Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

I thought Rob flew off the handle and ended up coming off as a horse's @ss. And yes Rob was wrong on Norm retiring and AJ Derby switching to QB.
This comment by Living isn't ignorant? So Stanzi and Derrell have a lot in common? I don't know if they do or not. But this comment doesn't tell me if they do or not. Just because they both from Ohio doesn't mean they have a lot in common. That is just ridiculious..
Stanzi and Derrell "dont have much in common." Really? where are they both from? cause one guys black and ones white they cant have anything in common?

If its naive to think that they have things in common then its just as naive to think that they don't. They both play football D1. They are both from the same state and now live in the same state. They are the same age. THey are around the same people on a regular basis. they are both students. they are on the same team. they are both starters on the same side of the ball.

Just those things right there to me would indicate a "things in common".
Again it's stupid for Matt to be on his high horse saying Stanzi should've known and done something about it. I'm sorry but I think the majority in here that have been involved in athletics would not rat a teammate out if they are doing some extra curricular sh**. You settle it in the locker room or the field (which may have happened with DJK and Clayborn).

I really don't care whether Stanzi knew or not...and don't think less of him if he did.
I thought Rob flew off the handle and ended up coming off as a horse's @ss. And yes Rob was wrong on Norm retiring and AJ Derby switching to QB.

Rob predicted it would eventually happen, never stated Derby to QB as fact. He simply said he had a great mold for another position and may be scared off from the QB depth and get more playing time elsewhere.
I thought Rob flew off the handle and ended up coming off as a horse's @ss. And yes Rob was wrong on Norm retiring and AJ Derby switching to QB.

They both came off as pretty immature. It was embarrassing to listen to two grown men who make their livings in a communication medium unable to wrangle their mouths. Everyone has bad days, and gets their buttons pushed but it is not hard to be a bigger person. I was just glad the mic was muted during the commercial break so poor Ken Miller doesn't have to sit and watch another person affect his livelihood.
Again it's stupid for Matt to be on his high horse saying Stanzi should've known and done something about it. I'm sorry but I think the majority in here that have been involved in athletics would not rat a teammate out if they are doing some extra curricular sh**. You settle it in the locker room or the field (which may have happened with DJK and Clayborn).

I really don't care whether Stanzi knew or not...and don't think less of him if he did.

Exactly. Its not like it effected his play.
Again it's stupid for Matt to be on his high horse saying Stanzi should've known and done something about it. I'm sorry but I think the majority in here that have been involved in athletics would not rat a teammate out if they are doing some extra curricular sh**. You settle it in the locker room or the field (which may have happened with DJK and Clayborn).

I really don't care whether Stanzi knew or not...and don't think less of him if he did.

If the teammate extracurricular sh** threatens the teams future, chemistry, performance or anything else ( which in this case it certainly did) you bet your britches I am saying something. No one persons jollies have the right to ruin it for everyone else. I would be having a conversation with that player and they are going to be stopping what they are doing.
Rob predicted it would eventually happen, never stated Derby to QB as fact. He simply said he had a great mold for another position and may be scared off from the QB depth and get more playing time elsewhere.

But how could he say that if he didn't really know? Those types of insane leaps into the unknown should be frowned upon.
hell, no one is saying that noone knew. Perault however flatout named Stanzi. When Rob said that was irresponsible perault went way off. You don't name people unless you have something to back it up. Perault had nothing. All day he has been flat out misrepresenting everything said in the press conference. He even said that Iowa said ARob's suspension had nothing to do with academics. That is absolutely a lie. In fact they hinted heavily that it was academics. He has been flat out lying about the press conference all day!
I've never listened to that guy, but after this post I had to listen to the podcast.

I don't blame him, he's a no talent piece of crap with a voice like fingernails on a chalkboard. I blame the idiots who actually listen to this d-bag. He shouldn't have ever had that job in the first place.

