Right now the worst part of the Coker situation

That's a wordy way of saying, "THEY OWE IT TO MEEE!"
They owe it to MARCUS.You're still in the denial stage. I understand.

I'm sure Marcus knew full well what was happening the whole time. Also, if he wanted all his laundry aired out, he would do it himself, especially since he's no longer with the program. Listen, I'm as frustrated as anyone by the lack of info out there but as was stated earlier, we are not entitled to it.

I highly doubt your opinion is in the majority FWIW.
I agree & have held this opinion for well over a year.
At that time I was in the minority.
I'd say now, its the majority or at least even.

Its hard for people to accept that something they care deeply for is declining. We all rationalize differently, think/hope things improve. That's a normal process.

If someone told you that a school had lost 5 RB's(4 of which were STARTERS at some point), countless other players, its DC, its DL coach, countless legal and academic problems, any rational person would probably think something like...boy that program is in trouble or that program is a mess.

Nope you are still a very small minority. And you will be on the next issue and the next and the next.....the fact that some myopic message board poster who doesn't get big time athletics thinks he is a majority says all we need to know about you.

Heck if you went to most any major college board in the country you’d find just as many defections and just as many “loud” myopic posters claiming something is wrong……
If the University of Iowa is going to operate like this they should just shut the athletic dept down. This stems from the top of the food chain at the UI. Basically they have INTENTIONALLY attempted to RUIN a young man's career by suspending him for NOTHING. I'm done with this program, done with this school. It is a joke, an absolute joke.

I wouldn't send my kids to that place if it were free.

I so hope you are serious. Can u start here.
If this issue was legally based and something to do with a female, even though I think Coker was an awesome Hawk, he is the one who put himself in that position. It is not just Marcus either, but how many guys have lost all they have worked so hard for due to a bad situation involving a female. The only way to avoid that happening is to not put yourself in that position to start with. It is extremely hard being a college student in the limelight like athletes are to not want to live the party life being on cloud nine and surrounded by "groupies", for lack of a better word. I wish Marcus the best and hope it wasn't something like that, but if it was let's hope he can learn from it and maybe others can too. With society being the way it is today a person just has to be very careful with relationships with members of the opposite sex and try to stay clear of any situation that could cause them any harm. Let's just hope none of this was true with Marcus and that he lands on his feet and has a bright future.
If this issue was legally based and something to do with a female, even though I think Coker was an awesome Hawk, he is the one who put himself in that position. It is not just Marcus either, but how many guys have lost all they have worked so hard for due to a bad situation involving a female. The only way to avoid that happening is to not put yourself in that position to start with. It is extremely hard being a college student in the limelight like athletes are to not want to live the party life being on cloud nine and surrounded by "groupies", for lack of a better word. I wish Marcus the best and hope it wasn't something like that, but if it was let's hope he can learn from it and maybe others can too. With society being the way it is today a person just has to be very careful with relationships with members of the opposite sex and try to stay clear of any situation that could cause them any harm. Let's just hope none of this was true with Marcus and that he lands on his feet and has a bright future.

The Duke lacrosse team comes to mind....
I guess my point is, with a lack of facts for people to form realistic opinions from, folks are assuming its a Kirk-Football issue

Even if its not all on the coaching staff 5 running backs leaving in 18 months is embarassing.

In the end its their program and their recruits no matter what lens anyone chooses.
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Once again iowa is terrible about getting out in front of the story. Pathetic really.

Dumb. What exactly did you want the University to say at this point? I think they said all that they could in the statement released. We are not getting any details about this unless it comes from a source other than the University.
If the University of Iowa is going to operate like this they should just shut the athletic dept down. This stems from the top of the food chain at the UI. Basically they have INTENTIONALLY attempted to RUIN a young man's career by suspending him for NOTHING. I'm done with this program, done with this school. It is a joke, an absolute joke.

I wouldn't send my kids to that place if it were free.

Buh bye.
This is all gibberish that I already addressed quite some time ago.
No, the UI, KF, Gary Barta don't owe me squat.
However, I do think they owe it to Marcus Coker to address the situation with enough detail to squash the endless rumors that drug one of their own thru the mud over and over. They could have released about a million statements that would have more adequately addressed and somewhat protected Marcus without compromising his or their privacy.

