Oliver Martin Transfer

It sucks but it is inherent to economics. Just let the players market themselves and all "fairness" issues vanish.

Market economics in the private sector and public sector operate on different wavelengths imo. Colleges as of now are not the same thing as professional sports teams, even though I understand the debate that ensues arguing that they are.
Not to go all socialist here, but does anyone else find it disgusting that the NCAA lets the "profit" from these athletic departments slide right out the back door in terms of compensation to coaches and athletic directors? The NCAA should put a freaking $2 million cap on coach salaries and allow for some formulaic bonus strictly based on wins and APR or something. I think the DC at Clemson makes over $2 mil base now.

Totally agree and it would level the playing field.

Fairness doesn’t always equate to socialism.

It would also motivate fat cat coaches who have coaching tenure to be more inventive in order to win more games. I second the motion!!! Here, here!!!
Oliver Martin, Oliver Twist
Both of the past and won’t be missed
Here’s to Kirk and his three star parade
Still heads above Harbaugh’s big blue charade

Not sure what to make of the “Here’s to Kirk and his three star parade” comment.

Teaching men to be accountable, honest, and contributors to society is a noble cause. On the competitive side of the ledger that mindset SUCKS!!!

I guess it comes down to what’s really important to each sports fan. I like good values but they can go to church for that and not have to pay some minister four million a year.
Not sure what to make of the “Here’s to Kirk and his three star parade” comment.

Teaching men to be accountable, honest, and contributors to society is a noble cause. On the competitive side of the ledger that mindset SUCKS!!!

I guess it comes down to what’s really important to each sports fan. I like good values but they can go to church for that and not have to pay some minister four million a year.

Kirk’s sure mediocre
But Mary’s a dime
Both make a splash from time to time
7-6, 8-5
That’s all it takes to keep Hawk fans alive.
Drake Kulik was a walk-on with zero offers who had no option but to go to Iowa. He is not in a position to judge someone who had a choice between any of the best schools in the nation and chose the school that produces more NFL players at his position than any other.

Incorrect. While he had no P5 offers, he had plenty of opportunities (and at least one offer from UNI). He was Academic All Big 10 twice. He had a great GPA in high school and would have received academic scholarships to many schools. (His dad was an orthopedic surgeon, and Drake definitely inherited the academics.) He chose Iowa because he wanted to be a Hawkeye more than anything, and he saw he could get what he wanted academically from Iowa.

So once again you are wrong. He had plenty of opportunities. And as a kid who worked his tail off during his years at Iowa, first as a walk-on (not a preferred walk on) and later earning a scholarship, he has every right to be critical of or supporting of another player.
Incorrect. While he had no P5 offers, he had plenty of opportunities (and at least one offer from UNI). He was Academic All Big 10 twice. He had a great GPA in high school and would have received academic scholarships to many schools. (His dad was an orthopedic surgeon, and Drake definitely inherited the academics.) He chose Iowa because he wanted to be a Hawkeye more than anything, and he saw he could get what he wanted academically from Iowa.

So once again you are wrong. He had plenty of opportunities. And as a kid who worked his tail off during his years at Iowa, first as a walk-on (not a preferred walk on) and later earning a scholarship, he has every right to be critical of or supporting of another player.
Drake’s the man
That’s for sure
Through the smashing and trauma that fullbacks endure
Whether on a podcast and talkin crass
Or in Lincoln, NE draggin blackshirt ass
Drake’s a guy who puts the Hawks in front
Even calling out Martin for being a €&nt
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Speaking of ship-jumpin turncoats, I wonder what ever happened to Ben van Sumeren...besides this John Holmes mustache:
Market economics in the private sector and public sector operate on different wavelengths imo. Colleges as of now are not the same thing as professional sports teams, even though I understand the debate that ensues arguing that they are.

They aren't the exact same, but if money changes hands then it still follows economic principles.

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