Ohio St suspends Tressell for 2 games

This guy is the definition of an Ohio State apologist. The investigation that Ohio State did on itself this past winter didn't find out that Tressell knew about the tattoo and whatnot way back in April. Despite Tressell e-mail account being public record - available to anyone who wants to look at it - the Buckeye investigators weren't able to find them. Interesting indeed.

Jim Tressell is 9-1 against Michigan. Nothing to see here, folks!
Say what??? Tressel was not honest during the investigation in The winter, but OSU was who that found the notorious e-mails, not the NCAA, not Yahoo reporters. You haven't read up on this very well. OSU's legal department did find the e-mail, then in January alerted the NCAA and has been working with the NCAA since that point. OSU said they expected to make this public later this week or early next but the Yahoo guys sped up the process. In the end Tressel was deceitful, how is that being an apologist?
No, it doesn't. What happens now is the NCAA gets involved. If it took a Yahoo Sports investigation to uncover what OSU's own internal investigation should have discovered in the first place, what else do you think they missed?

This is inaccurate. The NCAA has been involved since January, per Gee and Smith, when OSU discovered and self-reported the problem. OSU delivered their internal report to the NCAA this week, and it will be reviewed and decided whether further sanctions are merited. None of this stemmed from a Yahoo Sports investigation; Yahoo reported the story when it was leaked to them this week.
Well lets not fool ourselves that this does not still occur. Clarett is far from the only kid to experience these perks.

That's for sure.


Must-read here: A Somewhat Complete Accounting Of Recent Ohio State Funny Business | mgoblog [do not miss the comments]

And here: Yeah, I’m mad. | Get The Picture

And here: Jim Tressel and the NCAA: A timeline | cleveland.com

You'd expect MGOBlog to be harsh... but it is nice to see the Columbus and Cleveland papers coming down relatively hard on Tressel.
Its out of sight out of mind for awhile, thus the media beating OSU is currently taking will subside. Make no mistake the NCAA didn't find anything, OSU self reported. Yahoo didn't find anything, they just leaked the details before it was to be made public.

Make no mistake, the Buckeyes were not content with finally beating an SEC team in a bowl this year. They decided to beat them in the cheating department as well.

DAMN, that's a double victory.
Say what??? Tressel was not honest during the investigation in The winter, but OSU was who that found the notorious e-mails, not the NCAA, not Yahoo reporters. You haven't read up on this very well. OSU's legal department did find the e-mail, then in January alerted the NCAA and has been working with the NCAA since that point. OSU said they expected to make this public later this week or early next but the Yahoo guys sped up the process. In the end Tressel was deceitful, how is that being an apologist?

Tressel was also not honest in April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November, it wasn't just the winter. Covering up evidence that would make your Heisman trophy candidate ineligible is a big deal. Not only did he not turn it in when he found out about, but he lied about his knowledge once the NCAA did find out. This isn't going away like you wish.
Here's a little nugget from the Columbus Dispatch for Fufred and all those who think this will just blow over.

"Since 2006, the NCAA has sanctioned 27 schools for violating bylaw 10.1, which requires coaches and others to be truthful and forthcoming about possible NCAA violations. Of the 12 coaches involved, only one kept his job. The others either resigned or were fired by their schools."

"Former men's basketball coach Jim O'Brien, one of his assistant coaches and former football running back Maurice Clarett each faced unethical-conduct charges by the NCAA. It cost all of them their careers at Ohio State"

OSU football: Source of e-mails to Tressel revealed | BuckeyeXtra

This will be the end of Tressel's OSU career.
I live in C-Bus and it is ridiculous how they are actually trying to spin this. The news media and even the local paper have actually tried to pull up dirt on Christopher Cisero, the former walk-on and the guy who emailed Tressel the information. This is from the Columbus Dispatch:
"The Dispatch also reports an affair with a judge, an accusation of striking a client, and a suspended license in Cicero’s exciting back story. I’m not quite sure where sharing case information with a football coach will rank among his greatest deeds, but it’s certainly the most noteworthy."
It is unconscionable to me if the NCAA doesn't nail Tressel to wall on this one after violations at Youngstown State and the whole Troy Smith and Maurice Clarette debacle! I hope the entire program gets sanctions! These are the most arrogant and jaded fans in the country and I hope they get what should be coming to them if the NCAA grows a sack and does what's right.
The email correspondence with Cicero really points out how stupid and/or arrogant Tressel is. On receipt of the first email, if he was smart, he would have consulted his own attorney. That attorney would have advised him not to communicate with Cicero and to block any further email from him. At the PC, Tressel was about to reveal that he did discuss the emails with someone. Smith cut him off. So, he may have consulted his own attorney, but surely didn't follow the attorney's advice. He probably thinks he is untouchable.

