Right now the worst part of the Coker situation

By that same reasoning a guy who makes 4 million a year, but can't maintain a competitive team should not deserve to keep his job. Seriously, this tough guy you have no right routine is pretty silly.

Alumni, boosters and media have a right to ask for accountability. Thinking they don't is as silly as asking for KF's head.

For your typical suspension, I can see this argument. But in this case, the university is legally bound to stay quiet, and on a matter like this seems to be, they should be.
Shows the type of human he is, Hard route- man up run the ball go to NFL next year, make millions. Option 2 quit.... out of all the Iowa quiters has any of them made the NFL??[/QUOTE

that's what's so stupid about it. if he stays for 2 more years he could very well be the all time leading rusher and in the NFL. if he leaves he will probably never be heard from again. its been a few weeks now so that's to long for a knee jerk reaction yet he is to intelligent to make such a stupid choice that could very well cost him millions. it just doesn't make sense that leaving was his choice
I'm beyond anger and feeling like I need answers.
And as I predicted the blind-followers are seeing the light, slowly but surely.

I've moved to the next stage, what I like to call the Alford stage.
I care about the program, but less & less all the time.
I will not be making a trip to IC this fall, unlike the past 8yrs, solely because I just don't care as much.

An observation made by Marc Morehouse about how Iowa is eerily similar to Penn St in its secretive nature continues to stick in my mind. He, nor I am saying Iowa is hiding something of that nature but anytime people are secretive, a typical response is to not trust those people. Just food for thought.

The most frustrating thing of all is how Ferentz refuses to change anything. It's incredibly irritating as a lifelong Hawkeye fan. He makes $4 million per season, but continues to do the same things. There is no way anyone can take an objective look at the program, and say that it isn't declining.
Coker put this on facebook, how does this look? To me it looks like the coaching staff didn't have his back.

Welp so much for that. It was a good 2 years iowa..best 2 I could of asked for. Thanks again for the support. I really wish I could tell u guys wats goin on cuz its really ridiculous to b punished for somethin I didnt do. Id like to think the coaches and athletic staff for everything. Hawk for life
Coker put this on facebook, how does this look? To me it looks like the coaching staff didn't have his back.

Welp so much for that. It was a good 2 years iowa..best 2 I could of asked for. Thanks again for the support. I really wish I could tell u guys wats goin on cuz its really ridiculous to b punished for somethin I didnt do. Id like to think the coaches and athletic staff for everything. Hawk for life

Not to me. He thanked his coaching staff, I'm guessing they fought for him but to no avail. It's just sad it came to this.
Shows the type of human he is, Hard route- man up run the ball go to NFL next year, make millions. Option 2 quit.... out of all the Iowa quiters has any of them made the NFL??[/QUOTE

that's what's so stupid about it. if he stays for 2 more years he could very well be the all time leading rusher and in the NFL. if he leaves he will probably never be heard from again. its been a few weeks now so that's to long for a knee jerk reaction yet he is to intelligent to make such a stupid choice that could very well cost him millions. it just doesn't make sense that leaving was his choice

This has been shown to be true. Therefore think just how bad things must be within the program to make you want to leave.
There is nothing to stop you from stating your opinion, or how this "feels" to you, but neither you nor anyone else who is implying either that the University has done something wrong, or should be handling this differently, has any basis whatsoever upon which to make that statement. I do agree with Jon that we might all like to know what caused Coker's suspension, just like we might like to know why any talented player - or any player - decides to leave the University. But we don't know, and unless Coker decides to go public, we have no right to know.

