Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

It would appear that this has been seconded. Are you having a hard time believing this?

I'm not denying they hang out because I don't know but I'm not going to believe they hang out until its fact. If it's fact they hang out together then I'll shut up. I agree that someone should have known because I'm sure DJK hung out with guys on the football team, but I feel uncomfortable having Stanzi singled out.
No, i think it is possible that they have all hung out at one time or another. But did they know each others deep dark secrets? i don't know. When did they hang? When they were freshmen? because at that time it was cool given they were both from ohio, or were they buds of late? Who was DJK real tight with, other than himself and this Brady Johnson?

I'm not denying they hang out because I don't know but I'm not going to believe they hang out until its fact. If it's fact they hang out together then I'll shut up. I agree that someone should have known because I'm sure DJK hung out with guys on the football team, but I feel uncomfortable having Stanzi singled out.

This site has gone from rampant rumors to anything being hypothetically discussed as a reasonable possibility is seen as being a blatant attempt at stirring the pot. Not sure which one is more stupid.
No, i think it is possible that they have all hung out at one time or another. But did they know each others deep dark secrets? i don't know. When did they hang? When they were freshmen? because at that time it was cool given they were both from ohio, or were they buds of late? Who was DJK real tight with, other than himself and this Brady Johnson?

This, I just don't like Stanzi being singled out. If he did know then so be it, but beyond Stanzi there had to be others that knew.
Man are you right. Why does KXNO keep hiring guys that have absolutely nothing to do with Iowa sports. I'm not talking about the Hawks. I mean Iowa, ISU, Drake or UNI. If you are going to have a talk radio show in Des Moines, IA then get Hawk and Cyclone fans as your host. We want to talk about our local teams. We don't need outsiders who don't like or care about our teams. Is it being a homer? Darn right it is, but we are the people who listen and we want people on the air who are like us and care about our teams!
yes because in an interview, you get the full picture of a person.

if Rob thinks they never hung out, he's wrong.

I've got friends that I hang out with, but I'm not THAT close with. I wouldn't tell them about something that I didn't want people to know, like that time I.......oh, you almost had me :D
I don't see how that is ignorant. It came off the same way to me.

This comment by Living isn't ignorant? So Stanzi and Derrell have a lot in common? I don't know if they do or not. But this comment doesn't tell me if they do or not. Just because they both from Ohio doesn't mean they have a lot in common. That is just ridiculious..
Stanzi and Derrell "dont have much in common." Really? where are they both from? cause one guys black and ones white they cant have anything in common?
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Perrault is such a DB. I've thought that long before this. But I thought the funniest part was after the fight he stated that he is not a journalist on this issue and his job is to have fun with this issue. He even made a comment that because of the fact that he's not a journalist, he thinks this(drug scandal) is funny. I'm not sure you would hear very many radio guys saying things like that.
This site has gone from rampant rumors to anything being hypothetically discussed as a reasonable possibility is seen as being a blatant attempt at stirring the pot. Not sure which one is more stupid.

I don't disagree with the fact that someone should have known because someone should have. But I feel uncomfortable having Stanzi being singled out or anyone for that matter. None of us know how good of friends DJK was with any individual player if they were friends at all. I'm not disagreeing with the fact that someone should've done something but I don't want to call a single player out without knowing facts (i.e. calling players out based on hypotheticals).
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I guess I think it's a little gullible to think that if a player is doing something a little extra curricular that a teammate is going to rat them out...especially if that player is one of your best players. It's just the 'win at all costs' mentality anymore.
I have been listening to Matt and Miller for over a year faithfully. I live in Estes Park and even often podcast them, but not any more. Matt has that east coast arrogance about him. It is no secret that he would rather talk the Patriots or Sox and much more knowledgable in that market. Why I continued to listen is my fault. Rob Howe is reputable and has much more inside information about the Hawks than any of us will ever know. Matt is a blowhard looking to stir the pot, and that's it. I am done with that program, and kxno should take measurements to address this. Heck, Deace built the empire, and Jon is of course the best, and they no longer play a major role, shich again is kxno's like it's Murph and Andy for me, then a sign out...Iowans have pride...when 2 BCS schools hate this pud...well don't let the door hit you in the a#@ on the way out. Oh, by the way...Miller is a respect anymore either.
Some of you people are amazing. Just because Stanzi maybe was seen with DJK out and about, doesn't mean that they were real tight. I hung out with a lot of players when I played sports, but wasn't really tight with but a couple of them. I had no idea what the guys that I wasn't tight with did in their off time.

As for the not having much in common. I think what is being alluded to outside of both being from Ohio, is that look at the way they carry themselves. It's the Troy Aikman (Stanzi) and the Michael Irvin (DJK). While they do have football in common, outside of the field they had very little in common.
I'm not even taking Robs side on this. I think both were in the wrong, but...

From @nickgustafson: "@sportstalkmatt Hearing ten starters out? That what you're hearing?"
From Matt: "I'm not saying anything specifically except it's BAD"

I don't consider what happened today BAD. Maybe that's just me.
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Cyclone response is mixed. It is difficult to forget his conference alignment stance against Iowa State.
This site has gone from rampant rumors to anything being hypothetically discussed as a reasonable possibility is seen as being a blatant attempt at stirring the pot. Not sure which one is more stupid.

Couldn't agree more. Is MP smug and rubs people the wrong way? Sure. So don't listen. But to say its irresponsible or pot stirring to even bring up the point of how could someone not know, and when is it a line in the sand between loyalty and doing whats right by saying something.

I dont know what kind of lives or employment you folks have, but from my experiences in school and work, if one person does something fairly controversial and one person knows about it. A lot of people usually end up knowing about it. And my work is not nearly as close knit and cliquish as a college football team. Perrault had no real logical leap to say Stanzi SHOULD have known, but irresponsible to question it? Hardly.

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