Not sure if this has been posted but the link contains the emails that Tressel sent and received back in April.

Very interesting that Tressell was going to / did withhold the 2009 Big10 rings from the players because he knew they were selling them. That email was sent in June 2010.

This whole thing still makes me sick. The players should have been suspended before the season began and any idiot coach would know that.

Why the DAs office didn't release the information after the resolution with Eddie Rife in the Summer is beyond comprehension.
The email correspondence with Cicero really points out how stupid and/or arrogant Tressel is. On receipt of the first email, if he was smart, he would have consulted his own attorney. That attorney would have advised him not to communicate with Cicero and to block any further email from him. At the PC, Tressel was about to reveal that he did discuss the emails with someone. Smith cut him off. So, he may have consulted his own attorney, but surely didn't follow the attorney's advice. He probably thinks he is untouchable.

I think he took the emails to the AD.
Failure to promote an environment of compliance is essentially the most serious offense in the NCAA's view. I see their punishment being much more severe than the OSU wrist slap. This is certainly a major violation if proved to be true.
I agree with this. Tressel's penalty should actually be steeper than the players. But then again I think selling your stuff is a silly thing to get in trouble for. Tressel's act was more deliberate, however he will not be dismissed for it. I could see him resigning, but Gee won't fire him.

Gee whiz!
Here's a little nugget from the Columbus Dispatch for Fufred and all those who think this will just blow over.

"Since 2006, the NCAA has sanctioned 27 schools for violating bylaw 10.1, which requires coaches and others to be truthful and forthcoming about possible NCAA violations. Of the 12 coaches involved, only one kept his job. The others either resigned or were fired by their schools."

"Former men's basketball coach Jim O'Brien, one of his assistant coaches and former football running back Maurice Clarett each faced unethical-conduct charges by the NCAA. It cost all of them their careers at Ohio State"

OSU football: Source of e-mails to Tressel revealed | BuckeyeXtra
This will be the end of Tressel's OSU career.

My comment is to the idea that Tressell takes a 2 game, Akron, Toledo game suspension. That would be a joke. The NCAA needs to do something more than slap his hand, but I don't think it will happen. If they do hammer tOSU then I will be as upset as the rest of the Hawkeye nation. (LMFAO)

The Maurice Clarett saga was a big splash, while this one(so far) is more of a ripple. Clarett had a string of errors, while Tressell has been relatively clean.
I live in C-Bus and it is ridiculous how they are actually trying to spin this. The news media and even the local paper have actually tried to pull up dirt on Christopher Cisero, the former walk-on and the guy who emailed Tressel the information. This is from the Columbus Dispatch:
"The Dispatch also reports an affair with a judge, an accusation of striking a client, and a suspended license in Cicero’s exciting back story. I’m not quite sure where sharing case information with a football coach will rank among his greatest deeds, but it’s certainly the most noteworthy."

Ironic that even a dirtbag like Cisero was concerned enough to alert Tressel, but Tressel felt no need to alert his own employer.
My comment is to the idea that Tressell takes a 2 game, Akron, Toledo game suspension. That would be a joke. The NCAA needs to do something more than slap his hand, but I don't think it will happen. If they do hammer tOSU then I will be as upset as the rest of the Hawkeye nation. (LMFAO)

The Maurice Clarett saga was a big splash, while this one(so far) is more of a ripple. Clarett had a string of errors, while Tressell has been relatively clean.

Ha if by relatively clean you mean he's had numerous run ins with the NCAA dating back to his Younstown St days I would agree with you. The fact that he wears a tie and sweater vest doen't make him any less dirty than any other NCAA coach.

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