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152 days left until kickoff.

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damn tiered of this complementary football bull shit. Lets speak of explosiveness while being complementary. Its a bunch of nonsese to justify lazy offense
I saw Tim Lester the other day on the road. He was the first car in the right lane sitting at a stoplight when all of us behind him wanted to turn right. F him.

Could have swore he was sippin' on some chic drink and eating a rice cake.

We don't need that in Iowa City.
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If you havn't tryed them, pick up some powdered donuts at walmart. The kind they bake there. Just awesome. I also like those from Food Lion (a store here in NC)
If you havn't tryed them, pick up some powdered donuts at walmart. The kind they bake there. Just awesome. I also like those from Food Lion (a store here in NC)
I had buddies in Jr High that would eat two powdered donuts and a Coke for lunch. Meanwhile I was downing those pork tenderloins...
Heard he was gonna Bomb John Wayne's house

John Duke Wayne GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

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I am sure we are of the same era. I never had parachute pants or members only jackets but I had many a buddy that sported both.

One time I went to Dancer's Ranch with a Members Only jacket on and no shirt underneath and when I unzipped the MO jacket the dancer said "You really need to put on a shirt." It may have been the lowest moment of my life. So far anyway.
That would have been the low point in my life if this Tim Lester guy hadn't been hired. Watching his offense will make a visit to Dancer's Ranch seem like a walk in the park.

One time I went to Dancer's Ranch with a Members Only jacket on and no shirt underneath and when I unzipped the MO jacket the dancer said "You really need to put on a shirt." It may have been the lowest moment of my life. So far anyway.
Lol. In Coralville at the landing. Pretty bad when a stripper recommends one to put a shirt on. That is a low point.