Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

Matt Perrault is getting exactly what he wants though and it's showing in this thread which has had 75+ posts in about an hour. He will continue to go over the top because people listen. If you don't want him on the air stop listening to him.

No he's not...he got obliterated by Rob and made to look like a chump...he didn't want that. And I even made a case for M&M in another thread. This thread has nothing to do with not wanting him on the air.
Ok but lets say that there are 20 cliques. I would think that out of those cliques that 1 person from each clique goes outside of their clique once in awhile and hangs with another clique every now and then.

Its just like high school. Theres always a jock that has a stoner friend that he was best friends with in 3rd grade and goes out to smoke a doobie with cuz he doesn't want the other jocks to know about it. Theres always a stoner that has a friend in the band clique that goes out with the stoners once in a while and vice versa. That band person has a next door neighbor in whatever clique that theyve known their entire life and is still friends with and they hang out with each others cliques every so often.

Then once in awhile there is just that rager where all of the cliques come together.

This is all contained in an area of about 20 square blocks and everyone has a cell phone. You don't have to be best buds to know what is going on in the bigger circle.

maybe teammates did talk to djk about what he was doing, and he didn't care to hear it? that is one possibility not being discussed. knowing what is going on is one thing.
Rob looked dumb. he lost his cool and claimed Stanzi and Derrell "dont have much in common." Really? where are they both from? cause one guys black and ones white they cant have anything in common?

look, Perrault is what he is and Rob lowered himself to that level today.
I think all Cyclone fans applaud Rob for what he did, hopefully this is the beginning of the end for Maddie P.
I am a long and loyal listener to all of the KXNO programs but I'm seriously contemplating pulling the plug on Matt & Miller. What I heard tonight from Matt was bush league. He threatened Rob with not be invited anymore on his show. He termed it 'my show' several times. I really felt bad for Ken Miller who I like a lot. It's like Ken does not exist.

I think he needs to be called to the carpet and apologize for throwing Stanzi's name under the bus with no proof.
Rob looked dumb. he lost his cool and claimed Stanzi and Derrell "dont have much in common." Really? where are they both from? cause one guys black and ones white they cant have anything in common?

look, Perrault is what he is and Rob lowered himself to that level today.

they could be both black or both white and not have anything in common. One was a captain, one was not, is that related to color?
Rob looked dumb. he lost his cool and claimed Stanzi and Derrell "dont have much in common." Really? where are they both from? cause one guys black and ones white they cant have anything in common?

look, Perrault is what he is and Rob lowered himself to that level today.

Because they are both from Ohio they must have a lot in common?

There's a lot people here in Iowa I don't have a lot in common with.
I listened to the presser this morning on KXnO and listened to the "commentary" afterward. When their show came on this afternoon and Perrault was still talking the same crap I switched over to 1700 - pretty sad when you switch over to Marty for the voice of reason.

Fortunately, I happened to be in my car to hear Rob Howe and I was openly cheering him on. Perrault has been trying to "gin" up the story and its becoming sickening!
No he's not...he got obliterated by Rob and made to look like a chump...he didn't want that. And I even made a case for M&M in another thread. This thread has nothing to do with not wanting him on the air.

But people are interested in what he has to say. He is just doing the same thing Colin Cowherd, Jim Rome, or Skip Bayless do and that is spewing crap and stirring up a controversy because it leads to listeners.
But people are interested in what he has to say. He is just doing the same thing Colin Cowherd, Jim Rome, or Skip Bayless do and that is spewing crap and stirring up a controversy because it leads to listeners.
Which makes him exactly what Rob called him true. A shock jock.
Rob claimed they have nothing in common. was he correct or not?

no. They both require oxygen for life.

obviously you mean they were both on the same team. both played for the same unit. one threw the ball, one catches the ball. doesn't mean they xchange Christmas gifts. But maybe they are best of friends off the field. And maybe one has tried to help the other as well. Maybe Howe knows something?
Rob looked dumb. he lost his cool and claimed Stanzi and Derrell "dont have much in common." Really? where are they both from? cause one guys black and ones white they cant have anything in common?

look, Perrault is what he is and Rob lowered himself to that level today.

Right here from your post you quoted Robe saying "don't have much in common"

Thats different than saying absoultely nothing in common.

I didn't catch the interview until the very end. I'm just going off your post.
Perault cut him off just like all other callers who disagree with him that was great!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you realize they actually scoffed at, laughed at & hung up on a caller for thinking the Big Ten was going to play 8 conference games in 2011? And do you realize the Big Ten IS going to play 8 conference games in 2011? WAKE up Hawks!! BAN KXNO!!!
Fine they have at least one thing in common. That doesn't mean they have a lot in common. Furthermore, Rob would have a better idea of what they have in common better than Perrault, you, or me. He has been at interviews with these guys and has spoken to them and can get a better indication of their personalities than some talking head who I doubt has ever spoken to either player.
Right here from your post you quoted Robe saying "don't have much in common"

Thats different than saying absoultely nothing in common.

I didn't catch the interview until the very end. I'm just going off your post.

you are right. Id have to listen to it again to get the exact quote. I think it was "they have nothing in common" altho I may be wrong. Im not going to listen to the podcast again because frankly it was like watching two dorks fight for the title of "toughest kid in Ankeny."

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