Not A Good Look for Bob Stoops, OU

Even if what you say is true (don't believe it), though Rob is big enough to defend himself, your comments toward him weren't necessary....and that is giving you the benefit of the doubt.

OK, whatever. Not sure what your point is...but it's all good.
My only wish in this situation was that she had an older brother who played defensive tackle for Oklahoma State. This would not need the court system or would be taken care of the old fashioned way. I normally don't condone violence in any situation...but in these cases...and eye for an eye seems like the best solution. Mixon should spend a few minutes in a room with her brother...if she has one.
There is no reason that kid should still be in the Oklahoma program NO MATTER WHAT. Some things you don't get to come back from. Send him on his way if you are a coach with ANY decency. I'm sorry Mr. Stoops and Oklahoma administration you should be ashamed. I'm all about 2nd chances, but this called for dismissal. Let him earn a 2nd chance elsewhere. Don't block his path, but drop him. They chose winning over human decency. Was this kid in physical danger? Obviously not. This speaks to his character. A woman not named Rhonda Rousey or Chyna could wail on me for hours and I'm not going to raise a hand. This speaks to character. Good for him if he is indeed in a better place. But he should have been dropped.
It's a pretty disgusting video. I'm conflicted about the situation. You can't just punch out some co-ed, but she did assault him first. Yeah, he could turn and walk away and after the push he should have. But once she smacks him in the side of the head, it's on in my mind.

He still deserves punishment and so does she. Both should be charged with assault.

My question is: How is this guy any different from Ray Rice? Rice got cut never to be heard from again. Yet this guy is heading for a gigantic payday. I got a feeling she is going to sue the shit out of him once he cashes that first check.
Yeah, you can charge both of them with assault and let the legal system go from there. I get that. But Oklahoma is disgusting for hiding it for two years and doing nothing. Fire everybody.
If this was Ronda Rousey who shoved him then the story changes...

Otherwise you don't hit a woman. Plain and simple. I don't give a shit what she's doing to you. You walk away or if you can't you restrain her as best you can. This is coming from an Army Vet and a Radiology/CT tech who has done many facial bone CT scans. Do you have any idea how hard you have to hit someone to break 5 bones in their face!? That rarely happens in the UFC and they are trained fighters. He's lucky he didn't kill her. This guy should have been booted off the team in a heartbeat. He is a punk who deserves to get his behind bars, and Stoops is a coward for not dealing the right kind of justice here. I don't care if he's a former Hawk. This makes me totally lose all respect for him.
Yeah, you can charge both of them with assault and let the legal system go from there. I get that. But Oklahoma is disgusting for hiding it for two years and doing nothing. Fire everybody.

Actually, her attorney wanted it kept private, as well.

I am conflicted here. How many remember when Lagarrette Blount got booted from Oregon? Many thought it was overkill, and even the Boise State player and coaches came to his defense when it came to his reinstatement. Of course, that was all men, no women involved, but summarily dismissing a player CAN have negative effects--unwarranted--on the dismissed player.

In this case, we don't know what was said/done/etc., shortly before the "televised" part of the incident. No real man would hit a woman--ever--but as some have pointed out, there are cultural aspects of this many of us will never experience. For me, to categorically say he should have been dismissed may not be right.

Someone mentioned dismissing him then "walk it back" if other things come to light. But some things you can't walk back. (See "Duke Lacrosse Rape Scandal").

On the other hand, I would hope MANDATORY counseling has taken place, and maybe even continues. Justified or not, a guy that gets a "pass" could be a ticking time bomb (For this one, see "O.J. Simpson").
Hence I said he gets a beat down . . . learn to to read you dumb ****er. But in all honesty, tell me the wisdom of a weaker creature pushing someone? Do you push cops Estron? No, you don't. Cuz ya know the rules. So the video is a lesson for every one who likes to push someone and them expects them to walk away. And for those who say it's easy to walk away . . . guess what's even easier than walking away?? NOT STARTING SHIT WITH A THUG. I don't like the guy in the video, but he didn't walk over and punch her out of the blue. I have a feeling what came out of her mouth prior to a punch probably wasn't well considered either.

I'll sum this up for the board. THERE ARE NO WINNERS IN THIS SITUATION. The coaches; the thug; the entitled female. Not one winner in this scenario.

In all honesty, there will be two winners. The lawyer representing the woman who was punched and the lawyer representing the thug. Other than that I agree completely with your statement.
It's a pretty disgusting video. I'm conflicted about the situation. You can't just punch out some co-ed, but she did assault him first. Yeah, he could turn and walk away and after the push he should have. But once she smacks him in the side of the head, it's on in my mind.

He still deserves punishment and so does she. Both should be charged with assault.

My question is: How is this guy any different from Ray Rice? Rice got cut never to be heard from again. Yet this guy is heading for a gigantic payday. I got a feeling she is going to sue the shit out of him once he cashes that first check.

