inspired Saving Private Ryan. I also knew one of his uncles ww2 buddies. The coach's uncle is the main force that took down Switzer and also the Pony Express when on the NCAA infractions committee. The uncle developed the 2 point guard set back in the 50s.

Beilein is the real deal. Sort of a less attention getting HF.

There will be no team less selfish than Michigan.
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Can we kindly lose the manbun?

At least on the basketball court?

The manbun must go, but the Birdman look is golden.....


Nobody has been able to stop that kid in this tournament.

I believe he outscored the entire Houston team.....

Fairly slick moves and difficult to contain

Purdue looks very good right now.....

Most of the season they looked like Final Four material.....

The way this tournament is going

Butler will nail a three while being fouled in the process

Make a free throw for the win
My inner morality compass is spinning.
To cheer for Syracuse or MSU?

Guess I still have to whore it up for B1G, I dunno.
I'm tired of Syracuse--every damn year, it seems--being a bubble team, or even a "Syracuse SHOULD be staying home" team in eyes of pundits...then somehow getting to the Final Four.

I get that Boeheim amps it up in March, and all, but this is a program that has been "documented" as "sleazy". It gets less fun to watch each year as the Syracuses, North Carolinas and other "questionable" teams advance through...