O'Keefe Returns to Iowa Staff

Who knows , the offense play is called Small block 327 next play 4 Barrel Holley Carb , next play Wild Bull Pumfus ...... Touchdown! Heheheheh
My old man drove navy blue chevy impala (1970's). and 8 on a scale of 12. Nice, really nice, but there are better.

My first car was a 1966 Caprice, 396 ci v8, 4 barrel carb.
I think there are a lot of positives with this addition of KOK. Now you have two coordinators with NFL experience for receivers in TE's (BF) and WR's (KOK). The offense is likely to be built much like the Pats where BF came from with a lot of use of TE's and the need for a solid QB. Having KOK with QB's as his primary focus will be incredibly helpful in getting young QB's ready as quickly as possible. Having spent 5 years in Florida and being a good recruiter will help us as well. Certainly, we are entering a new era for Hawkeye offense with BF as the OC. We can only guess how it will develop, but this move has many more positives with it than negatives IMO.

In the short term picking KOK does make a lot of sense. He's a known entity that has worked with KF and knows KF's system. I think there is a very good chance he returns the passing game back to at least basic functionality. I also have hope that he will rebuild the TE position which seems to have dropped off quite a bit.

I am a little less enthusiastic about the longer term. KF isn't one of those rare coaches that continue to evolve with the game. I am not saying KF is totally static, but he has that very limited comfort zone he keeps going back to. It seems no matter what changes he makes, he'll inevitably be headed right back to where he started.
My old man drove navy blue chevy impala (1970's). and 8 on a scale of 12. Nice, really nice, but there are better.

My first car was a 1966 Caprice, 396 ci v8, 4 barrel carb.

Olds Delta 88...it was a tank. You could get 4 people and a keg in the back seat... hypothetically, of course.

I'm a little confused. You like the hire but it won't produce any change? .
I really don't care who the QB coach is. No QB coach is going to suddenly make a guy like CJ Beathard figure out how to be great. I like the hire because he has a history at Iowa and hopefully will be able to mentor Brian since he's never called a game in his life. So yes, I like O'Keefe as QB coach or WR coach or hot dog vendor or the guy that hits the AC/DC button on 3rd downs.
Hopefully we'll use the tight ends down the middle again. I hope KOK isn't using this as collecting a paycheck as he rides into the sunset.
I really don't care who the QB coach is. No QB coach is going to suddenly make a guy like CJ Beathard figure out how to be great. I like the hire because he has a history at Iowa and hopefully will be able to mentor Brian since he's never called a game in his life. So yes, I like O'Keefe as QB coach or WR coach or hot dog vendor or the guy that hits the AC/DC button on 3rd downs.
I think CJ woulda/coulda been much better as a QB under okeefe than Davis
As I state, I'm not thrilled about this hire. IF, and this is a big IF, but if KOK is the only old guy we bring in of the 3 hires (and 4th in April) then I'm ok with it. I think this was more of a safety blanket for the Kirk, and I'm hopeful that the next 2 hires are younger guys who can recruit and really bring some energy to the staff that match Brian's energy, drive, and intensity.

I agree that the next two hires should be qualified, young aggressive coaches that will fit in well with the veteran staff and help BF stimulate recruiting. For me, it is about setting a high bar. No need to be "just Iowa". We have a lot to sell: Stability, great facilities, great player development, fantastic program values, great education, etc. Our coaches just have to sell high level recruits that we can compete for national championships when they sign on with us.

My hope is that now that KF is coach for life and has all the money he could ever wish to have, that he will set the bar high and let the players buy into a bigger goal than just to win the B1G West. If you never aspire for it, you will never achieve it.
I really don't care who the QB coach is. No QB coach is going to suddenly make a guy like CJ Beathard figure out how to be great. I like the hire because he has a history at Iowa and hopefully will be able to mentor Brian since he's never called a game in his life. So yes, I like O'Keefe as QB coach or WR coach or hot dog vendor or the guy that hits the AC/DC button on 3rd downs.

So if getting Iowa to the Rose Bowl doesn't make a QB great, then what does?
As I state, I'm not thrilled about this hire. IF, and this is a big IF, but if KOK is the only old guy we bring in of the 3 hires (and 4th in April) then I'm ok with it. I think this was more of a safety blanket for the Kirk, and I'm hopeful that the next 2 hires are younger guys who can recruit and really bring some energy to the staff that match Brian's energy, drive, and intensity.

Agree 100% if the other hires are young hungry ones I am ok with this one as I gives BF another guy who has been OC and can bounce ideas off him.

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