I should've emphasized there was more than just a push. I thought others saw that as well, but now I think I was wrong. I wonder what preceded this altercation? Choosing your friends wisely is an important part of life. Maybe she always has . . . then again, maybe she hasn't. I've never been one to hang out with people who have a healthy disregard for the law.
The OU player punched some female. He's going pro next year, hope the NFL comes down on the douche along with our court system! Throw the bastard in jail. Typical black thug, I'm sure the Black Lives Matter losers will come to his defense. Bet he claims that he's innocent because he was just expressing his feelings as an American, and that it's his given right to do so.

Talk about so much negative news in college football right now. The Wake scandal, the Minnesota debacle and now this OU football player assaulting a female.

Stop bringing color into this. There's plenty of domestic violence and it works both ways. The person who broke her jaw and fled like a bitch deserves to be thrown out of school and nobody should draft him. If he was a white thug (yes, they're out there too) the same.
It never ceases to amaze me how there's an additional reaction to the video of these things happening as opposed to when there isn't. I mean what in the world do you think it looks like? When it was described to the world what Ray Rice did and they showed her getting dragged out of the elevator after having been knocked out it was pretty obvious right? When big strong football players take a swing they take a swing. They aren't going to go half speed when they are as mad as they are in the moment. So you factor in NFL football player and most any female and it's no contest. That's what it'll look like most of the time.
I for one would have no problem with there being a no tolerance policy for it. College or pros. But there's no way that'll ever be implemented. Too much money on the line. And Rob Howe mentioned the end all be all to it early too. That is who you are matters. Starters are always going to get longer leashes than the backup punters. I hate that part of things the most because it's the simplest of things to fix. But for obvious reasons it won't be...
It never ceases to amaze me how there's an additional reaction to the video of these things happening as opposed to when there isn't. I mean what in the world do you think it looks like? When it was described to the world what Ray Rice did and they showed her getting dragged out of the elevator after having been knocked out it was pretty obvious right? When big strong football players take a swing they take a swing. They aren't going to go half speed when they are as mad as they are in the moment. So you factor in NFL football player and most any female and it's no contest. That's what it'll look like most of the time.
I for one would have no problem with there being a no tolerance policy for it. College or pros. But there's no way that'll ever be implemented. Too much money on the line. And Rob Howe mentioned the end all be all to it early too. That is who you are matters. Starters are always going to get longer leashes than the backup punters. I hate that part of things the most because it's the simplest of things to fix. But for obvious reasons it won't be...

I missed the posts where people were saying this was a fair fight. In fact that's the point. If you're clearly outclassed physically probably a good idea to excuse yourself to the ladies room and call the police and report being stalked and/or threatened. Then let the guys in blue who are as big and strong as him handle whatever violence may come.
A culture that wants to put women into the military draft without a second thought will believe that she provoked him and deserved getting knocked out. Equals are equals, right?
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I should've emphasized there was more than just a push. I thought others saw that as well, but now I think I was wrong. I wonder what preceded this altercation? Choosing your friends wisely is an important part of life. Maybe she always has . . . then again, maybe she hasn't. I've never been one to hang out with people who have a healthy disregard for the law.

Is it a friend?
A culture that wants to put women into the military draft without a second thought will believe that she provoked him and deserved getting kicked out. Equals are equals, right?

I don't think it's the majority US culture that wants women into the military draft.
as a man, you don't punch women in the face, especially with a closed fist and full forced. If a woman pushes you like she did, you just ignore it and walk away. It's not that hard.

He not only punched her, he first spit in her face at least two times I saw.
So you're ok with him punching her in the face in this case? And if that was you're mother, wife or daughter in her place doing what she did, you'd be ok with the punishment?

You're certainly welcome to that opinion. I strongly disagree with that opinion, however.

I'm definitely not Ok with it. I wouldn't do it. But I can say there is a particular group of girls/women who know it's wrong for a guy to hit a gal and know 90% of men wouldn't do it so take advantage of the percentages and try to come off as a tough beeotch knowing the odds of retaliation are small. She kind of comes off that way in the video, unfortunately, the 10% wasn't on her side this case. Doesn't make it right on his part, though.

There's a certain group that know they aren't going to get hit so feel pretty liberal on how they can act, that's all I'm saying.
I don't feel like the punishment fit the crime. I'm not saying he should be in jail for the rest of his life. But he should have been kicked off the team. He could find another school willing to give him another chance. And he'll likely get an NFL chance if he's worthy.

I'm not saying don't give the kid another chance. He made a mistake. One that deserved greater consequences, IMO.

I haven't read this entire thread, but I would say this. It is all on video and the female clearly instigated the contact and assaulted his person. His response was not only wrong, but disproportionally, so. His was a violent act to a simple assault. They both should receive appropriate punishments. She needs to learn that her actions were not appropriate, either.