First, since when is ABC the authority on the matter. What they and other outlets leave out are his other words:
"I am thankful to be alive, and I do now realize that it very well could have been me, a friend of mine, my brother, your cousin, your nephew etc."
""I would urge us all to at least attempt to unlearn some of the prejudices that we have learned about each other [that] now plague our minds and our society," Ekakitie wrote in closing. "I am convinced that in the same way that we learned these prejudices, we can also unlearn them."
Again, if the suspect was white with brown hair, they would have had to stop a lot of people in a college town that were large with brown hair wearing black when the school colors are black.
The officer trying to conceal his gun behind his back would have set a number of people off with a perceived threat. The officer was an idiot besides being too out of shape to be on the street.