My Hilton Experience


Active Member
First off I'm not a huge rivalry guy. It's fun to joke at the office but I guess I don't really express hate to certain fan bases. Have friends that are Iowa State fans that are great people.

With that being said when we walked in my girlfriend and I sat down at our seats and immediately the person next to her had her husband switch spots her her because she couldn't do this (sit next to Iowa fans). Also was saying things out loud like "Didn't they check who they were selling to!?" Tried to make conversation with the guy next to me saying things like, "sorry you have to sit next to Iowa fans" or "how much does this place hold?" He was being short with me so I stopped talking to him.

Worst part for me- Never heard so much booing in my life. I get that they are ranked #4 and shouldn't be getting beat badly at home but it made the game miserable to watch. We're there that many bad calls?

After the game walking down from our seats several said good game but that's expected after a win I suppose. Thought the court storming was dumb for the most part but they won an improbable game against an instate rival so I can partly understand.

You thought that game was hard to swallow, try having it as your early Christmas present. Just thought I'd share my experience! Go Hawks!
Yea, I think it's pathetic when fan bases boo every foul called, when the foul is clearly evident it was a foul. I noticed that on TV. Annoying. I can understand the court storm after coming back from really never leading the entire game to win on a last second shot. No problem with that.
Even as an Iowa St fan I didn't like the court storming, but whatever. It was a tough football season (again) and a big win.

I don't even like it in the first place, even if it were the worst team beating the best team. Someone is going to get seriously injured at some point.

PS - Randy Peterson leg break had nothing to do with court storming. Locked legs with person next to him.
Total bush league. Booing jok, George's two minute court mopping, elbow by Morris, and I'll also throw in George's laying on Woodbury on the ground as well. No class. When we win I make it a point to say nothing to clowns, I talk with Hawks about it. When they win, how bout that game? I'm punching the next one that approaches me
Total bush league. Booing jok, George's two minute court mopping, elbow by Morris, and I'll also throw in George's laying on Woodbury on the ground as well. No class. When we win I make it a point to say nothing to clowns, I talk with Hawks about it. When they win, how bout that game? I'm punching the next one that approaches me

The official under the hoop saw that Morris elbow and pretended like it didn't happen. He started over towards Morris and then just stopped. It wasn't a violent elbow or anything but it was at a dead ball and should have been looked at.
It's like the definition of crazy - Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Going to Ames to watch an Iowa-ISU game and expecting the fans to act differently . . . crazy. They're just so bush league in Ames. Man, I'm glad I was born and bred to be an Iowa fan.
The official under the hoop saw that Morris elbow and pretended like it didn't happen. He started over towards Morris and then just stopped. It wasn't a violent elbow or anything but it was at a dead ball and should have been looked at.

Yep. And if it would have been the other way it would have been the end of the god damn world at that place. People saw it, the ref saw it, it was let go because of the home court. Cheap
First off I'm not a huge rivalry guy. It's fun to joke at the office but I guess I don't really express hate to certain fan bases. Have friends that are Iowa State fans that are great people.

With that being said when we walked in my girlfriend and I sat down at our seats and immediately the person next to her had her husband switch spots her her because she couldn't do this (sit next to Iowa fans). Also was saying things out loud like "Didn't they check who they were selling to!?" Tried to make conversation with the guy next to me saying things like, "sorry you have to sit next to Iowa fans" or "how much does this place hold?" He was being short with me so I stopped talking to him.

Worst part for me- Never heard so much booing in my life. I get that they are ranked #4 and shouldn't be getting beat badly at home but it made the game miserable to watch. We're there that many bad calls?

After the game walking down from our seats several said good game but that's expected after a win I suppose. Thought the court storming was dumb for the most part but they won an improbable game against an instate rival so I can partly understand.

You thought that game was hard to swallow, try having it as your early Christmas present. Just thought I'd share my experience! Go Hawks!

