POS Alabama Player In The Pokey Charged With Murder

According to the victim's mother the victim had "refused to talk" to the gentlemen accused of this crime.

I don't want to sound like an old man here, but I witnessed one dude snap at a bar probably about 7 or 8 years ago and I haven't been in a bar late at night bince then. I think there are a bunch of people on meds for mental health conditions and those people are not supposed to drink. Many of them still do and the results can be downright terrifying. They'll be totally normal and then just absolutely snap instantly.

These days you turn around and leave the scene

Open legal carry might not be a good thing

Mere conjecture, nothing else
From what I read I don't think he was carrying. It sounded like he left and came back with his friend, which says to me he got pissed about the rejection and left to go get a gun (there were 2 shooters supposedly, the other one is arrested as well).

That makes it even worse because he had time while he was on the way to get a gun to cool off and realize that if he went through with it, he'd be locked in a concrete box for the next 50-60 years.

Idiot punk going to be turned into a PunkAssB....

Absolute and complete lack of self-control and the ability to merely consider the implications

More than his massive ego are going to be damaged in the Joint
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So true. Utah is one of the fastest growing states in the US. Home prices are outrageous. I remember looking at a model home out here five years ago. It was really nice but I thought they were high if they thought I was going pay $330k for it. Now that home is $900k. No typo $900,000.

We were one of the first ten homes in our subdivision, Now our subdivision is two hundred homes and two more subdivision have built around our subdivision of equal or greater size.

The Californians are driving the prices. They come out here a pay down cash and don’t even dicker with prices. Why would they, it’s bigger than what they had at half the price in California. This small community eight years ago was like y home town in Iowa ( about 2000) of its over 30,000.

The stories out of California of crime and looting are just crazy. Three different people from Californian have told me that people go into grocery stores put groceries in their cats and just walk out without paying for it. They told me that police don’t want to bother with arresting people unless they take enough to where is qualifies as a felony. I think it has to be over like $700. I thought he was bullshitting me until two other families told me the same thing. WTF is going on out there???

I asked them how do the business survive. They say the don’t. They eventually shut down. Brings new meaning to that old Kmart announcement over the store’s PA system “Attention shoppers todays blue light special is………… “

Civil society appears to be breaking down, especially in large cities

Not certain there is a solution

Not everyone can afford to move for a lot of reasons
Civil society appears to be breaking down, especially in large cities

Not certain there is a solution

Not everyone can afford to move for a lot of reasons

Yep, it’s very expensive to relocate. It’s also a huge hassle. Change of address on everything. New doctors to find. Selling your home and buying a new one. Moving your things. Deposits, getting to know your new neighbors. Lots of fun!!!
Couple years ago right after baseball season I went to Oakland for 3 days. My best friend's nephew flew back out here as an unaccompanied minor for the summer, but his return flight from Omaha got canceled and there were no direct flights (Southwest you can't have a connection as an unaccompanied minor).

I had nothing going on so I told his mom and dad (also friends of mine from way back) that I'd go along with him because there were some $100 ish round trip flights. They're loaded so they actually paid for it themselves.

Stayed 2 days, and you could not get me out of that friggin place soon enough. It literally looks like a warzone. It's like Mad Max all along the freeway and interstate. Imagine one of those shanty towns you see on tv where its a bunch of plywood, corrugated metal, and plastic tarps where everyone is shitting and pissing in the street and walking around like zombies from all the fentanyl going around. There were even tons of old run down campers set up with no windows or doors, just tarps and bedsheets. Cops don't stop anyone for drugs because they've gotten pressured not to bust homeless people, and they basically just leave the entire downtown as a free for all wild west. It was absolutely unbelievable what that place was like, and Portland, SF, parts of Philly and Pittsburgh...all the same.

I know there's a whole lot wrong with society that needs to change; I'm not here to debate that fact or what to do about it...but my ass isn't living in one of those towns. You can call me a hypocrite all day long and you may be right, but I'm not gonna jump in that cesspool and raise a kid there.

I was going to mention Philly. There is a certain road that has many documentaries on Youtube where they interview people, often women. There is a certain drug that they are taking, like a horse sedative or something which is why they stand there leaned over and zombi-like. It does look like a war zone and all the specifics that you mentioned.
The winter is what keeps Chicago from getting as bad as Oakland or Portland. If Chicago didn't have such horrific weather in December, January and February the population would probably be about twice as large and it would have an immense homeless population.

I've been to the Bay Area once. Never going again. Hell, my wife grew up in Tokyo and she loved the city, but after living in Iowa and Cackalack she's basically of the opinion that if she never sets foot in a huge city again she won't complain. It just ain't natural for people to live like that. I did a long stint between New York, Tokyo and Chicago and I would go livefra in a trailer park in Coalville again before I'd live in a city. F that nonsense.
I went to San Fran years ago for a conference. It was disgusting out on the streets. Yea, warm climates are alwayg soing to have more homeless I looked out my luxury hotel window to see people peppered all along the sidewalks laying around. I ventured out and some guy sitting on his bike in a parking ramp entrance tried to forcefully sell me a cell phone. Not sure where he got it.

I went out and got approached and hit up by a transvestite asking if I wanted a date. I bit later I had a car pull up to the intersection I as at, on the opposite side of the road, full of about 4 crossdressers. They put the window down and asked my how I was doing. Not sure if they wanted to party or what.

