Not A Good Look for Bob Stoops, OU

This guys whole story is a fucking lie. I completely believe he was talking shit to her 'gay' friend and trying to bully him and she stood up for dude as he couldn't do anything about it. She hit me so hard or felt like a man? She doesn't hit him anywhere near that hard and it wasn't 'reactionary' he loaded up and cold clocked her. Dudes a piece of shit and BS and Oklahoma and the whole system is fucked for allowing this to happen. He should've been dismissed and if it was John who practice squad guy he would've been. What a ducking joke this dudes version is complete BS and anyone with common sense can see it. Go to the race card when things get bad but openly admit you were being racist yourself? Tired of the double standard, only a piece of shot would do this regardless of color. He could've restrained or done numerous other things besides load up and hit her as hard as he could. Fucking Pussy and coward.

This guys whole story is a fucking lie. I completely believe he was talking shit to her 'gay' friend and trying to bully him and she stood up for dude as he couldn't do anything about it. She hit me so hard or felt like a man? She doesn't hit him anywhere near that hard and it wasn't 'reactionary' he loaded up and cold clocked her. Dudes a piece of shit and BS and Oklahoma and the whole system is fucked for allowing this to happen. He should've been dismissed and if it was John who practice squad guy he would've been. What a ducking joke this dudes version is complete BS and anyone with common sense can see it. Go to the race card when things get bad but openly admit you were being racist yourself? Tired of the double standard, only a piece of shot would do this regardless of color. He could've restrained or done numerous other things besides load up and hit her as hard as he could. Fucking Pussy and coward.

It may very well be a lie. For sure OU didn't handle this well. I know nothing about the guys back ground, but a lot of these guys are from inner city areas with high levels of violence. Don't think most of us can begin to identify with being on the receiving end of racism. It is possible the guy has ptsd and the N word could be a trigger. What went down outside, we'll likely never know the truth. Seriously not making an excuse and even with ptsd, he is responsible for his actions regardless of what someone else may have done to him. But, it is a plausible explanation that doesn't fit neatly in our nice average middle class Iowa culture. It's also plausible he's an immature jerk prone to violence. Our own Alford (Coach of the #2 ranked Bruins) took a chance on a guy with troubles.
When stuff like this comes out it is a very good reminder Iowa has a coach who doesn't go along with crap like this. This guy would have never seen the light of day again at Iowa had he been a player here. And I don't want a coach that allows stuff like this just to win.

This came to mind when reading through the "what if?" column. There were many examples in there of players who committed relatively minor transgressions (at least compared to this instance, or the U of Minn mess), who never saw the field at Iowa again (Adam Robinson, Dominique Douglas, Marcus Coker, to name a few). Heck, our best defensive player sat a half in a critical game last year because he was late to a team meeting. I know a coach cannot watch over every player 24 hours per day, but culture matters, and Iowa's team culture has kept these types of stories mostly away from our team. Here's hoping that trend continues.

This guys whole story is a fucking lie. I completely believe he was talking shit to her 'gay' friend and trying to bully him and she stood up for dude as he couldn't do anything about it. She hit me so hard or felt like a man? She doesn't hit him anywhere near that hard and it wasn't 'reactionary' he loaded up and cold clocked her. Dudes a piece of shit and BS and Oklahoma and the whole system is fucked for allowing this to happen. He should've been dismissed and if it was John who practice squad guy he would've been. What a ducking joke this dudes version is complete BS and anyone with common sense can see it. Go to the race card when things get bad but openly admit you were being racist yourself? Tired of the double standard, only a piece of shot would do this regardless of color. He could've restrained or done numerous other things besides load up and hit her as hard as he could. Fucking Pussy and coward.

You have NO CLUE if he is lying or not, stop trying to be all high and mighty and tell us he is lying because maybe just maybe he is not...
I realize that. The mistake was made two years ago. He should have been dropped instantly. The fact he wasn't is disturbing. Not surprising, but disturbing.

I totally understand your sentiment. I just don't think it's something you can "walk back" (as others suggested). Of course, I really don't know all the facts, either.
It may very well be a lie. For sure OU didn't handle this well. I know nothing about the guys back ground, but a lot of these guys are from inner city areas with high levels of violence. Don't think most of us can begin to identify with being on the receiving end of racism. It is possible the guy has ptsd and the N word could be a trigger. What went down outside, we'll likely never know the truth. Seriously not making an excuse and even with ptsd, he is responsible for his actions regardless of what someone else may have done to him. But, it is a plausible explanation that doesn't fit neatly in our nice average middle class Iowa culture. It's also plausible he's an immature jerk prone to violence. Our own Alford (Coach of the #2 ranked Bruins) took a chance on a guy with troubles.


As I mentioned elsewhere, OU, NFL, et. al., should REQUIRE ongoing counseling for "X" amount of time. If the perception (in his mind) is that he can get away with it, that's the ticking time bomb and everyone will be in the proverbial uproar five years down the road if/when it happens again.
Not sure why you quoted my wall of text as it was not directed towards you nor is it saying anywhere that I feel he should of been disciplined further. I was only trying to point out that the video shows nothing to me to merit any more action other than what's already happened. From a legal standpoint his punishment fit the crime. I think a suspension and community service is fine and I don't think he needs to be kicked off the team nor do I think the ad or coaches should be punished.

If the idiot that shoved and slapped him was a drunk black male the morality police wouldn't be all up in a lather about this. And if he wasn't a college football player no one on this forum would of even seen the video. This wasn't about a premeditated act is was about two young people who in a split second lacked the self control the situation called for and paid the price for it. (both of them)

Thanks for clarifying, and good answer.