Rarely watch ESPN anymore


Well-Known Member
Unless it's a live sporting event. I use to have my TV set on ESPN practically all day. It's getting so hard to watch sometimes with all the commentary and talking heads. Does SportsCenter even show highlights anymore? Serioulsy, enough with the breakdowns, cold hard facts, gameday's final verdict.
Unless it's a live sporting event. I use to have my TV set on ESPN practically all day. It's getting so hard to watch sometimes with all the commentary and talking heads. Does SportsCenter even show highlights anymore? Serioulsy, enough with the breakdowns, cold hard facts, gameday's final verdict.

I've been saying this for years. How old are you, if you don't mind? I'm 30 and I'm having trouble figuring out if I'm just getting older and more out of sync with what's poplular or if the content really just sucks now.

I swear, if another network would just develop a show where all they do narrate highlights that tell you the story of the game, they'd have an all out hit. That was what made Sportcenter so great back in the day, but now I can hardly watch it.
ESPN is not what it used to be. Agreed there is too much analysis. When they need to fill that much tme it becomes very watered down. If it isn't Boston Red Sox and NY Yankees, its Jets. College football is SEC and Alabama/Auburn.
I am a Brewers fan. Having a phenominal year and hottest team in Baseball. Won 26 of their last 31 games. Nothing. Oh yea, Yankees trail Boston by 2 games.
I am 26 and used to watch ESPN night and day. I MAY watch a replay of SportsNation at night cuz I like some of the stupid clips they have, but that's it. If it's not a sporting event I will not watch ESPN. They are god awful.

The anchors try entirely too hard, they have an "expert" for every damn team and sport, and rarely if ever do they show a damn highlight. If I want to see highlights I go to my computer and watch MLB.com or NFL.com. It really sucks that the average sports fan still watches ESPN or they might get the picture that we don't want that garbage and actually go back to being a sports highlight show. They are becoming more and more like MTV each and every day.
Love reading posts like this as I've felt the same way for years now. Like you said unless it's a live sporting event I have an interset in, I will not watch ESPN. I can't stand 90% of the "analysts" and talking heads on the network. One of the many reasons I listen to the Dan Patrick show. They make fun of ESPN all the time
ESPN is not what it used to be. Agreed there is too much analysis. When they need to fill that much tme it becomes very watered down. If it isn't Boston Red Sox and NY Yankees, its Jets. College football is SEC and Alabama/Auburn.
I am a Brewers fan. Having a phenominal year and hottest team in Baseball. Won 26 of their last 31 games. Nothing. Oh yea, Yankees trail Boston by 2 games.

I totally agree with this and I am a Cardinal fan. The Brewers have rarely lost in the last month and a half. It's been incredible...yet you don't hear diddly about it.
Sign me up for someone that is not a fan of the mothership. I like to see a lot of their talent is leaving. (Gammons, Eisen, DP). I do enjoy "Mike and Mike", but even that of late seems to be trending toward specific teams/stories per the mothership. I would rather watch/listen to DP and the Danettes.
I've been saying this for years. How old are you, if you don't mind? I'm 30 and I'm having trouble figuring out if I'm just getting older and more out of sync with what's poplular or if the content really just sucks now.

I swear, if another network would just develop a show where all they do narrate highlights that tell you the story of the game, they'd have an all out hit. That was what made Sportcenter so great back in the day, but now I can hardly watch it.
Im close to 30. Also, ESPNews is actually quite watchable if looking to catch up on scores and highlights.
Y'all are definitely hitting the reasons that eSECpn has become so unappealing. They think they are a "personality" network now, rather than a sports coverage network. Problem is, their selection of "personalities" is weak at best. I mean, Van Pelt is alright in short bursts, and EA is fun to look at, but after that the cupboard is bare.
I haven't watched "College Gameday" in at least 3 seasons. Nothing on there that interests me. Fowler has always been an a-hole; corso is stroked out; herby is a windsock; and that michigan guy is borderline illiterate.
Every commentator has to have their own 'catch phrase'. They've all got to state their opinions as if its factual. They need to prognosticate on who will win the 2035 Super Bowl, NCAA Championship, etc. I agree. Its not what it used to be.

Get back to showing highlights of the games without the forced commentary all the time.
I never watch it anymore. The only time I do is the sporting events. Once the event is done, it's 'click' 'click'. The sportscasters are goofs, there's about 100 of them so you can't relate to a few & the debate shows are cheesy. It's been a good 8 or so yrs since I cared a $hit about it.

I'll watch college f-ball games or NFL this season, but, if it's not a game it's not on, including Sportscenter.

I agree, Vin, it's so SEC driven it's nauseating.
Every commentator has to have their own 'catch phrase'. They've all got to state their opinions as if its factual. They need to prognosticate on who will win the 2035 Super Bowl, NCAA Championship, etc. I agree. Its not what it used to be.

Get back to showing highlights of the games without the forced commentary all the time.
Yes the anchors are all trying to be the next DP or Berman with their signature saying or phrase. Really sick of one eyed Stuart Scott schtick. Very full of himself. Hate it when he gets all ghetto speak on ya! puke. Another "playa" they love to talk about is Ray Lewis. Nothing but a Miami street thug who is now a "leader". Very good football player but hardly a role model.
All "news" anymore is entertainment. It used to be they would report what happened. Now it is a production and there is an underlying theme, opinion or bias intertwined.
Right now I'm just hoping they put Corso down. It's pretty awkward watching him struggle the way he does.
ESPN news is sports center 24-7

Shhh. It's an ESPN bashing session.

I mean seriously

"I swear, if another network would just develop a show where all they do narrate highlights that tell you the story of the game, they'd have an all out hit"

You've never heard of ESPN news?
I miss the days of Dan Patrick, Keith Olberman, the hockey guy that died that started out as a newscaster, Berman on the center, It didn't get any better than that.

Now it is unwatchable.
Shhh. It's an ESPN bashing session.

I mean seriously

"I swear, if another network would just develop a show where all they do narrate highlights that tell you the story of the game, they'd have an all out hit"

You've never heard of ESPN news?

I don't get it with comcast. But I'm getting DTV on Thursday.

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