No fans allowed at NCAA Tournament Sites

My employer just issued an edict to report any travel outside the metro area even on your own time. No travel for work.
Are you and your “likers” that dumb? The issue is that you nice healthy young people can carry the virus and pass it around like candy at a parade. Jesus. Do you ever think beyond your own comfort?

Ahhh...we got savior in our midst. Comforting.

You test positive? If yes, hope - no, expect, by all scientific and medical prognostics - that u suffer little (if any) symptoms and ur recovery goes well. Of course it goes without saying that ur smart enough to quarantine ur self. If ur not a carrier, then please, save ur drive-by condescension and pithy criticisms for the day after the game thread closes.
You talking about me, Babe

Didn't Google it, but wasn't his name Joe Spinella, or Spinelli?
I’m not an alarmist by any stretch, and I’m actually quite a hardcore skeptic.

However, this article is non political and does a good job of using statistics. I really do think this is more serious than what we think.

Basically there is a group of countries where the growth is now exponential, and you can do the math to see that it doesn’t take many weeks to hit 6 or 7 figures of infected people. It also describes how the lockdown quashed it I. China and how they were prepared because of SARS in the past.

Not trying to start any shit with ya whatsoever, but I do think that due to our huge physical land size, the hundreds of large sports/concert gatherings occurring here every day, and the low detection rates it could be a bad, baaaad problem real quick.

Let’s say just ten unknowing people went to the entire NCAA tournament and each infected 10 people who traveled there from all corners of the US. And then say 10 of those hundred people had jobs in something like public transportation or daycare, or a flight attendant, or hotel...

Honestly don’t mean to belittle the idea of it being controllable or seem like a dick, but I think this is a serious deal. And that’s saying something for me to get concerned about it :)
I mean shit I said two weeks ago that I was worried..


I'm not the paranoid type, but I've realized that I'm not prepared at all for an epidemic. I'm going to the store after work and buying a couple hundred dollars of canned food, no reason not to have it at this point and even if nothing happens, the fam can always eat it later. I'd rather do it now than after grocery store supplies start to dwindle and they jack up prices. I followed MERS, SARS and ebola - and this is already spreading worse and has less containment than any of those did. Anyone else doing any preparation? I'm sure a lot of you older folks have a ton of supply built up already.
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Just to be clear. I am 74. I am not in panic mode. I will leave on a month long road trip to Florida in April. I will stay in motels, eat in restaurants, go on day cruises, fishing, state parks, etc. Next week, I will attend a play in Milwaukee with my daughter in law and grandson. Not worried, even though the audience will be 2000 strong. Yes, there are crazy over reactions out there. Not unusual. What I cannot fathom is those who ignore the facts in regard to this virus and crow about how they are young and healthy and have no worries. That is irresponsible over reaction in the opposite direction. You can be a carrier. You can infect others. Have a social conscience and show concern for others. Just be smart. If things change, for better or worse, react in a logical fashion. I will keep up with the news and adjust. I hope you will do the same. Right now, today, The World Health Organization has defined this virus outbreak as a “pandemic.” This is the first such definition in 11 years. So, don’t be glib.

Meanwhile, a Harvard professor and 2 others are arrested. The professor--of chemistry, no less-- failed to disclose, and may have lied about, his ties to China. At a lab. At Wuhan Universitybof Technology.

Nothing to see here, just a crazy "pandemic". BTW, google "pandemic" then see one of the bullet points. Wait, I'll summarize: "Once the pandemic is announced, the disease will spread". So...does that mean...NOT saying anything will prevent the spread? WTF?

But yeah, I'm going with WHO and the media on this one. Since they seemed to have ignored earlier wuhan connections...
Ree4 .... hello .... Ree4

Got any leftover tinfoil?
I'm here, just not going to dignify this with any kind of response other than what I have said in this and multiple other threads with scientific information while you continue to claim that this is not a big deal. I expect an apology in two weeks when this shit really starts to blow up.
The more I read this thread, the more I'm getting nervous.........about slipping in the bathroom.
Here's an article that shows exponential growth rates and trends in other countries and compares them to US. I'm not a fan of the thread title but it goes into detail of why social distancing is of vital importance right now. I'm sure many of you will shrug it off as alarmist/paranoid though. It actually uses data too!

Here's an article that shows exponential growth rates and trends in other countries and compares them to US. I'm not a fan of the thread title but it goes into detail of why social distancing is of vital importance right now. I'm sure many of you will shrug it off as alarmist/paranoid though. It actually uses data too!

You're not a fan of the title because it shows that it's basically just another fearmongering article.

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