***OFFICIAL Iowa v Purdue beatdown thread***

need to stop Reggie Hammond...where is nick nolte?

There's a new sheriff in town ...

This might be the worst coaching performance in the Big 10. Fran doesn't have a clue how to correct the defensive woes of this team. Let's just stay in a zone and let the other team make a thousand open 3s
This is kinda funny. Doesn't matter if Purdue is open, guarded closely, getting fouled, 1 on 4 break, their shots are just going in.
well this is much closer of a game than i was hoping for. time to get your **** going boys. show the world you can win a close game, even if it's against lame-old Purdue.

I blame you because u didn't start the game thread. So simple mayne
Lol circa 2002 windbreaker guy in the front row with his hands on his hips. Camera pans to Fran in full derp I don't know how to coach face.
I seriously do not think there is a physically weaker team in a major conference in college basketball. Other teams take the ball to the hoop and just will the ball into the basket. The Hawks can't get near the hoop if there is a defender near the lane.
This team is pathetic. 13 point halftime lead and completely playing like **** now against a garbage team.

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