Here's a hypothetical - say you are designing the food court for the waiting room to get into heaven. But because it's the waiting room it has but a mere five spots for restaurants. What do you put in there?
Can these be any restaurants or pretty much the standard brands like a Panda Express that one typically sees in food courts? Like one would never see a Tasty Tacos prob in a food court but would be nice.
@Fryowa I'm planning to do this. I want to make loaves of whole wheat / brown bread that are soft and a bit i've gotten in resturants.

Well I'll be damned. Never even heard of that before. Let me know how it turns out.
made an experimental loaf of bread (added 10% sugar) it didn't come out very well. I think I disabled the yeast
If you read this, share one activity that you did at your job today.

job talking GIF by South Park

Job did the work and had 10 little rascals to prove it...
made an experimental loaf of bread (added 10% sugar) it didn't come out very well. I think I disabled the yeast

I never use sugar, other than coffee and I use raw sugar then

I have been using honey for 30/40 years otherwise

Have a bowl of shredded wheat in the mornings with fresh fruits if available and pour honey
all over it

Only BHT added otherwise all natural ingredients

Whole Grain Wheat and Wheat Bran. BHT is Added to the Packaging Material to Preserve Freshness.

Zero sugar added
