Ross P to Alabama - For Real

What else has he done besides "not honor his word"?

"Oh hai, Torque, this is Katie. Remember when I said I would go to prom with you? Well it turns out Jason got a new car so I'm going with him. Sorry that I waited this long to tell you and that now all that is left to pick to go to prom with are a bunch of fat girls from Corydon. I always thought you were a swell dude, though. Tootles."

Big difference between these guys and this RP kid. Larsen and Doering committed to Iowa and HONORED their commitments. They actually suited up for the black and gold, so that makes them Hawkeyes. Had it not been for nagging injuries, the sky would've been the limit for both of those fine Hawkeyes.

The main thing that stings about this is that he "committed" so early that I'm sure the staff passed on several solid young men who might've wanted to play for Iowa, but have now committed elsewhere.

Thank you. There is something in the recruiting game called reliance. We rely on these kids to keep their words because we change recruiting tactics and have guys drop out based on who commits. Even if it's verbal.

There is a word for when someone tells you they are going to do something and then you rely on their statement and then they say "psyche, I lied." What is it? Oh yeah. Fraud.
"Oh hai, Torque, this is Katie. Remember when I said I would go to prom with you? Well it turns out Jason got a new car so I'm going with him. Sorry that I waited this long to tell you and that now all that is left to pick to go to prom with are a bunch of fat girls from Corydon. I always thought you were a swell dude, though. Tootles."


LOL, yep!
Stop calling this kid out for not being an Iowa fan. He was offered a full ride to the best football program in the country. You are lying to yourself if you say you wouldn't accept the offer if you we're in his shoes.
But this means he gives up all rights of being an Iowa fan he might as well live in bama the rest of his life. Why not transfer their for his sr. Season if he wants out of Iowa.
I'm not going to get into it because I'm tired, and frankly I'm over RP starting tonight...

BUT, on top of the commitment aspect, it was a multitude of things. From the beginning he said he was about an education. He had Amendola show him around for pete's sake. He jerked the staff around, screened his calls etc. He sent a horrible message to incoming recruits by ditching the big recruiting weekend to visit Stanford, among other things. He simply showed himself to be a shady character and cast his lot with biggest "me first" ****** bag on the face of the earth. These are just random things off the top of my head. If I had time or energy I'd go digging. As I said earlier, I'm glad he went to Bama.

The guy is having second thoughts, so he should be concerned about sending a "good message" to the other recruits? In other words, you're saying he should have lied to prove how strong his character is?
Stop calling this kid out for not being an Iowa fan. He was offered a full ride to the best football program in the country. You are lying to yourself if you say you wouldn't accept the offer if you we're in his shoes.

I guess its not just about how big of a fan you are. It's a combination of how big of a fan you are and how important it is to be on a team that is guaranteed to win. To me the decision would be easy because I'm a huge Iowa fan and I also would rather try to help my team win then sit back and watch my team win. Not saying he won't play at bama, just saying they will win whether he plays or not.

Now if he was never an Iowa fan its a completely different story. I understand if someone wants to go play for the best team instead of some random team. I just don't get how you would rather play for the best team instead of playing for the team you grew up loving.

On a related note Adam Woodbury kicks a$$!
I guess its not just about how big of a fan you are. It's a combination of how big of a fan you are and how important it is to be on a team that is guaranteed to win. To me the decision would be easy because I'm a huge Iowa fan and I also would rather try to help my team win then sit back and watch my team win. Not saying he won't play at bama, just saying they will win whether he plays or not.

Now if he was never an Iowa fan its a completely different story. I understand if someone wants to go play for the best team instead of some random team. I just don't get how you would rather play for the best team instead of playing for the team you grew up loving.

On a related note Adam Woodbury kicks a$$!

Some kids today are bandwagon fans and not true fans. To be a fan it is in your heart for life. ross turn your bacher never was a true Hawkeye fan.
Alabama is a Dynasty right now. Ross has the opportunity to play for a hall of fame coach and one of the all time great programs ever. If this were 5 years ago Ross would be fully committed to Iowa. It hurts, it looks bad that a kid who grew up a huge Iowa fan gets pulled out of state by someone else, but what can you do or how can you blame him?

99% of the time I would not approve of someone decomitting, but in this instance I wish Ross well and completely understand

Obviously he wasn't a huge Iowa fan but a bandwagoner like alot of kids today no loyalty. This kid might as well live out of state the rest of his life as he has given up any birth rite as an Iowan.
The guy is having second thoughts, so he should be concerned about sending a "good message" to the other recruits? In other words, you're saying he should have lied to prove how strong his character is?

No. And if that's all you got out of my post then we're worlds apart and there is no reason to discuss this any further.
I guess its not just about how big of a fan you are. It's a combination of how big of a fan you are and how important it is to be on a team that is guaranteed to win. To me the decision would be easy because I'm a huge Iowa fan and I also would rather try to help my team win then sit back and watch my team win. Not saying he won't play at bama, just saying they will win whether he plays or not.

Now if he was never an Iowa fan its a completely different story. I understand if someone wants to go play for the best team instead of some random team. I just don't get how you would rather play for the best team instead of playing for the team you grew up loving.

On a related note Adam Woodbury kicks a$$!

See, arguments like this blow my mind.

You really think the guys we've pulled in from Florida, Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania over the years were all Iowa fans?

Maybe you can't see how a kid would play for a school other than the one he grew up loving, but you (and everyone else here) had better be damn grateful that they find a way to do it.
The kid has every right to go where ever he wants. What bothers me most is he made a big splash with the (look at me...look at me) very first commit of our class. The reasoning being that he was a huge Hawk fan and wanted to help get our recruiting going. Scholarships are not gauranteed at Alibami son. Don't get hurt and better perform or else.
While I would have loved to have RP at Iowa, I'm not gonna rip on the kid for not coming to Iowa. Good luck to the young man, hopefully he will reconsider once again and become a Hawkeye
Good luck to him. Biggest difference is he will be a pretty good guard at bama, but would have been a stud LT at Iowa. There is a huge difference when the draft rolls around. But at least he will play for a championship, he never would have at Iowa IMO.

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