Had to edit this to after I heard later that they said that they didn't cut him off?? When it happened he said, "Cut him off, I'm done." lol, what a loser.
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If the teammate extracurricular sh** threatens the teams future, chemistry, performance or anything else ( which in this case it certainly did) you bet your britches I am saying something. No one persons jollies have the right to ruin it for everyone else. I would be having a conversation with that player and they are going to be stopping what they are doing.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

The reality is that if teammates knew, they probably figured he was just jeopardizing himself.
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I have been listening to Matt and Miller for over a year faithfully. I live in Estes Park and even often podcast them, but not any more. Matt has that east coast arrogance about him. It is no secret that he would rather talk the Patriots or Sox and much more knowledgable in that market. Why I continued to listen is my fault. Rob Howe is reputable and has much more inside information about the Hawks than any of us will ever know. Matt is a blowhard looking to stir the pot, and that's it. I am done with that program, and kxno should take measurements to address this. Heck, Deace built the empire, and Jon is of course the best, and they no longer play a major role, shich again is kxno's like it's Murph and Andy for me, then a sign out...Iowans have pride...when 2 BCS schools hate this pud...well don't let the door hit you in the a#@ on the way out. Oh, by the way...Miller is a respect anymore either.

You lucky SOB! :D
Itheus has it right. About everything the coaches don't know you could just about squeeze into the grand canyon. What are they supposed to do? Grill the players and put them on a polygraph after they pass drug tests?

Back on point: Matt came off terrible. This was not some irate caller. It was a guest that he booked. He shouted him down, wouldn't let him finish, threatened him by saying he was throwing the show away, and then hung up on him by telling his staff to 'cut him off.' What kind of a host can't handle a guest? Not a caller. A guest. It was a complete joke. Guess I have to go back to listening to Marty, because I'm done with that guy.
I've never listened to that guy, but after this post I had to listen to the podcast.

I don't blame him, he's a no talent piece of crap with a voice like fingernails on a chalkboard. I blame the idiots who actually listen to this d-bag. He shouldn't have ever had that job in the first place.

When you put it that way, we can trace this all back to Tirrell, Cotlar and Conn! It's them sunzabitches faults!:mad:
hell, no one is saying that noone knew. Perault however flatout named Stanzi. When Rob said that was irresponsible perault went way off. You don't name people unless you have something to back it up. Perault had nothing. All day he has been flat out misrepresenting everything said in the press conference. He even said that Iowa said ARob's suspension had nothing to do with academics. That is absolutely a lie. In fact they hinted heavily that it was academics. He has been flat out lying about the press conference all day!

What I heard on the drive home ( and bear with me I havent gone back and dictated this or anything) was a lot of " I find it hard to believe Stanzi would not know." or " are you saying Stanzi doesnt know" Is this a backhanded way into something sensational? Sure and I already said there is no logical leap to say for sure Stanzi knew. But to get on a high horse and say something is irresponsible or pot stirring is silly. It's an afternoon drive time radio show, not a media outlet reporting fact. Nor should it be. I don't listen to local radio for hard nosed facts and investigative journalism. It's opinion. Just because someone doesn't like it....

That being said, I do not care for MP, he comes off as smug, and fairly annoying. I do like Ken Miller and I think its a shame he is constantly being surrounded by people who can't control their mouths.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

The reality is that if teammates knew, they probably figured he was just jeopardizing himself.

Foresight is 30/30. If you don't think someone using or surrounding themselves with drugs or whatever was happening could have no bearing on a football team or its success must be one of the guys majoring in pool cleaning.

I am not naive and I went to college. I could care less if some college kid smokes dope, and I chuckle every time one of them gets caught drinking underage. Not sure what people think kids do at college. But I think we can agree this went slightly above and beyond, kids being kids.

Its just a tough situation. If someone does know, which I personally find it almost impossible someone didn't, they dont want to betray your team mate, or be a rat. etc.

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