Rhoads-zo the Clown

Snooping around? Yes, I somehow made it past the encryption and saw some funny stuff here. Is the HN firewall down?

You can try to down play it all you want, it doesn't negate how much time you spend around here.
Snooping around? Yes, I somehow made it past the encryption and saw some funny stuff here. Is the HN firewall down?

Dude, seriously. What in the hell is wrong with you that you spend so much time on a HAWKEYE message board? Newsflash for ya- YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ANY VALIDATION OVER HERE, ya ******* 'tard. Jeebus, it's beyond pathetic.
I am actually one of the least delusional ISU fans, but having 9 ISU threads on the front page almost seemed like an invitation.

But you do suffer from little brother syndrome since you didn't deny that (and it's painfully obvious anyway). Maybe you aren't delusional after all.
It was a fumble. He wasn't down, the whistle wasn't blown, he was still fighting for yards, it was a clean strip.
There's no way any impartial observer could say otherwise.

His feet were wrapped and his upper body was wrapped, there was no fighting for yards. He was down because his forward progress stopped. The time of the whistle also doesn't matter as long as the ref determined him down. Watch a game and pay attention to the whistle, it's not uncommon.

ISU lost because they suck. They lost because they had 118 yards in penalties. They lost because they allowed a hail mary play with no time on the clock going into halftime.

Ya know, it is all possible for all of these things to be at the same time.

Yes, it was a bad call. Yes, ISU put themselves in position to get jobbed by not getting the touchdown on their 2nd to last possession and by allowing the long touchdown at the end of the half.
Dude, seriously. What in the hell is wrong with you that you spend so much time on a HAWKEYE message board? Newsflash for ya- YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ANY VALIDATION OVER HERE, ya ******* 'tard. Jeebus, it's beyond pathetic.
I love it here! I have followed the Hawks for years. Thanks for having me.
Ya know, it is all possible for all of these things to be at the same time.

Yes, it was a bad call. Yes, ISU put themselves in position to get jobbed by not getting the touchdown on their 2nd to last possession and by allowing the long touchdown at the end of the half.

The way it was explained today by the Big 12 makes it seem like they made the wrong call in terms of not stopping it because of the forward progress and instead made the call he was down by contact. I'm past the point of caring about that anymore.
Ya know, it is all possible for all of these things to be at the same time.

Yes, it was a bad call. Yes, ISU put themselves in position to get jobbed by not getting the touchdown on their 2nd to last possession and by allowing the long touchdown at the end of the half.

This guy is right. Screwed at the end, but put in the position by our own doing.
It was hilarious when Rhoads slammed down that chair and got up in Marble's grill, blathering on about "getting MAD again" while pumping sunshine about how great of a shooter Oglesby is. Out. Of. Control. Delusional idiot. All an act. Oh, wait...

It was also awesome when Roads improved his win total each year. ... oh wait
Deny all you want. It truly doesn't matter because the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. That said, real hawk fans (the ones in real life, not on the internet) understand what has happened with ISU's AD as of recently and respect the progress. I understand that the internet is about posturing and to make every attempt to be funny so people will click the little "like" button on you post, but most everyone outside of the internet hawk fan base appreciates ISU's strides. The ISU fan base certainly doesn't need derp internet posters to get on board with what's going on (that's not my purpose either). So, please continue to deny and "laugh" at ISU and we'll continue to slowly build towards the future.

Oh, and you should get behind giving your head football coach a raise. Because apparently, we're the fan base that's being trolled.

I'm gonna have to disagree with this. Outside of one or two games, ISU has been the afterthought they've always been in Rhoads 4+ years. Yes, his rant made for some good sound bites and a bit of national pub this morning when there wasn't anything else to talk about. But there are games tomorrow, and baseball playoffs tonight, and Rhoads and ISU won't get much chatter outside of the local airwaves for the remainder of the weekend. Maybe a a blurb on one of the pre-game shows tomorrow.

And then they'll go down to Lubbock next week, get smoked, and ISU will be 1-4, and maybe they're just a ****** football team.
You might be missing the point. How can people disparage Rhoads' antics but love Fran's? I love them both, BTW.

Fran's "antics" are very few and the guy is producing a winning product.
PW's antics are a weekly occurance and he is producing nothing but a sideshow.

I love one. The other one I am ambivalent about.
You might be missing the point. How can people disparage Rhoads' antics but love Fran's? I love them both, BTW.

Fran's team have shown steady improvement, and that is reflected in the win/loss column. Rhoads teams haven't gotten noticeably better in any way, shape or form. At some point you have to win.
You know, it was just a few short years ago that hawk fans didn't care about ISU at all. This place barely gave ISU any air time. Now, ISU is a sort of fascination with you folks. Why is that? Well, I think it's because we're under your skin now. You all hate Iowa State because its not just a bump in the road anymore. You hate our AD because he's generated a lot of money for ISU athletics. You hate our football coach because he creates excitement around our program EVEN when the team is 1-3. You hate our basketball coach because he's done a much better job than than yours in the same amount of time. I'm sure you hate our new football only facility as well as our new basketball practice facility. To me, it sounds like it's a hawk fan issue, not a Cyclone problem.
And then you woke up and realized it was all a dream.

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