New Tailgating Rules: Too Strict or About Time?

The biggest change for us will be the no drinking on the walk up to the stadium. That will be missed.
The biggest change for us will be the no drinking on the walk up to the stadium. That will be missed.

Right, but you can crack your beer once you get to the stadium lot. Just stick two or three in your pocket on the walk up.
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We have been tailgating in the West lot behind the press box for many years now. We cannot leave the lot for an hour after the game as it is due to the traffic on Melrose. The people we tailgate with understand that they will be at the games for at least 1-2 hours after the game. Will they be upset they cannot have a beer past the one hour mark in the lot after games even though that is the earliest they could leave the lot? Probably.

All in all, I think this attempt to control drinking with criminal punishment will go over as well as mandatory minimums for selling crack.
Football games are a social event for Iowa Hawkeye fans.
BB games are not.
Attendance and revenues for both reflect that difference.
I agree that a few fans are ridiculous with their over-consumption,but it is probably less than 1%.
Melrose is a unique scene in the Big Ten, and if they get too draconian with adult fans who are just enjoying a beer with their turkey will squash it.
Clearly, there is a movement afoot to control binge drinking by students...fine,but for adults who have attended Iowa games for decades,and never had an ounce of problems,this better be handled with discretion,which is always tricky when you get cops out there with ambiguous instructions.
Checkpoints are ok,I guess,immediately after the game,but random stops by their very nature smack of police state. If someone drives erratically, fine,nail them. If someone drives fine, leave them alone.
-DUI checkpoints, saying it won't slow down an already slow exiting process: I'm cool with this AS LONG as it doesn't slow things down. We have a DD every week, and I prefer to not be on I-80 with a bunch of drunk drivers.

-Limits post game tailgating to one hour in University lots & Hospital ramps: This one is a bummer, the 11am games we usually hang out for a couple hours. This one will slow things down more than the DUI checkpoints though. Traffic after the night games when they don't allow post-game tailgating is ALWAYS a nightmare.

-No carrying open containers of alcohol from lot to lot, or walking around: This one doesn't break my heart. I usually take 2 beers with me for the walk from Finkbine commuter to the stadium, so I won't be drinking those anymore. My only concern with this rule is what problem exactly is it fixing?

-Increase in enforcement of public urination and the like: Parking in Finkbine commuter, using the woods is a normal process. The lines for the port-a-pots are too long, there is simply not enough restrooms available for that number of people. The guys that go in the woods are not hurting anybody, always facing away from the crowd and do nothing to draw attention to themselves. I understand that puplic urination is illegal, and am okay with the enforcement, but the UI needs to step up on the number of port-a-pots.
I park here too. The porta potty lines are unbelievable. You have to time your pee because you will be in line for 20 minutes if not longer. Men go discreetly into the woods. Don't hurt anyone. They could easily double the number of porta johns.
With all of this you will have more and more fans staying home. Tailgating is a large part of the whole game day experience. When this is made harder and harder, the cost of tickets keeps rising, donations....a lot will say screw it, I will stay home and watch it on the 52" flat screen with a bathroom and fridge in the next room. Invite a large number of friends and tailgate at home.
You know the more I think about it the more the public urination thing might be a problem. I understand where the U is comming from. When you make your way from the Myrtle lot toward the law building it's impossible not to notice throngs of people (men and women) urinating in the trees down the hill, and later in the fall they don't even have leaves to cover them... That's an ugly stain on the U and I could understand some parents or even people getting upset. There is also the issue of some property owners getting sick of people peeing on thier fences and the like... I understand that.

At the same time as man I feel the world is my urinal and I don't know why I can't sneak down into the woods and relieve myself quietly, especially given the 30 minuite wait in some areas.
This will lead to more and more staying home....period. $$$, hassle, time, sorry, not worth it anymore.
No problem with check points, we always have a DD.
Open container? Really? Someone being a complete ******...bust em.
Public Urination? Hello? More restrooms for 70,000 fans that have to perform a perfectly normal bodily function. Whether drinking coffee, pepsi or Bud Light. Seems like a simple answer.
I'm afraid the UofI is going to lose on this deal. Be careful what you wish for
I contacted the University about the # of port-a-pots, I just heard back from Tom Moore. Here is his reply:

We have increased the number of port-o-potties by 43…19 % increase. We have a total of 275 located throughout the campus and also open up the Arena and Recreation Building rest room facilities. We do monitor the parking lots and have made adjustments in the past. We believe the increases we’ve made this year should accommodate the needs of the public.
Let me know if your observations indicate that the problem is not resolved."
I contacted the University about the # of port-a-pots, I just heard back from Tom Moore. Here is his reply:

We have increased the number of port-o-potties by 43…19 % increase. We have a total of 275 located throughout the campus and also open up the Arena and Recreation Building rest room facilities. We do monitor the parking lots and have made adjustments in the past. We believe the increases we’ve made this year should accommodate the needs of the public.
Let me know if your observations indicate that the problem is not resolved."

Well they need to AT LEAST double the Myrtle #'s
My best friend owns a business up in north central Iowa and two of his clients are biggest donors to the Iowa and Iowa State programs (I'm not going to drop names but you could probably figure it out pretty quick). I was talking to him last night and he said one of the donors already made the remark to the effect that he would like to see the university try to make him leave two hours after the game gets over.
My best friend owns a business up in north central Iowa and two of his clients are biggest donors to the Iowa and Iowa State programs (I'm not going to drop names but you could probably figure it out pretty quick). I was talking to him last night and he said one of the donors already made the remark to the effect that he would like to see the university try to make him leave two hours after the game gets over.

Here is what you do if the Universtiy trys to kick you out. Simply pick up shop and move near the big donors. That'll teach em!
If they want to cut down on public urination, the university needs to make more bathrooms/port-a-potties available.
Here is what you do if the Universtiy trys to kick you out. Simply pick up shop and move near the big donors. That'll teach em!

I was planning on trying the "I heard there are DUI checkpoints, and I've been there is no way I'm going to get behind the wheel and leave right now"
You know the more I think about it the more the public urination thing might be a problem. I understand where the U is comming from. When you make your way from the Myrtle lot toward the law building it's impossible not to notice throngs of people (men and women) urinating in the trees down the hill, and later in the fall they don't even have leaves to cover them... That's an ugly stain on the U and I could understand some parents or even people getting upset. There is also the issue of some property owners getting sick of people peeing on thier fences and the like... I understand that.

At the same time as man I feel the world is my urinal and I don't know why I can't sneak down into the woods and relieve myself quietly, especially given the 30 minuite wait in some areas.
There's a house on Olive Ct where you can pee all over the windows and siding. You might even be able to get away with dropping a deuce on the basement floor. I don't know, I haven't tried that last one yet.
How did we ever survive?

How did we ever survive in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, without the University to protect us from the over consumption of alcohol?
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The U of I is making an effort to tame down the tailgating atmosphere in Iowa City. i.e: they want to control the alcohol consumption of Iowa fans.

How hypocritical is that on their part? If you pay enough money to have seats in their press box, they will serve you alcohol during the entire game!
The U of I is making an effort to tame down the tailgating atmosphere in Iowa City. i.e: they want to control the alcohol consumption of Iowa fans.

How hypocritical is that on their part? If you pay enough money to have seats in their press box, they will serve you alcohol during the entire game!

If i were a media member i'd ask Barta this very question. Watch him squirm...

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