Or they could have addressed his status in a timely enough manner that allows him to KNOW his status before enrolling for second semester.

But hey, that's just the majority's opinion. You're entitled to your's.

You make less and less sense with each post. And several of those posts were made AFTER your "pledge" to stop supporting the U of I and the football team. Which, of course, begs the question of why you continue posting AFTER your brave and heroic pledge?

What, exactly, could KF say? "I won't go into details or break privacy laws but I WILL say this..."?

Or how about, "Yes, there has been an investigation, but you could tell that whoever the alleged victim MAY have been, that victim recanted/wasn't credible/"deserved" it"?

Or here's one right up your alley: "That b*tch University President and her stupid code of conduct! Marcus's name is being dragged through the mud! But that's all I can say..."

Maybe you can save a little face and STILL maintain your "pledge". Offer your services as crackerjack PR consultant. Explain you aren't "supporting" the U of I, but rather, the U of I NEEDS your expertise.

Let us know your start date and keep us posted. We're counting on you.
what in the world is happening in IC? I would venture life. Other peoples lives. Seems a few , maybe more than a few, people on these forums need to take a step or two back and let the lives of others, (those that they are letting them entertain you as if it was a drama theater for you to voice the direction of their lives), let those lives and actions play out.

I would bet some of you don't even hold your own self nearly as accountable for your own actions as you do for those of some (our) football team or university that you don't even have some true ties to other than as an observing taxpayer. To you I say take a breath.

Others who appear closer to the drama (students, alumni, parents, season ticket holders, etc), seem a bit more rational in their comments and posts. I would say, until all facts are known, which they won't, then to speek with caution from your mouth, not elsewhere!

The U of I pr machine is certainly lacking, but only because in this day people want immediate gratification. Each instance is a separate instance, dont let the sum be greater than the parts. Is there some trends? yes, so let those that live those lives that make those decisions make them. If they are wrong, time and again over time, (when then, it is even possible,) then, some changes at the top can be addressed. Until then, just speak from one side of your body.
from the fan's perspective is there are no details as to what has transpired...that allows for people to roll on people who may or may not have a hand in things.

If Iowa can talk about it, they should consider doing so soon..if they are not allowed to talk about it (whatever it is and quite frankly, I don't know with certainty) then they are going to take the heat, fairly or not. Not a good situation right now.

There are plenty of details out there if you read between the lines.

We know there was a sexual assault report. We know that for a variety of reasons the ICPD is not currently investigating it. We also know that the UI code of student conduct (along with nearly every other school's code of conduct) has a very strict verbal consent policy regarding sexual encounters. Essentially the code requries all parties to verbally consent before any physical contact.

Duff: I would like to kiss you
Mrs Duff: I would like that

Duff: I would like to touch your boobs
Mrs Duff: I would like that

Duff: I would like to... wang your potatoes
Mrs Duff: I would like that

That is literally what is required by the Iowa student code of conduct before sexual contact can occur.

So knowing all that, and knowing KF was unahppy with the situation, and knowing he was invited back to join the team its pretty easy to put together....

He had an encounter that the female objected to (in some fashion). The female involved reported it, and while there wasn't enough evidedence to support criminal charges being filed there is ample evidence that Coker didn't get the necessary consent. Coker gets suspended for a period of time. KF ain't happy and says so. Coker feels like he's done nothing wrong and says so. The suspension ends and Coker is free to do whatever he wants and feels it's in his best interest to go somewhere else.

You also can't faul the U and thier lack of PR, only a complete fool would blame them regarding this. Legally what could they possibly say beyond what they are. They can't release details of the violation. KF can't possibly be expected to say more.

Coker could say more if he wanted, but I'd imagine he's getting very good legal counsel that is telling him to keep his ******* mouth shut and that he's following that advice.
Especially if this is an academic issue, we don't deserve to know anything. I wouldn't want everyone to know about an academic mistake that I made. And you all shouldn't know about it.

If Coker wants his name cleared, he can go public and give his side of the story.

Dude, it aint a ******* academic issue.

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