I feel sorry for her husband. I'm sure that same kind of attitude and demeanor translates to the household from her to him and his life must be miserable as a result.
Total bush league. Booing jok, George's two minute court mopping, elbow by Morris, and I'll also throw in George's laying on Woodbury on the ground as well. No class. When we win I make it a point to say nothing to clowns, I talk with Hawks about it. When they win, how bout that game? I'm punching the next one that approaches me

You punch somebody and that might be considered bush league, at least, no? But I understand where you're coming from.
Apologize for the bad fans. I sat next to two nice hawkeye fans and we had a friendly conversation the whole game. I also hate we boo so much but nothing we can do to stop it. However i did boo a few times because Woodbury might have gotten away with 20 walks. Also thought the court storming was rediculous
You punch somebody and that might be considered bush league, at least, no? But I understand where you're coming from.

tongue in cheek/flippant/facetious. I dont chase down coaches after games, I don't boo calls, I don't get kicked out of my kids junior high basketball game, I don't throat punch people. I might concede on this though today depending on how much I hear of the magic.
I think we just have to realize the internal pain that fan base and university are concealing. They want to be big time and seen as big time but yet they are not. They have almost no rivalries within their conference to look forward to except Kansas in bball. We are it and they see us for whatever reason as the source of their problems.

In our fan base we beat them and it's relief to just get it over and we immediately look forward to future games. We have lots of rivals and border rivals. They have no idea what that is like because all they have is us.

Our success on the football field has also intensified their jealousy and hatred. They fired their coach, the guy a couple of years ago that was going to lead them to the next level. Well he's gone. Hoiberg loves ISU so much he leaves. We become the target of that frustration.
Apologize for the bad fans. I sat next to two nice hawkeye fans and we had a friendly conversation the whole game. I also hate we boo so much but nothing we can do to stop it. However i did boo a few times because Woodbury might have gotten away with 20 walks. Also thought the court storming was rediculous

Woodbury walks, so what. At least we're not exhibiting poor sportsmanship like booing injured players, throwing elbows (watch the tape its bush league poor sportsmanship), not shaking hands after the game, and let's not forget the bomber naz long who after every three just has to let everyone know he just made a three by going all the way down court with his hands in the air. Throw in George's kiss taunt and it's safe to say you have little class as players or fans and you def have some karma coming your way. I won't rub it in when it happens because I ain't you, but someone will. Reap it
First off I'm not a huge rivalry guy. It's fun to joke at the office but I guess I don't really express hate to certain fan bases. Have friends that are Iowa State fans that are great people.

With that being said when we walked in my girlfriend and I sat down at our seats and immediately the person next to her had her husband switch spots her her because she couldn't do this (sit next to Iowa fans). Also was saying things out loud like "Didn't they check who they were selling to!?" Tried to make conversation with the guy next to me saying things like, "sorry you have to sit next to Iowa fans" or "how much does this place hold?" He was being short with me so I stopped talking to him.

Worst part for me- Never heard so much booing in my life. I get that they are ranked #4 and shouldn't be getting beat badly at home but it made the game miserable to watch. We're there that many bad calls?

After the game walking down from our seats several said good game but that's expected after a win I suppose. Thought the court storming was dumb for the most part but they won an improbable game against an instate rival so I can partly understand.

You thought that game was hard to swallow, try having it as your early Christmas present. Just thought I'd share my experience! Go Hawks!
you should have asked the people next to you if they had bought bowl tickets for the ISu game
Woodbury walks, so what. At least we're not exhibiting poor sportsmanship like booing injured players, throwing elbows (watch the tape its bush league poor sportsmanship), not shaking hands after the game, and let's not forget the bomber naz long who after every three just has to let everyone know he just made a three by going all the way down court with his hands in the air. Throw in George's kiss taunt and it's safe to say you have little class as players or fans and you def have some karma coming your way. I won't rub it in when it happens because I ain't you, but someone will. Reap it

Woodbury walks every time he touches the ball and never gets called then we get the ball and they call traveling. Yeah thats frustrating and i bood. Now as far as joks eye incident. Overall i think fans were boing woodburys moving screen, not the fact jok got poked in the eye.

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