Right now the worst part of the Coker situation


from the fan's perspective is there are no details as to what has transpired...that allows for people to roll on people who may or may not have a hand in things.

If Iowa can talk about it, they should consider doing so soon..if they are not allowed to talk about it (whatever it is and quite frankly, I don't know with certainty) then they are going to take the heat, fairly or not. Not a good situation right now.
What is wrong with the Iowa Football Program Jon?? Some is not right behind the scenes if this continues to happen. Something majorly wrong and it needs to be addressed now!
Agreed, that is definitely the most frustrating thing about all of this. If we just knew or had some inclination about what happened it would maybe make this pill a little easier to swallow.
I actually feel this one is on the University and not Coker or the football program. That's just the type of problem that it seems like. Especially because Ferentz was displeased with the suspension and it sounded like an academic issue to begin with.
The university that is usually so forthcoming with details about anything involving students and student-athletes. Yeah, that'll happen.

Seriously, it sounds like the university's hands are tied here. Not sure there's much they can say by policy and by federal regulation. Would sure be nice if some reporter could get Coker (or Moms, who drove him halfway across the country against her better wishes on his official visit) to talk.

Jon, do you think this hurts future efforts to recruit Maryland and particularly DeMatha?
I'm sure KF is sitting at home right now, thinking up some good smart-a** comments for this situation. That's football, right? Your top players continue to leave year after year for no good reason...gotta execute in all phases of your life!!
from the fan's perspective is there are no details as to what has transpired...that allows for people to roll on people who may or may not have a hand in things.

If Iowa can talk about it, they should consider doing so soon..if they are not allowed to talk about it (whatever it is and quite frankly, I don't know with certainty) then they are going to take the heat, fairly or not. Not a good situation right now.

This cloak of secrecy is causing more problems than is being solved by such secrecy. Even if they were to affirmatively say they are not allowed to talk about it, most people would get that. They might want to know, but most would understand the need for privacy. Saying they're not going to talk about it with no explanation as to why 1) makes it look like they're hiding something and/or 2) comes across as being incredibly arrogant and detached from their fanbase. The PR machine at Iowa is living in the 50s.
I think the worst part is the trolls have a new reason to cry. If the kid made a mistake and was forced out - bye bye.

If he chose to leave for another reason - bye bye
this program is an absolute joke right now and it's run by a dictator who you should dare not question.

I really don't think this is the case at all..and have learned several times through the KF years that when I don't have all the facts, the odds are to come down on Kirk's side because of his history of evenly handling disciplinary matters, square peg players, etc.

If Iowa were coming off a 10 win season, people would be 'siding' with Kirk..since its 15 wins in last two years, people are rolling on Kirk..
I really don't think this is the case at all..and have learned several times through the KF years that when I don't have all the facts, the odds are to come down on Kirk's side because of his history of evenly handling disciplinary matters, square peg players, etc.

If Iowa were coming off a 10 win season, people would be 'siding' with Kirk..since its 15 wins in last two years, people are rolling on Kirk..

But they're not. And that's half of the point.
I'm sure KF is sitting at home right now, thinking up some good smart-a** comments for this situation. That's football, right? Your top players continue to leave year after year for no good reason...gotta execute in all phases of your life!!

Do you know that is was a KF issue? That's what Jon's trying to say....no one KNOW's but they just go spouting off the first thing in their tiny brains. Honestly....DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE ISSUE IS, or are you just running at the mouth....or keyboard....?
The longer the university has nothing to say, the worse this gets.

People's names and reputations are getting run through the mud right now and saying nothing just throws gas on the fire.

People deserve answers here, and individuals deserve to have their names cleared.
I guess my point is, with a lack of facts for people to form realistic opinions from, folks are assuming its a Kirk-Football issue

I know what you're saying and I agree with you. I'm just saying that all those years he got the benefit of the doubt he earned it. He equally if not more earned the lackthereof in this situation IMO.

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