No fans allowed at NCAA Tournament Sites

How many have died in the US? And of those, how many had pre-existing conditions?

If you're scared stay home! But don't tell me I have to. That's my issue.

Dude, chill!! Quit yelling. I only made a joke. I more lean towards your thinking. Healthy people are going to be fine.

Just a joke.
you better listen to reports from legit sources before you decide what to say.

Oh, brother!:rolleyes:
You better call your doc, or your shrink - sounds like you have a case of overblown hystrionics.

Unless, of course, you're north of 65, with an existing respiratory ailment, chronic organ disease or some other compromise to your immune system. In that case ... STAY THE F HOME!!

The rest of us that are healthy / feel good enough to attend a basketball game will be just fine.
Be careful in your showers! News reports show that some people slip and fall and even die!

Add into that, that ya can't even buy toilet paper because people are freaking out so bad. Economy goes to a halt and stocks fall. Yea, there is collateral damage. A little extreme.
This is going to be really weird. Playing in your own time zone is about the only advantage. Less travel if close enough to home.
I already thought this tournament was wide open. Now... And will they T up every F bomb? Will we be on a slight delay so they can kill the audio. Weird!
Haha sorry man, it's frustrating. I had tickets.

A F man. That sucks. Sorry about that.

I made the stupid move of buying Globetrotter tickets yesterday to see in Cedar Rapids. I texted my wife asking if sure want to get them with the Corona going around. She didn't really take me seriously and said yes. Today she regrets telling me to order them.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year about 235,000 people over age 15 visit emergency rooms because of injuries suffered in the bathroom, and almost 14 percent are hospitalized.

I'm more scared of my bathroom than I am of the cold virus with the cool new name that we've probably already had at some point and mistook for a cold or flu bug.
The high death rate you hear is based on #s from China. They always have a higher death rate than in the U.S. A lot of China is like a 3rd world. This is pure hysteria.

When the smog is so thick it looks like fog, when 1st world companies set up shop and trash the water and environments of 3rd world countries you don't suppose that toxic overload will produce flu like symptoms in the locals?

Of course it does but then they wouldn't be able to unleash a new vaccine technology that has been UNTESTED. Follow the money and your overlords who want to control every aspect of your life.
national and local news stations are loving it, fear makes people tune in

Unfortunately, a good share of the American population lap it up in all their glorious ignorant (often, just plain stupid) lazy, rubishness ... and STILL don't wash their hands, then run to the ER cuz they get a cough and some chills. Of course, they still manage to stuff their pie holes with Mickey D's and gripe about being fat and not feeling good because of their "genetic" condition, while popping their statins, watching the latest "Bachelorette / Rich Skanks of some county / Dancing with ..." episode and blaming someone else for their plight.

I hate to agree with a some condescending, myopic, Hollywood elitist but Johnny Depp was spot on about Ameriicans from his French perch.

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