Oliver Martin Transfer

I don’t necessarily agree with drake here, but I can see his point. He was a walk-on from muscatine who worked his ass off to be a program guy and to get a chance to contribute consistently. Seeing an elite recruit from right down the road who had the world opened to him and turned his back on the program would be hard to watch.

Wuuuuuut? You must have a different Oliver Martin. Kid played at IC West.
I like Kulick and I still will after this is over, but if Martin never had intentions of leaving and he stays at UM, this is gonna be a bad look for Drake on Twitter. If i was so inclined to spout un-anonymously on social media (which I would never do), I would damn well make sure 1) the kid was really transferring, and 2) that the Hawks had shown interest. If either of those things aren't true then Kulick has now stuck both feet in his mouth all the way to the ankle.

And shit like this is why I don't have Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram accounts.

It's not gonna matter and people will soon forget about it. We as a society are getting desensitized to twitter and SM, unfortunately, just as we are to school shootings.
Morning Update: Nothing really new. There are some Michigan people who think he’s gone and headed to Iowa. I received a text on that last night from someone who read it on a premium board. Some of the speculation is based on Harbaugh saying yesterday that UM is right at 85 scholarship limit and they would be one over with Martin. But that doesn’t mean someone else might be leaving.

I would say the door still is open for him to leave UM as I have not heard that he’s returned to Ann Arbor and he’s still here in Iowa City. Again, the rest of the Wolverines reported back to campus on Wednesday, so he’s missing summer training.

I’ll continue following the story. As I mentioned, OM and his family are pretty private. Finality on this story could pop up at any time.

Hmm. So, do you think they are asking to give up his scholarship or possibly trying to take his away?
7 points of genius: (not to be confused with the 7 deadly sins or the 7 cardinal virtues)

1) Whenever there is talk about a player transferring we the fans need to put it to a vote, and then submit the results to the HC. I'm sure each of us will get a personalized thank you.

2) This thread is much ado about nothing (see page 3). Does that mean the other threads which don't have that seal of disapproval are about "something"?

3) You would think "nothing" wouldn't generate 5 pages of replies, but you'd be wrong (see point 2).

4) There is a secret expiration date to threads/posts that only board overlords are privy to, and it changes from day to day (okay I'll let it go . . . wait, that doesn't sound like me, don't trust that promise)

5) This thread is unusually civil. Am I to assume everyone has taken their medication today?

6) The internet is serious business, we all need to remember that.

7) Is our fanbase unique? Or does the graphic below hint that mental illness defines humanity?

Is this a teaser for HawkeyeForum's "10 Sentences About Oliver Martin" article that will be coming out in .......................3...2..1?

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It's not gonna matter and people will soon forget about it. We as a society are getting desensitized to twitter and SM, unfortunately, just as we are to school shootings.
I don’t think anything’s going to come of it and I don’t 100% disagree with him.

I wasn’t talking about the aggressiveness of Kulick’s post, it’s more the dumbness of talking shit as if Martin is groveling at Kirk’s doorstep when in reality he’s not even transferring. If Drake’s gonna give a hot take that he knows is guaranteed to rile people up, he should have at least waited to find out if the kid was trying to come here first.

Sometimes silence is golden and it looks like Martin and his folks have that figured out.
I don’t think anything’s going to come of it and I don’t 100% disagree with him.

I wasn’t talking about the aggressiveness of Kulick’s post, it’s more the dumbness of talking shit as if Martin is groveling at Kirk’s doorstep when in reality he’s not even transferring. If Drake’s gonna give a hot take that he knows is guaranteed to rile people up, he should have at least waited to find out if the kid was trying to come here first.

Sometimes silence is golden and it looks like Martin and his folks have that figured out.
Silence is golden
like Mr. T’s chains
Martin is cold as November rain
Give him the ball and he’ll stay Jimmy’s boy
Give him the bench and he’ll come home fo shoy

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