My Hilton Experience

Apologize for the bad fans. I sat next to two nice hawkeye fans and we had a friendly conversation the whole game. I also hate we boo so much but nothing we can do to stop it. However i did boo a few times because Woodbury might have gotten away with 20 walks. Also thought the court storming was rediculous

I think we just have to realize the internal pain that fan base and university are concealing. They want to be big time and seen as big time but yet they are not. They have almost no rivalries within their conference to look forward to except Kansas in bball. We are it and they see us for whatever reason as the source of their problems.

In our fan base we beat them and it's relief to just get it over and we immediately look forward to future games. We have lots of rivals and border rivals. They have no idea what that is like because all they have is us.

Our success on the football field has also intensified their jealousy and hatred. They fired their coach, the guy a couple of years ago that was going to lead them to the next level. Well he's gone. Hoiberg loves ISU so much he leaves. We become the target of that frustration.

Also, Iowa graduates Doctors who save people's lives.
ISU graduates Doctors who castrate pigs.

That has to be somewhat embarrassing..
I'm not sure who is worse, ISU basketball fans or Nebraska football fans, OK, I guess it's about equal.....Good luck the rest of year losers, you might've gotten a gift last night, b/c your so called "magic" will run it's course and you'll be cryin' in your beers come tournament time, pathetic fan base, has always been and forever will be
Woodbury walks every time he touches the ball and never gets called then we get the ball and they call traveling. Yeah thats frustrating and i bood. Now as far as joks eye incident. Overall i think fans were boing woodburys moving screen, not the fact jok got poked in the eye.

You don't get it. Calls are made good and bad for both sides. It's pointless to even react to it because it is what it is. It's immature and exibits poor sportsmanship as fans to boo the way you do at Hilton and trice the way your fan base does. It's beyond out of line with other fan bases. The sportsmanship shown by your university and fans is apparent. How about last year after your loss to aib? Didn't shake hands then either. Too busy punching chairs and yelling Fuk as you left the court. Racial slurs towards black Iowa cheerleader? Booing injuries? No class
Also, Iowa graduates Doctors who save people's lives.
ISU graduates Doctors who castrate pigs.

That has to be somewhat embarrassing..

You would think with all the Iowa graduate Doctors they could give the Iowa players a pill to quit pi$$ing down their legs in the final minutes of a game.....both football and basketball all in 1 week......jeez.
You don't get it. Calls are made good and bad for both sides. It's pointless to even react to it because it is what it is. It's immature and exibits poor sportsmanship as fans to boo the way you do at Hilton and trice the way your fan base does. It's beyond out of line with other fan bases. The sportsmanship shown by your university and fans is apparent. How about last year after your loss to aib? Didn't shake hands then either. Too busy punching chairs and yelling Fuk as you left the court. Racial slurs towards black Iowa cheerleader? Booing injuries? No class
Don't forget the time they tweeted racial epithets at Kansas players and threatened to shoot up their bus.
Woodbury walks every time he touches the ball and never gets called then we get the ball and they call traveling. Yeah thats frustrating and i bood. Now as far as joks eye incident. Overall i think fans were boing woodburys moving screen, not the fact jok got poked in the eye.


Are you an ISU grad?
Woodbury walks every time he touches the ball and never gets called then we get the ball and they call traveling. Yeah thats frustrating and i bood. Now as far as joks eye incident. Overall i think fans were boing woodburys moving screen, not the fact jok got poked in the eye.

And Sam Mack held up the Ames burger king and got away with it..Must have been the refs.
Or taking the picture with their shirts off in our end zone, or the beat Iowa jerseys, or chasing the coach off the court, or blaming the big 12 in football, all kinds of big baby poor sportsmanship shitt.
Hilton magic, hilton magic, hilton magic.......the game gets over and immediately my phone rings. "Hilton magic" says the annoying mf'r on the other end.

"Bull-****, I say. Hawkeye incontinence is more like it."
They come out of the woodwork when they win. But still they will all say that it is the Hawkeyes that are the bad fan base. They can certainly hold their own in that regard.
Apologize for the bad fans. I sat next to two nice hawkeye fans and we had a friendly conversation the whole game. I also hate we boo so much but nothing we can do to stop it. However i did boo a few times because Woodbury might have gotten away with 20 walks. Also thought the court storming was rediculous

I may of seen a few possible walks by Woody those were more than offset by the amount of times Matt Thomas traveled, especially in the first half.
I may of seen a few possible walks by Woody those were more than offset by the amount of times Matt Thomas traveled, especially in the first half.

Or how Thomas was allowed to rape Uthoff the entire second half while we were called for touch fouls. A team down 20 with 15 mins left doesn't end up with only 3 fouls with a min left in the game.
The butt hurt is strong today. You wonder why Colin Cowherd makes fun of the fan base. Everyone sounds like a 2 year old that just got their bottle taken away.
I frankly think the most telling incident was the storming of the court on behalf of the number 4 ranked team in the country beating an unranked team. Are you kidding me?
Woodbury walks, so what. At least we're not exhibiting poor sportsmanship like booing injured players, throwing elbows (watch the tape its bush league poor sportsmanship), not shaking hands after the game, and let's not forget the bomber naz long who after every three just has to let everyone know he just made a three by going all the way down court with his hands in the air. Throw in George's kiss taunt and it's safe to say you have little class as players or fans and you def have some karma coming your way. I won't rub it in when it happens because I ain't you, but someone will. Reap it

You know what I hope the karma is? ISU being the first #1 seed to lose to a 16. There wouldn't be a clone troll on this board for weeks afterwards!
Hey, it is a rivalry. They hate us; we hate them. Pretty simple. Destroying them in Ames this fall with Beathard was one of the great days of my life. Let them have their fun with their little basketball team. They don't play any defense and that will show up later. I want to beat them by 6 touchdowns in Kinnick this fall, and then rub it into their obnoxious fans. I hate them. It is a rivalry. Period. End of discussion
Woodbury walks every time he touches the ball and never gets called then we get the ball and they call traveling. Yeah thats frustrating and i bood. Now as far as joks eye incident. Overall i think fans were boing woodburys moving screen, not the fact jok got poked in the eye.

Woody walks every time he touches the ball? Exaggerate much? He looks clumsy, sure, but he doesn't walk "every time". And when he does it gets called. More than I would like.

Your "fans" were booing Jok for falling down and grabbing his face because you thought he was faking.

And explain to me how with the tight defense ISU was playing in the 2nd half, ISU was in the double bonus with 5 minutes left and had only been called for three fouls with one minute left. A little home cooking, I think.
I went to an Ia/ISU FB game in Ames in 1983....we won 51-10.

I had ISU fans literally threaten me, toss soda/ice at me, cuss, you name it.

Before, during and after the game.

I told myself back then I'd never spend another dime in Ames. And since then, I've had dozens of opportunities to see Iowa play in Ames in FB, BB and wrestling.

And I've kept my promise. I haven't stepped foot in that miserable cowtown since for a sporting event. And never will.

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