PTL Update 7/1

Woody needs to stop playing like hes a small forward. Agree on development needed, but i get the feeling he needs to learn to be 'mean'. Not dirty but more aggressive inside.

Please tell me you haven't been to any PTL games. Woody exclusively plays like a back to the basket center.

"Common sense says he (Gesell) won't be as good as Cartwright (the good BC) this year"

Yes he will.
Woody needs to stop playing like hes a small forward. Agree on development needed, but i get the feeling he needs to learn to be 'mean'. Not dirty but more aggressive inside.
Please tell me you haven't been to any PTL games. Woody exclusively plays like a back to the basket center."Common sense says he (Gesell) won't be as good as Cartwright (the good BC) this year"Yes he will.

Agree with ur last part, although im not sure what that has to do with my post....nope, ive never been to a ptl game ur right. Im goin off youtube type vids that tell me (yes just by looking) that he needs to look to bulk up a bit and swing elbows bf he looks to put up a hook shot or pass.
Agree with ur last part, although im not sure what that has to do with my post....nope, ive never been to a ptl game ur right. Im goin off youtube type vids that tell me (yes just by looking) that he needs to look to bulk up a bit and swing elbows bf he looks to put up a hook shot or pass.

The last part was from an above review.

You must be unaware of what a small forward is, Woody plays nothing like a 3. He is fairly thin for a center, but he finds the low post and fight for position on every possession. The idea that he need to throw elbows instead of finding a cutter is absurd and not worth debating.

Needing to add strength is not the same thing as playing like a small forward.
Couple of quick responses:
I agree, I'm not worried about Marble. It almost had the feel of watching (or hearing stories about) how Magic Johnson would just work on a specific shot. Overall, I'm pleased with Marble's continued development.

Also, agree on Mike G. I'd rather not have the biggest expectations and be pleasently surprised he is better than BC. My heart, however, is already Expecting more out of him. At least to my eyeballs Fran was right when he spoke about him being a future pro.

I think the Woodbury PF vs C stuff has some truth On both sides: he does post hard. He fights for rebounds like a center. However, he is slow to react with the ball right now and probably not as aggressive as he need s to be. All that is a function on youth, strength, and confidence. I think he embraces being a center and all of that will come.
Marble was going to head home for the summer to work on that part of the game but then decided to stay in Iowa. It makes complete sense that he is working on that in "game situations" during the PTL. Complete sense.
Not worried about AW at all. For whatever reason, it just takes big guys longer to develop....especially on the offensive end. And each big guy is different. Some can get it going towards the middle of their first year and some don't get it going until their junior/senior year.

I know it's going kinda far back in the archives, but if you look at a guy like Lohaus.....McDonald's All-American and couldn't sniff the court his first 3 years. Vitale even laughed at him during a game his junior year and said he had "white man's disease". Then the "light" went off his senior year (helped, I'm sure, by the change in coaching staff) and he parlayed it into a pretty decent NBA career.

An even more recent example would be Jared Reiner. Didn't start "getting it" on the offensive end until midway thru his junior year and he was pretty accomplished coming out of high school as well and already had a Big 10 body.

If AW can give us some solid defense, rebounding and passing and just concentrate on that and not worry about the offensive side, we'll be fine. He'll grow into the offensive side eventually.
Not worried about AW at all. For whatever reason, it just takes big guys longer to develop....especially on the offensive end. And each big guy is different. Some can get it going towards the middle of their first year and some don't get it going until their junior/senior year.

I know it's going kinda far back in the archives, but if you look at a guy like Lohaus.....McDonald's All-American and couldn't sniff the court his first 3 years. Vitale even laughed at him during a game his junior year and said he had "white man's disease". Then the "light" went off his senior year (helped, I'm sure, by the change in coaching staff) and he parlayed it into a pretty decent NBA career.

An even more recent example would be Jared Reiner. Didn't start "getting it" on the offensive end until midway thru his junior year and he was pretty accomplished coming out of high school as well and already had a Big 10 body.

If AW can give us some solid defense, rebounding and passing and just concentrate on that and not worry about the offensive side, we'll be fine. He'll grow into the offensive side eventually.

Reiner was on his way to a big senior year before injury, as well.
Iowa players appear to have a lot of talent and in the interviews they are bonding as a team. The thing that really is encouraging is they all seem to be very hard workers. I think that is a sign that the basketball staff knows how to select the right guys. Guys like Olesani and Oglesbe seem to have advanced a lot since last year. In the last few coaching regimes before the current staff, they always seemed a little disjointed. It didn't appear that way last year, but then they had all the injuries in the beginning of the year. Anyway, guys that have talent and are hard working, with a coaching staff that knows what they are doing sounds pretty good to me.
Gesell doesn't have to be a stud next year, he just needs to be solid and hit open shots. Limit his turnovers, play solid defense and run the offense. Marble, White, Oges, Basabe and McCabe are capable of putting up the points needed to win, they just need someone to facilitate that.

The team has a lot of upside but they leaned heavily upon Gatens last year in several games. I think Oges can begin to fill those shoes but his release needs to be quicker. I know Gatens said that he and Fran specifically worked on his shot release last year and getting it off quicker, so hopefully Oges is doing the same thing now.

It will be a fun team to watch no doubt.
Gesell doesn't have to be a stud next year, he just needs to be solid and hit open shots. Limit his turnovers, play solid defense and run the offense. Marble, White, Oges, Basabe and McCabe are capable of putting up the points needed to win, they just need someone to facilitate that.

The team has a lot of upside but they leaned heavily upon Gatens last year in several games. I think Oges can begin to fill those shoes but his release needs to be quicker. I know Gatens said that he and Fran specifically worked on his shot release last year and getting it off quicker, so hopefully Oges is doing the same thing now.

It will be a fun team to watch no doubt.
If Gesell does all those things you listed as a freshman,then i would consider him a stud.
Who's better? Meyer or Brommer?

They look like the same player except Meyer has some better hands and ball skills.
Gesell doesn't have to be a stud next year, he just needs to be solid and hit open shots. Limit his turnovers, play solid defense and run the offense. Marble, White, Oges, Basabe and McCabe are capable of putting up the points needed to win, they just need someone to facilitate that.

The team has a lot of upside but they leaned heavily upon Gatens last year in several games. I think Oges can begin to fill those shoes but his release needs to be quicker. I know Gatens said that he and Fran specifically worked on his shot release last year and getting it off quicker, so hopefully Oges is doing the same thing now.

It will be a fun team to watch no doubt.

As a fan base, an official nickname should really be established for Josh Oglesby. JO doesn't do it for me and Oges is terrible. I think people are trying to oversimplify here.
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