PTL Update 7/1

Not worried about AW at all. For whatever reason, it just takes big guys longer to develop....especially on the offensive end. And each big guy is different. Some can get it going towards the middle of their first year and some don't get it going until their junior/senior year. I know it's going kinda far back in the archives, but if you look at a guy like Lohaus.....McDonald's All-American and couldn't sniff the court his first 3 years. Vitale even laughed at him during a game his junior year and said he had "white man's disease". Then the "light" went off his senior year (helped, I'm sure, by the change in coaching staff) and he parlayed it into a pretty decent NBA career. An even more recent example would be Jared Reiner. Didn't start "getting it" on the offensive end until midway thru his junior year and he was pretty accomplished coming out of high school as well and already had a Big 10 body. If AW can give us some solid defense, rebounding and passing and just concentrate on that and not worry about the offensive side, we'll be fine. He'll grow into the offensive side eventually.

I agree with this. I was around for the " Q-tip" years. Mr. Davis is the reason for Lohaus becoming an impact player. Same with Kevin Gamble, who was a transfer. Davis helped both of them to go on to 10 year NBA careers.

I am not worried about Woody. He will probably not make a huge scoring impact this year, but his presence will be his contribution this year. But watch out in the years ahead. I would not be surprised if he improves enough to have the opportunity to be drafted high after junior year.

For someone who goes to the PTL.......could you tell me if he dunks very often?? From the videos I have seen, he is always laying it in close to the basket. Why?? He must have been coached that way. Kinda old school, but still 2 points.
Not worried about AW at all. For whatever reason, it just takes big guys longer to develop....especially on the offensive end. And each big guy is different. Some can get it going towards the middle of their first year and some don't get it going until their junior/senior year. I know it's going kinda far back in the archives, but if you look at a guy like Lohaus.....McDonald's All-American and couldn't sniff the court his first 3 years. Vitale even laughed at him during a game his junior year and said he had "white man's disease". Then the "light" went off his senior year (helped, I'm sure, by the change in coaching staff) and he parlayed it into a pretty decent NBA career. An even more recent example would be Jared Reiner. Didn't start "getting it" on the offensive end until midway thru his junior year and he was pretty accomplished coming out of high school as well and already had a Big 10 body. If AW can give us some solid defense, rebounding and passing and just concentrate on that and not worry about the offensive side, we'll be fine. He'll grow into the offensive side eventually.
I agree with this. I was around for the " Q-tip" years. Mr. Davis is the reason for Lohaus becoming an impact player. Same with Kevin Gamble, who was a transfer. Davis helped both of them to go on to 10 year NBA careers.I am not worried about Woody. He will probably not make a huge scoring impact this year, but his presence will be his contribution this year. But watch out in the years ahead. I would not be surprised if he improves enough to have the opportunity to be drafted high after junior year.For someone who goes to the PTL.......could you tell me if he dunks very often?? From the videos I have seen, he is always laying it in close to the basket. Why?? He must have been coached that way. Kinda old school, but still 2 points.

woodbury doesnt dunk because hes not explosive
Not worried about AW at all. For whatever reason, it just takes big guys longer to develop....especially on the offensive end. And each big guy is different. Some can get it going towards the middle of their first year and some don't get it going until their junior/senior year. I know it's going kinda far back in the archives, but if you look at a guy like Lohaus.....McDonald's All-American and couldn't sniff the court his first 3 years. Vitale even laughed at him during a game his junior year and said he had "white man's disease". Then the "light" went off his senior year (helped, I'm sure, by the change in coaching staff) and he parlayed it into a pretty decent NBA career. An even more recent example would be Jared Reiner. Didn't start "getting it" on the offensive end until midway thru his junior year and he was pretty accomplished coming out of high school as well and already had a Big 10 body. If AW can give us some solid defense, rebounding and passing and just concentrate on that and not worry about the offensive side, we'll be fine. He'll grow into the offensive side eventually.
I agree with this. I was around for the " Q-tip" years. Mr. Davis is the reason for Lohaus becoming an impact player. Same with Kevin Gamble, who was a transfer. Davis helped both of them to go on to 10 year NBA careers.I am not worried about Woody. He will probably not make a huge scoring impact this year, but his presence will be his contribution this year. But watch out in the years ahead. I would not be surprised if he improves enough to have the opportunity to be drafted high after junior year.For someone who goes to the PTL.......could you tell me if he dunks very often?? From the videos I have seen, he is always laying it in close to the basket. Why?? He must have been coached that way. Kinda old school, but still 2 points.

woodbury doesnt dunk because hes not explosive
I agree with this. I was around for the " Q-tip" years. Mr. Davis is the reason for Lohaus becoming an impact player. Same with Kevin Gamble, who was a transfer. Davis helped both of them to go on to 10 year NBA careers.

I am not worried about Woody. He will probably not make a huge scoring impact this year, but his presence will be his contribution this year. But watch out in the years ahead. I would not be surprised if he improves enough to have the opportunity to be drafted high after junior year.

For someone who goes to the PTL.......could you tell me if he dunks very often?? From the videos I have seen, he is always laying it in close to the basket. Why?? He must have been coached that way. Kinda old school, but still 2 points.

Some guys are "above the rim" players and some guys are "below the rim" players. AW falls in the latter category. AW is sort of a "throwback" player in that he's going to score based on post moves and "finesse" type stuff....he's certainly never going to overpower guys by doing a single drop step into the lane and stuffing it through. Think of a poor man's Kevin McHale.....
Thanks. We all know how good McHale was, so if Woody can score using the variety of under the basket post moves Kevin had, I'll take it. Counts the same as a dunk.

As a Worthy/Magic/Kareem fan, McHale used to make me so mad. Kind of guy you want on your team, but hate to play against.
The same thing that keeps AW from dunking much is going to cause a lot of Iowa fans to be disappointed in his shot blocking numbers.
Thanks. We all know how good McHale was, so if Woody can score using the variety of under the basket post moves Kevin had, I'll take it. Counts the same as a dunk.As a Worthy/Magic/Kareem fan, McHale used to make me so mad. Kind of guy you want on your team, but hate to play against.

glad to know youd take it if aw has the post moved of an nba hofer....
Thanks. We all know how good McHale was, so if Woody can score using the variety of under the basket post moves Kevin had, I'll take it. Counts the same as a dunk.As a Worthy/Magic/Kareem fan, McHale used to make me so mad. Kind of guy you want on your team, but hate to play against.
glad to know youd take it if aw has the post moved of an nba hofer....

Everyone knows Fran has assembled a dream team..........

Woody = McHale
Gesell = Stockton
Clemmons = Mo Cheeks
Ingram = Pippen
Meyer = Laimbeer
I think Meyer has the potential to become a McHale type player. He is about the same height. McHale was a great shooter, and Meyer has demonstrated a great shot. McHale was a power forward, and thats where Meyer will probably end up.