Out during the day, to witness a young homeless gal pissing in the storefront opening of a business, right in the corner. The smell of urine just around town was nauseating. The smell of pot was nice, but just not mixed with urine.

The entire experience was just f'ing disgusting. I don't care to ever go back to "marvelous" San Francisco.
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You far enough from the mountains that there aren't any black bears? Those things are nightmare fuel. You piss one of those guys off and you're gonna have a bad night.
I'm on the west side I'm like 5 plus hours from the smoky mts. So no I haven't heard of any Bears wandering this direction since I've been down here. Tons of deer, wild turkey, armadillos, coyotes stray dogs. Every kind of bird you can imagine. Lots of Eagles and owls. Snakes are bad I hate those damn things and there's too many of them too.
Inside the city limits of DM is still alright. I live just inside the city on an acre of land filled with Walnut
trees, and love it

Picking up fallen branches every day keeps me in shape

10/15 minutes away from Altoona/Ankeny and major shops/ Target/Home Depot/ Lowes/Menards adn
even Walmart sometimes. Five minutes away from Hy-Vee and Walgreens

Grew up in Philadelphia and have lived in Chicago and San Francisco and would Never live in a large city
ever again. San Francisco in the last Sixties was wonderful though, lotta friends from Iowa lived there at the
time, and we had a time, indeed

So you're not far off of Euclid/Douglas then I take it? Yeah back when I lived around there it never really took more then 30 mins to get from one side to the other outside rush hour traffic. You catch that at the wrong time on say 235 or University and that can be some slow going. Getting to the airport isn't bad especially with that hwy 5 that wrapped around the south part of town helped that part a lot.
So you're not far off of Euclid/Douglas then I take it? Yeah back when I lived around there it never really took more then 30 mins to get from one side to the other outside rush hour traffic. You catch that at the wrong time on say 235 or University and that can be some slow going. Getting to the airport isn't bad especially with that hwy 5 that wrapped around the south part of town helped that part a lot.

Took the fam to a Cubs game several years ago. Dealing with the stop and go traffic, I will NEVER, NEVER move to a large city just because of the traffic. I don't care what recreation or all the things it has to offer. It is insufferable.
Took the fam to a Cubs game several years ago. Dealing with the stop and go traffic, I will NEVER, NEVER move to a large city just because of the traffic. I don't care what recreation or all the things it has to offer. It is insufferable.
Used to love going to the I Cub games... I've never been to a Chicago Cubs game. When I worked for Prairie Meadows once a summer our department got to use their box seats. Usually getting in and out of there isn't too bad for the 7 pm games. There's a German bar Huessen Haus or something like that you can walk to from there we used to go to once in a while. Down town Dsm was pretty fun for a 20 something yr old like I was back then. I imagine it still is.
Used to love going to the I Cub games... I've never been to a Chicago Cubs game. When I worked for Prairie Meadows once a summer our department got to use their box seats. Usually getting in and out of there isn't too bad for the 7 pm games. There's a German bar Huessen Haus or something like that you can walk to from there we used to go to once in a while. Down town Dsm was pretty fun for a 20 something yr old like I was back then. I imagine it still is.

I have two nephews in their 20's just starting out in their careers living and cruising in the downtown area. They seem to like it.
Used to love going to the I Cub games... I've never been to a Chicago Cubs game. When I worked for Prairie Meadows once a summer our department got to use their box seats. Usually getting in and out of there isn't too bad for the 7 pm games. There's a German bar Huessen Haus or something like that you can walk to from there we used to go to once in a while. Down town Dsm was pretty fun for a 20 something yr old like I was back then. I imagine it still is.
I have two nephews in their 20's just starting out in their careers living and cruising in the downtown area. They seem to like it.
Fun fact...

I'm 42, born in Iowa, and other than 9 years living in another state, I've always lived in Iowa.

I've never once been to Des Moines.

Been to the Quad Cities, Lames, Iowa City, Waterloo, CF, CR, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Durty Dodge, etc. all many many times, but never Des Moines.
Fun fact...

I'm 42, born in Iowa, and other than 9 years living in another state, I've always lived in Iowa.

I've never once been to Des Moines.

Been to the Quad Cities, Lames, Iowa City, Waterloo, CF, CR, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Durty Dodge, etc. all many many times, but never Des Moines.

Wuuut? You never been to Des Moines!!? I thought you are a huge wrestling fan. Never been to the state wrestling tournament? Hard to believe.

No state tournament or nothing.
Fun fact...

I'm 42, born in Iowa, and other than 9 years living in another state, I've always lived in Iowa.

I've never once been to Des Moines.

Been to the Quad Cities, Lames, Iowa City, Waterloo, CF, CR, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Durty Dodge, etc. all many many times, but never Des Moines.
Wow yeah and I mean there's a lot going on in Dsm. Almost feels like one would have to go out of there way to do what you have. For the 10 plus yrs I lived there I had apartments in Ankeny, WDM and owned townhouses on the southside and Altoona. Got to know that whole area pretty well.

Coming from small town nw Iowa and having lived in the same house my first 18 yrs and going there it was a culture shock at first for sure for me. Dsm may as well have been NYC as far as I was concerned. Little did I realize the Dsm area is nothing compared to most cities. It was fun in my 20s to be there. But no way would I move back.
Nope. Never.
It's just hard to believe. No Adventureland as a kid. No state fair.

Now, I'm am one of a few that has never been to the Iowa State Fair but I've been to Des Moines for a number of occasions for a number of reasons.

It really is weird.