Ross P to Alabama - For Real

Knock it off with the name calling you don't see me coming on here calling people morons just because I disagree with them. Show some common courtesy for once. If you want to challenge me on my knowledge of Iowa Hawkeye football good luck.
As soon as I see some. I'll be sure to challenge it.
I sincerely expect to see all of you who are up in arms now to be coming down on Ferentz if/when he brings in a decommit from another school. Those guys are land mines and have poor character; we can't have that in our program.

I sincerely expect to see all of you who are up in arms now to be coming down on Ferentz if/when he brings in a decommit from another school. Those guys are land mines and have poor character; we can't have that in our program.
If Ross would have already had a bama offer when he committed I would think it was a bit uncool. But since he didn't have one until after he committed I don't see the big deal. If someone accepted a job and shortly after a better job came up, they would be stupid not to take it. Of course if the 1st job was getting a business started with your best friend...
I think it is obvious Ross didn't have the character to be successful at Iowa. Kirk and company thrive on finding hard working players who want to earn there way to glory. Obviously Ross wanted to take the easy way out, so good for him. He'll be sitting on the bench at Alabama for years, if he doesn't get a mysterious "injury" that forces him to transfer. There is no doubt Kirk would have molded this kid into a top draft pick if he had the head and heart for it. So in the long run, I think we're better for it. I trust both coach Ferentzs to replace him with a guy who will match, if not exceed his results at Alabama. Finding good linemen has never been a problem for this program, and this Ross P is not a make or break guy. The program is bigger than that.

It would not be as painful to go to Alabama and find out that you're not quite as good as you thought. However to go to iowa and find out the same thing might be humiliating. WAIT - I don't know how good this kid is. Everyone thinks he's got the stuff.

Conversly It seems like it would be inspirting to go to Alabama and find out that you're as good as you thought you could be going up against some of the best D Tackles in America. However to go to iowa and find out that you're damned good may not say same thing.
Oh well. Let's move on. The good news is once he gets to Bama, we will never hear his name or see him again. In a couple of years we'll all be wondering whatever happened to him. If he was here, he'd probably be a legend in this state.

Just forget about him.
Oh well. Let's move on. The good news is once he gets to Bama, we will never hear his name or see him again. In a couple of years we'll all be wondering whatever happened to him. If he was here, he'd probably be a legend in this state.

Just forget about him.

Yeah, cause people forgot all about Harrison Barnes, Nick Collison, Kirk Heinrich, etc.

If he has success, people will still remember him and he'll still be a topic of conversation.
Okay, I'll jump on the bandwagon.....

I'm glad he's gone, now I don't have to worry about spelling his name incorrectly. Seriously that would have been a pain in my behind for the next 4 years.

Good Riddance!

Yeah, cause people forgot all about Harrison Barnes, Nick Collison, Kirk Heinrich, etc.

If he has success, people will still remember him and he'll still be a topic of conversation.
People don't really remember the offensive guard that got away...
That is another reason why choosing Iowa is a good career choice over Alabama. At Iowa he would be a left tackle vs being a guard at Alabama. The average starting guard makes about 1 million a year vs left tackle at 3-4 million a year. The only good chance he haa to play left tackle in the nfl is to play the position in college.
That is another reason why choosing Iowa is a good career choice over Alabama. At Iowa he would be a left tackle vs being a guard at Alabama. The average starting guard makes about 1 million a year vs left tackle at 3-4 million a year. The only good chance he haa to play left tackle in the nfl is to play the position in college.

Saban was probably in his ear about how Yanda played tackle at Iowa and then got moved to guard when he entered the NFL. Same thing happened to Gallery. Sadly, the B1G doesn't have those freakish defensive ends like they have in the SEC so our tackles aren't as good as they are in the SEC anymore.
Gallery did not move to guard until later in his nfl career. He made a lot of money none of the less. Yanda played 3 positions at Iowa with half a season at left tackle.
Saban was probably in his ear about how Yanda played tackle at Iowa and then got moved to guard when he entered the NFL. Same thing happened to Gallery. Sadly, the B1G doesn't have those freakish defensive ends like they have in the SEC so our tackles aren't as good as they are in the SEC anymore.

I think that's why he flipped. Better competition both in practice and in the games. It's what will contribute to the OSU loss to Alabama in the MNC this year (if OSU makes it that far). OSU just won't have seen anything like the SEC level of competition in the Bigten.
I think that's why he flipped. Better competition both in practice and in the games. It's what will contribute to the OSU loss to Alabama in the MNC this year (if OSU makes it that far). OSU just won't have seen anything like the SEC level of competition in the Bigten.
Coach Meyer has seen it, and it clearly doesn't scare him. Give me Big 10 Brains and Brawn over $EC "speed" and hype any day.
Riddle me this: What do Saban; Tressel; Ross P have in common?

Lack of integrity.

Anyone who thinks Saban can't suffer Tressel's fate is kidding themselves. I think Saban will leave college football before KF.
Riddle me this: What do Saban; Tressel; Ross P have in common?

Lack of integrity.

Anyone who thinks Saban can't suffer Tressel's fate is kidding themselves. I think Saban will leave college football before KF.

Barkley Hill must go. We can't someone with such poor integrity involved with the program.


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