Well said.
Will you half wit mouth breathers who don't understand the fact that KF and the U of I admin CANNOT comment on students' personal issues please shut up. I am sick of you and your firmly held and ignorant belief that you have some right to know, that the U of I PR is lacking, that there is "something" wrong with the football program. If you want to know what is going on email, phone, or otherwise contact the student/athlete who is iinvolved n the controversy. They can talk; the U of I cannot. Get it?
Probably not.
Will you half wit mouth breathers who don't understand the fact that KF and the U of I admin CANNOT comment on students' personal issues please shut up. I am sick of you and your firmly held and ignorant belief that you have some right to know, that the U of I PR is lacking, that there is "something" wrong with the football program. If you want to know what is going on email, phone, or otherwise contact the student/athlete who is iinvolved n the controversy. They can talk; the U of I cannot. Get it?
Probably not.

There is something wrong with the program right now, and if you can't see that then you are blind.
Coker put this on facebook, how does this look? To me it looks like the coaching staff didn't have his back. Welp so much for that. It was a good 2 years iowa..best 2 I could of asked for. Thanks again for the support. I really wish I could tell u guys wats goin on cuz its really ridiculous to b punished for somethin I didnt do. Id like to think the coaches and athletic staff for everything. Hawk for life

Wait so its a U of I issue???????

NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! You mean it isn't KF, Barta, Erb, or one of the other coaches fault?

Cancel the lynching.......
The longer the university has nothing to say, the worse this gets.

People's names and reputations are getting run through the mud right now and saying nothing just throws gas on the fire.

People deserve answers here, and individuals deserve to have their names cleared.
Private information is private even if your a college athlete. Lik eit or not that is te way it is and the way it should be.
The most frustrating thing of all is how Ferentz refuses to change anything. It's incredibly irritating as a lifelong Hawkeye fan. He makes $4 million per season, but continues to do the same things. There is no way anyone can take an objective look at the program, and say that it isn't declining.

I agree & have held this opinion for well over a year.
At that time I was in the minority.
I'd say now, its the majority or at least even.

Its hard for people to accept that something they care deeply for is declining. We all rationalize differently, think/hope things improve. That's a normal process.

If someone told you that a school had lost 5 RB's(4 of which were STARTERS at some point), countless other players, its DC, its DL coach, countless legal and academic problems, any rational person would probably think something like...boy that program is in trouble or that program is a mess.
My take on Coker's comments is that it's on the UofI, not KF and the staff. Sad. I don't pretend to know what happened, and don't feel I need to know now, as it doesn't much matter, since he's gone and NEVER coming back. It's really none of our business. JMO and I don't care who likes it and who doesn't.
If the University of Iowa is going to operate like this they should just shut the athletic dept down. This stems from the top of the food chain at the UI. Basically they have INTENTIONALLY attempted to RUIN a young man's career by suspending him for NOTHING. I'm done with this program, done with this school. It is a joke, an absolute joke.

I wouldn't send my kids to that place if it were free.
Coker put this on facebook, how does this look? To me it looks like the coaching staff didn't have his back.

Welp so much for that. It was a good 2 years iowa..best 2 I could of asked for. Thanks again for the support. I really wish I could tell u guys wats goin on cuz its really ridiculous to b punished for somethin I didnt do. Id like to think the coaches and athletic staff for everything. Hawk for life

I'm glad he's thankful for his time here, but his implication that he "can't" talk about the reason for leaving rings untrue. He chooses not to do so. That is his right. None of us should be stringing up the University because it is adhering to its obligation to remain silent on an issue relevant to one of its now former student athletes. I happened to graduate from the University of Iowa with very good grades, over 25 years ago. But guess what ... if I don't want someone to see my transcript, they don't get to see it. Coker obviously feels that it is in his best interest not to discuss the reason for his suspension and subsequent request to be released from his scholarship.
If the University of Iowa is going to operate like this they should just shut the athletic dept down. This stems from the top of the food chain at the UI. Basically they have INTENTIONALLY attempted to RUIN a young man's career by suspending him for NOTHING. I'm done with this program, done with this school. It is a joke, an absolute joke.

I wouldn't send my kids to that place if it were free.

Come on, dude. Get a grip. You have NO evidence that it's "nothing". Accusing the university of unfairly running this guy out of town is as bad as someone accusing Coker of being a murderer.

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