New Tailgating Rules: Too Strict or About Time?

"I think you're writing off valid concerns about the check-points with a blanket statement. Not everyone who has a problem with this is defending drunk driving. With any regulation you have to consider need, efficiency of it's enforcement, and overall costs and benefits. I think a lot of people have raised valid concerns while looking through those points."
You're aware that you misquoted Barta in a previous post, right?

Yes, are you insinuating it relates to the "blanket statement" response?
O'Keefe has a good point on when things start to back off from January bowl game will be interesting.

Some of my friends that are responsible, but enjoy themselves, are not happy about this and this will be a slippery slope if things fall back at all.

Jon's comment here struck me more than any in the thread given the pulse he has on things both as a fan and as a media figure. I've watched the Navy over-reach dealing with alcohol issues over the years and that seems almost inevitable when you try and control drinking. Looking at the situation in Iowa City when you combine the increased restrictions on tailgating, the 21 ordnance on top of new talk about requiring people to register house parties you clearly have people in high places pushing an agenda. That doesn't exactly give me a warm and fuzzy about seeing a positive net outcome to all this.

If you treat people like adults and deal with the small minority who cause problems you can avoid sliding down the slippery slope.
I'm not a fan of the new rules because of the slippery slope we seem to be on. In of themselves they are not that bad. It's the road we have been going down for a while. Nebraska and OSU don't allow drinking in University owned lots I fear that may happen here as soon as next year. There doesn't seem to be any other rule that could added outside of that.

As far as the checkpoint thing I really think this is more of a scare tactic. I don't see how they could do this with everyone leaving at the same time with out slowing traffic down. But even with this say there is an eleven O'clock game and you start tailgating at 6 A.M. Then you have 6 to 7 beers in that time and don't smuggle alcohol into the game. You are probably going to be alright after 8 hours (6 A.M. - 2 P.M.).
(Sort of a repeat from another thread...but...)....

I, like many of you, have had the opportunity to tailgate at many other Big-10 stadiums.

In the recent past, I've tailgated/drank, etc at Indiana, NW, Illinois, Wisconsin, Purdue, Ohio State and Michigan State.

From what I've seen, until now, the pre- and post-game "rules" were pretty much the same at all of these can walk around with open containers, there was no 2-hour post-game limit, and no DUI check points.

Some are tamer (Indy) than others (Wisconsin), but there is a lot of partying going on.

If all of these other schools can survive under the "old" rules, why can't Iowa?

I just don't get it and it concerns me. The only reasoning I can see is Iowa's current campus leadership simply wants to express their own drinking moral viewpoint on Iowa fans.

Like OK4P said, this will immediately swing back to the "old" rules once Iowa has a couple of 6-6 years.
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Wait and see if the new rules are in forced for the ones parking by Kinnick.I doubt it,to much money.

I bet they would be enforced. For as much money as they may lose from a few donors over it, the University would stand to lose a lot more in lawsuits (I mean honestly, if even only 10% of the fans sued over it, that's 7,000 lawsuits. They could lose a hefty chunk of change there).
I don't know if the new rules will help or not. But I am sick of having my vehicle urinated on. It is disgusting. As many have said more porta-potties would help. So would arresting those who are falling down drunk. I like to have a good time but there is a limit. You can have a good time without getting trashed.
Jon the answer to your question is both. Some folks really get out of hand for the afternoon and evening games so it is about time to help control them. For most folks it is probably over the top but if you have some basic understanding of the rules and don't act really dumb you should be ok
We always have a designated driver who drinks moderately prior to the game and not at all after the game. The question is can they clear the lots in 2 hours after the game? If not they are going to have to adjust the rule and allow for common sense. If an officer comes around and see traffic backed up all the way up and down the street, it would be pretty dumb to tell someone to go join the parade.
Too strict.

A usual the irresponsible few make it bad for the rest of us.

Regarding urination in the woods what's the difference when most every animal on the planet urinates outside or a few people in the woods do it (just putting things in perspective)?

Regarding DUI check points without cause, that borders on a police state.

Regarding leaving the lots 2 hours after game day it will add to traffic congestion and reduce the post game socializing among family and friends. As long no one is drinking alcohol what does it hurt to stay an hour or two longer? The longer stay will reduce drunk driving by people waiting longer to get behind the wheel, as long as people stop drinking 1 hour after the game.
I will be anxious to see how this works! 70,000 fans converge on Kinnick over a period of 5-6 hours before the game. Then 70,000 are supposed to be on the road in 2 hours?? Right! It takes us 30 minutes to get out of our seats and back to the Dental Lot after the game.
Much more reason why next year I will cut my donation level down and just buy a season pass to a private lot. Better line them up this year because they will be filling up like crazy next season.
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Makes you wonder just how many will do the same.

Exactly! That's why I have already begun calling around for next year. I already have a parking pass this year so I'll just deal with whatever crap they force down our throats but the goal is to have a place lined up for next season before September ends.
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Much more reason while next year I will cut my donation level down and just buy a season pass to a private lot. Better line them up this year because they will be filling up like crazy next season.

I think that alot of people will decide that they would rather give their money to a private lot than the U of I. I honestly can't believe how monumentally stupid they are being.
Do they have any websites for private lots?

I haven't found any but I was dinking around on craigslist and saw some listed. The one I called I was referred to by a family member. I expect private parking is going to skyrocket in price next season.
Exactly! That's why I have already began calling around for next year. I already have a parking pass this year so I'll just deal with whatever crap they force down our throats but the goal is to have a place lined up for next season before September ends.

That's a pretty good plan. How much is a parking pass for the lots? The University could lose a pretty penny on people leaving their lots. However if people around Kinnick open their yards for tailgaters they could make a sweet profit.

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